NPD: July Splatoon 2 best selling game; Switch best selling console

1. Splatoon 2
2. Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy
3. Grand Theft Auto V
4. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
5. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
6. Injustice 2
7. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
8. Overwatch
9. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege
10. NBA 2K17
11. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands
12. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
13. Call of Duty: Black Ops III
14. Minecraft
15. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
16. MLB 17: The Show
17. ARMS
18. Battlefield 1
19. Mass Effect: Andromeda
20. Tekken 7

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh no, I'm dying

>ARMS still in the top 20
>ARMS performing better than Tekken 7, which performed better than SFV
>Sup Forums said ARMS would flop

But it has flopped. See? Splatoon is doing better!

ugh how the fuck can this happen bros

Tekken sold more than Arms though

Can we please not have console wars? lets discuss the sales


Life is good


Of course Splatoon would sell well, Switch has no games.

You won't get your wish.

>Splatoon 2 at #1
>BotW still in the top 5
>MK8D still in the top 10
>ARMS still in the top 20


Is there something sadder than sony bronies?

Is there anything more pleasent than filthy shitposting niggers getting BTFO?


Sonybro here


I hope you enjoy your underpowered tablet!

And remember, this isn't a race, it's a marathon.

Who are these people still buying CoD and shit?

On a different note, where's microsoft?

A marathon is a race you dumbass.

Splatoon is a shit game franchise honestly. You pedos must have never played a good shooter in your lives.

it would really behoove Nintendo to try and get GTA V ported to the Switch

It's worth noting that all of Nintendo's titles don't factor in digital sales in their rank, and apparently only theirs.

>4. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
I'm impressed.

Gone until the next price drop maybe

>CoD: Modern Warfare Remastered and Black Ops III are listed
>CoD: Infinite Warfare is not

Is the CoD bubble finally bursting?

Looks like Nintendo WON.

Sonygero LOST.

Might wanna look again.

>it's doing well because it has no games!
You do realize that you can't hide behind this excuse forever, right?

So mad lel.

Never mind, I saw that it's listed, just at a lower spot. I'm a retard.

why is GTA V still selling? Is it bundled, or do people like, break their copies and want a fresh one every 6 month?

That seems pretty important for the switch, considering a huge percentage of Switch owners are only buying digital.


You wouldn't be saying that if something Sony was on top

You fags always instigate console wars. It's why you're the most hated fanbase

Rockstar caring about Nintendo lmao

horizon is dead

I don't want any console war. I don't evne own a PS4 and i'll be buying a Switch in September.

>why is GTA V still selling?

Its basically the default game to buy for any new system purchase.

delet this

Discount bin.

Has there been ANY major releases this month or last?

I think only Nintendo has released shit, and its basically a port.

>And remember, this isn't a race, it's a marathon.
I hope you enjoy first place while you can. Everyone knows Sony has a fetish for shooting themselves in the foot and the PS4 wont escape Sony's incompetence and arrogance.

I didn't even notice horizon is missing. That's too bad.

The Switch will NEVER catch up to the PS4. It will remain on top until the Switch is dead.
Sony consoles always get more support than Nintendo ones.

why? It looks dated now

I remember a bunch of people saying this about the Wii.
Why should I take Sup Forums seriously now?

Tekken sold better last month, but ARMS sold better this month. ARMS probably has more potential to keep selling over a long period of time. They're both outpacing Street Fighter V, though.

>"Nothing good has come from the internet, period."
That one is correct.

The PS3 launched horribly though.
The Wii was also shit.

The PS4 will be outselling the 3DS soon, only having 2 iterations and being on the market a few years less. Remember that.

Hey this may seem really random but could you shit in my mouth? I'm feeling really scatty today.

Switch won't sell as Wii neither will get the same support

Switch lifetime sales will be around 40-60 millions

How's Crash still selling this well over a month after it came out?

>11 year old remake of the best game ever beats current release of most popular franchise
Goddamn, SE, retcon Revenant Wings and give us a proper XII-2 already, or at least revive Ivalice Alliance.

Sonyfags are very desperate now.

Stop it. These were never funny.

Wow it only took them...4 YEARS

Nigga who cares the 3DS is dead now, enjoy that accomplishment I guess lol

Desperation at the top LMAO

SO when SMT5 and (already) Monster Hunter ditches NIntendo, what's next?

Remember when people on here said the Switch will flop harder than the Wii U?

Where are those people now?

Sony's payday from paid online seems to be good for them at lease. Now that I think of it the same thing can be said about Nintendo.


Not even, just a remaster. Even more impressive.

>SO when SMT5
Fuck are you talking about?

SMT5 is multiplat. Likely NMH will follow.

But smt5 is already announced for switch??

user all stores are sold out by now

I wonder how that user is feeling right now?

>SMT5 is multiplat.


Switch is a tablet with a smart device SOC.

Apple and Samsung sold over 100 million of these gadgets yearly.

Nintendo is very smart going after that market.

Once the price drop to 200$ plus media apps included. It will explode even more as a media consumption device.

So how is this ditching Nintendo when it's still on switch?Also source?

A console not only caught up with a Nintendo handheld, but is about to surpass it. This has happened only once before. Make that twice now.

>Still believes this shitty rumor
>NMH has always been a Nintendo franchise, PS3 only got a port of the first game


These will never not be funny.

2K laughed at Nintendo's moneyhat attempt, so they went with that Payday 2 port everyone's going to ignore.

HDPROJECT time to sell it

I too remember when Monster Hunter 5 was just a rumor.

that he forgot that is sold out

3DS is getting a million seller next month.

i'm surprised that zelda is outselling mario kart considering the latter came 2 months later

>I too remember when Monster Hunter 5 was just a rumor.
Yeah, and you faggots said it would be PS4 exclusive

How in the world is SMT5 gonna work? They gonna cancel the Switch version to appease a few sonybros? lol

Let's hope it is.




>dead system
I guess you can say it outsold the Vita too lol. not much to gloat about

user all stores all solt out including amazon and wallmart right now. We need more stocks!!!!!!!!!

Breath of the Wild still has over 90% attach rate on the Switch. It's outrageous how much of a killer app it is. Have any other games in recent memory attained this high of an attach rate? Did Halo 1 do this well?

What are you two even trying to say?

No one said it would be PS4 exclusive, just that NIntendo lost Monster Hunter.

>A dead system

No, but I can say that the Vita outsold the Wii U, and there was even less interest in that especially with the proprietary bullshit.


> the Switch has like 5 games out

Not to mention Sup Forums has said for years that multiplats don't count as games. So wouldn't that remove Mario Kart and Zelda? So that leaves Splatoon 2 and Arms.

I tried the switch recently and i gotta admit it's way more comfy than what i expected and pretty light, just a shame for the d-pad, i'd really like a better library though aka i want more weebsit on it

>No one said it would be PS4 exclusive

Guys I think someone just put shit in my sandwich. I took a bite and it tasted like shit with brown chucks coming out of the sandwich? Is this actually shit or just something normal on sandwiches?

>people claiming that the shitty PS4 MH spin off is Monster Hunter 5


When its the only game on the system, advertised alongside the system, brought to the tonight show as a main feature game, and centered on in a Superbowl ad, given to a bunch of ecelebs, what do you expect exactly?

It was heavy handed as fuck, I dont think many games even receive close to that kind of marketing budget.

>falling for PR talk

Third pillar

its always hysterical when sonyfags talk about nintendo dying. Fucking please, sony is the only company out of the 3 thats ever been close to actually collapsing. Delusional kids who dont know shit outside of video games

Its sales are ridiculous for the series in Japan especially. It's been selling like a Mario Kart or Animal Crossing-tier evergreen title.

Oh wait, you're talking about the PS2 weren't you? Yeah, I guess it is dead. Still not forgotten, but dead nonetheless.