


Why is Japan still stereotyping gay characters as limp-wristed fairies? It's archaic and offensive.

Atlus did it in Persona 5, too. Usually i'm lenient when it comes to depictions of groups or cultures as a joke, but lisping homos in 2017? Come on. Might as well have black minstrels singing about plantations because they don't know any better huh?

>character is never confirmed as gay
seems like you're the one doing the stereotyping around here friend :)

When was the last time you've seen a gay person IRL? It's rare for them NOT to lisp, or at least talk like fags

Fucking homophobe.

It's almost as if plenty of gays talk like any other man and you just aren't noticing them.

Nigga he renovates your entire house in a matter of seconds

What was their motto, again?

Running out of things to be mad about, so you make something up that's entirely wrong huh?

I'm not seeing the problem here. This is literally a perfect representation of what every fag is like.

>don't worry my gay friends, I'll campaign so that you don't have to look gay anymore, no don't thank me, all part of the service

Is he related to Tingle? If now, why does he have the Kooloo-Limpah thing?

Nice confirmation bias as usual, Sup Forums.

>Owns his own business
>Renovates your house with hand tools

He might be sassy but he's certainly not a limp wristed fairy

If you can't pull the saw...
Then don't push it!

Soon enough Japan will realize that there is a burgeoning market for bara in the US among sexually insecure young men, and capitalize on it accordingly

he's never stated to be one though.
if anything, Karson is the homo with his remarks about Hudson having "surpringly silky hair" and "chiseled physique"


What do you mean "soon enough"? The game already has some exquisite barabait in the forms of Lynels and Kass.

Karson has a wife though

Thats not Kass.