Is there any vidya character that can actually kill 682?
Is there any vidya character that can actually kill 682?
Protagonist from Cookie Clicker
10000 years old loli vampire god
Hi Pyro, message me on steam.
None that I know of. Not even another 682 managed to kill it.
but could he beat powerman?
What if he made a weapon strong enough to do that? Would Powerman just get even stronger?
Why is it facing a different way?
>SCP 'We will be doing a broad pass over all articles to ensure female interests are properly represented and conventional male interests are not overrepresented' Wiki
Did this really happen?
Fucking SCP too?
If you remember your favorite SCPs by numbers, you're an autistic tryhard.
Would be an interesting fight.
>tfw autistic tryhard
There was that one scp where a team go through this portal and in the other side it's exactly the same but EVERYTHING is fucking dead. 682 included.
>Let's have a serious talk about a laughable subject.
master chief
Wtf is this SCP stuff? Is it from a game? Because as far as I can tell, it is just the latest dumb-shit fanfiction.
>mfw keller
But of course, it had to be that faggot.
No because 682 has reached Ultimate Wolverine levels of stupid survivability.
>Uses “Jew” as a synonym for “miserly?” shut that shit down.
I swear the comedy writes itself. It's like reality is one big ongoing joke these days.
Its a fucking site for made up stories, who the fuck cares my god. Why this shit need politickin' Also, why the fuck does the demographic of the site matter? I've never ONCE though of who wrote the story if its good its good if its shit its shit and you fucking suck regardless of what you have in your pants
please fuck off christ fuck these people
>writes "Loyal Unbeatable Powerman"
It's over
>latest dumb-shit fanfiction
You aren't wrong, but there are some genuinely really good ones.
So is 166 gonna have a complete rewrite or what
Oh, so its not vidya?
This anime girl
I mean, he's appeared in some video games, okuyasu's "the hand" would work too
you're right
is there anything in fiction that could beat maxwell?
>it's just Clef talking about his old articles potentially offending people
Who cares? The doctors can't police the whole site anyway.
Baldur's Gate 2 mage that knows imprisonment
ofcourse not, this is Sup Forums silly
Wikipedia is this way too, entirely dominated by socjus. As a long time member of the SCP-Wiki staff I'll explain how things got this way.
Imagine you are a fresh college graduate with a major in gender studies. You go out into the world eager to regurgitate the ideas which were imprinted onto you at university. However, it is difficult to acquire influence. You have no skills besides baseline proficiency with the English language.
Ah... what about that website, the one you used to read as a teen? You always wanted to write for that. Maybe you'll be a writer, and this can help you hone your skills! And plus you can teach everyone about social justice! This will be great!
That's how the majority of the new-guard staff got here. I myself am only allowed to stick around because I pretend to be cool with what's happening to the site. Maybe in a few years when the political pendulum swings the other way I'll have to pretend to be okay with a new set of things. I just wish it would all stop. Stop subverting innocent and fun fiction for the benefit of the political orders you're receiving from higher powers.
the thing about jokes is that brevity is the soul of wit, this joke has gone on for far too long now
the internet was a mistake
That thing is the Saitama of SCP
Saitama's definition is he cannot lose nor enjoy a win
SCP-682's definition is it cannot be killed
If they veer from this, they stop being themselves
thats sad man
There has already been censorship of beloved articles. Off the top of my head, the succubus SCP, and montauk-110. Go read the talk page for Montauk-110 and you'll see people saying the censorship wasn't enough and DEMANDING that it be deleted outright.
Yeah, I remember back then the article said that the Class D used in the procedure had to be sex offenders, but they removed that part.
Why not launch it into a black hole?
It is away from humanity and due to how space time is warped around it, it cannot escape the event horizon.
You know, that's a pretty good idea user.
But what if it does escape the black hole, what then. Or what if it escapes while being carried to the blackhole.
Actually, new modeling indicates there is no event horizon in black holes. Things can escape them.
It's beef is that he consider humans "ugly" so he'll enjoy space without humans around.
That or dump it into another reality so that he can live there happily without being triggered by humans.
Wasn't this thing just supposed to be Wolverine but written in a horror tone?
They already wrote that if you try to remove him from existence he will turn into a new form of matter that can't not exist.
They should dump him in the potato dimension
>insert a copy of Battleborn into SCP-914
>set to 'Very Fine'
What happens?
Demonbane, maybe
Copy of Overwatch
>Powerman snaps his neck before he can even manage to write the first letter
>Powerman pulls another book out of his ass and writes absolute bullshit too
>that SCP which is a extradimensional entity who pretends to be a tumblrite that blogs about homestuck
Don't forget that going inside the portal and returning causes the same kill everything effect to happen
>that SCP that's just the writer blogging about himself
>that SCP that's just a tranny cyber-ghost
>that SCP that gets everyone that uses words to descri
that could be a few SCP's, which one are you thinking of?
Best SCP desu.
wasn't that the one that was entered during the "make an SCP using as few words as possible" and they disqualified that one even though its fucking genius for basically being unfair.
>Go read the talk page for Montauk-110 and you'll see people saying the censorship wasn't enough and DEMANDING that it be deleted outright.
Just skimmed through the second half of the comments and I couldn't see anyone who wanted it straight up deleted. Most people who don't like it seem to think Montauk-110 being implied rape is drama for drama's sake.
666-J could if they could get 682 in a vehicle with him
2726 is the tranny ghost
Anomalous copy that causes the viewer to communicate like a chicken.
As a rule of thumb, shit set on fine or very fine on that SCP tend to be anomalous to an extremely weird degree.
Might be referring to this
I bet Shiki could.
>the casually racist alien from another dimension SCP
Fascinating prehistoric find, and incredibly well preserved. I wonder if it thawed out of its permafrost time capsule due to recently exacerbating manmade global climate change . Really activates all twelve of my almonds
What if there's all sorts of prehistoric pathogens frozen in ice that mankind has no natural defense against, and unleashing them all over the next few human lifetimes from the disappearing permafrost unleashes catastrophic epidemics?
Ryougi maybe, definitely not Tohno
That's one of my favorite ones because of the way it behaves when it thinks it's talking to a human
One of the entries of the 3000 contest, don't remember which one, maybe 3999
>the protein scp that is Actually snare webs used by 4d spiders that suck up neurons from our brains,
>the anti narrative scp
To be fair Candlejack is literally the sa-
It's just a shaped tree
>that one about the spider parasites that take control of your body.
What kind of tree do you figure
There's no mammals or reptiles alive today with jawbones/skulls that look like this. Sharks have cartilage skeletons and theres no fish shaped like. Closest thing it looks like to me is a mesosaur, but those lived dozens of milions of years ago
>682 got defeated by two slavs
So much for the indestructible lizard.
overwatch is fine
very fine would be tf2
fine seems to be reasonable a lot of the time
very fine is usually pretty fucked up
The answer is always Demonbane.
Gamers Against Weed was a mistake.
>that time they put the mega bouncy ball on very fine and the result killed a bunch of people when tested
What the fuck did they expect
True. Did you know that world-renowned writer Stephen King was once hit by a car? Just something to consider.
what happens if i put in something, turn it on very coarse, then put the result in and put it on very fine
>autistic roleplaying
Have fun, kids!
Well, it'd be able to escape, but by that point humanity would be long dead. It's a good enough method of getting rid of 682.
the best one famalan
I don't know, but maybe they already tried it, you should check the test log.
That one legitimately makes me uncomfortable.