Who do you main, and why?
I main Capitao and Smoke
they gud
Who do you main, and why?
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They're officially killing this game next patch.
>removing the ACOG from Bandit and Jager like with other operators, putting defenders at even more of an equipment disadvantage after the shotgun nerf
>remove the stun from Echo's Yokai to put on the Polish operator, making him more useless than he already was
Each new update makes the game worse.
Ash and Bandit.
Sledge and Frost if not available.
go fuck your self u peaking piece of human shit
acog on jager and badnit are for pussies faggots who think they are good
>expecting to be taken seriously when you can't even bother typing out three letter words
You sound extremely bad at the game.
Blitz and Mute
>removing the ACOG from Bandit and Jager
>Implying this is bad
Twitch, because I can fuck over Mira and Jager and that FAMAS is top tier. Otherwise Hibana.
On defense I change it up based off of the map.
oh noooo people might actually have to play the game as a tactical shooter rather than COD
i play jager a fuck ton and i never spawnpeek
just like the sight :)
(im op btw)
Sure, we all believe you're not a faggot who spawnpeeks.
who Thatcher/Frost here
the EMP grenade BANGs and welcome mat THUNKs give me boners
How about we wait until the patch goes live, shitlord
Shotguns are good don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
>implying this is good
Jager and Bandit can peek fine without an ACOG, that's not going to stop that easily coutnerable thing they do that shitters complain about. I kill a peeking Jager or Bandit nearly every time they try it because I'm not fucking oblivious to the holes they leave around.
The problem is it just gives attackers even more an advantage weapon-wise than they already have. Certain characters on defense are designed to roam around the map, that's not "playing the game like COD"
The Echo change is entirely inexcusable when he does one thing and one thing only. There's a lot of things more useful than a mobile camera once they get rid of his stun.
How are you people this bad at the game? Dealing with spawnpeeking is as easy as being aware and waiting back a bit to shoot their heads off.
They already datamined everything, retard.
where'd you get this from?
>The shadows have betrayed you
Jackal is best op, hunting down faggot window peekers and taking off their head is pretty fucking fun
Acog Jagers are cancerous desu. It's a crutch that people take advantage of to spawn peek. It's still the best gun in the game without it so I don't see the issue.
>removing yokai's stun
Yokai never stunned, just disoriented. If they did remove that they had to have given him something in return like 2 yokai's where one can be piloted by dead teammates
I know about the alleged changes, stupid white boy. Wait until the patch goes live and see what happens before you start screaming the game is going to be dead.
Hibana or Thermite and Mute
Attackers for blowing open armored walls for the team and Mute because best boy
>unironically using white boy as an insult
Suck a dick Jamal
Since there's apparently a lot of bad players in this thread, how to deal with Spawnpeeking:
>see if the drones detect a Jager or a Bandit on the enemy team
>take it slow at the start and when going near often peeked areas
>when they try to break the window or shoot, kill them because you were watching and you have an assault rifle
>enjoy the 5v4 match
Wow that was so hard.
Attackers having a weapon advantage is fine because defending a position is always inherently easier than attacking one. Allowing attackers to hit from further away is just a means of balancing it out.
Echo getting fucked is garbage, you won't get any complaints from me.
>How are you people this bad at the game?
We're not bad you autist, we just know that allowing a defender to easily trade fire with an attacker at long range is fucking stupid. And you don't need an ACOG to roam unless you're shit.
Yokai is cancer to play against, same for double Twitch drones.
Fuze, Hibana, Frost, Mira.
>it's okay to make a character useless because I don't like them
t. Overwatch player
Don't celebrate just yet because the Polish op can place cloaked mines in doorways that do the very same thing, only she has multiple.
IQ and Buck
Jäger and Frost
Best damn guns in the game.in my onion
Weapon advantage is objective, defenders SMG are an autowin on every CQC.
Problem with this game is how the recoil always kicks up and up alone on the first 3 shots.
80% of bodyshots ends up as headshot kills because of the recoil. The higher the rate of fire the more of an "I win" their weapons become in CQC.
It's the reason why Twitch is so much of a cancer op. Her Famas is broken and her drones are annoying.
The only one that's going to be sucking my dick is your white woman. Go back to your cuckshed, Johnny.
"Drones are annoying" isn't a good argument
>her drones are annoying.
how about you just shoot them with your guns retard.
fucking bronze shitters i swear
>fucking bronze shitters
You mean the same retards who don't know how to deal with spawnpeeking?
k thanks
Matter of fact I like Echo very much, but there's a thing called mutual enjoyment when playing a multiplayer game.
Echo removes the enjoyment for the opposing player, because of how safe his drone is.
Camp one room with the drone, stun anyone that enters and proceed to score a free kill.
Echo is a slacker, not a lurking predator. Yokai's stun doesn't suit him at all.
Having a roaming camera will be very useful, specially if they make it so his drone is cloaked at all times.
Twitch drones are annoying because of how powerful they are. They singlehandedly makes the fight onesided for attackers on many maps.
Her drones can destroy cameras plus all defender gadgets in one hit, can be used to force people out of camping spots and her mere presence makes it so at least one player has to forfeit prep phase to go rat hunting.
>Having a roaming camera will be very useful
lol, not compared to any other pick, except Tachanka
Tried/Trying out Frost. She's pretty good.
They should just get rid of Ranked and make the standard price as high as it used to be. Just make things horrible for "dude it's just casual lol" people in general.
>absolutely destroys reddit
Is KingGeorge /ourguy/?
clips.twitch tv/CalmPiliableHorseFeelsBadMan
stop shilling your twitch
I'm plat 2 actually.
How about you realize vision wins games, and anyone outside of your shit silver matches will hide their drones and use them to check entrances instead of searching for the objective, which most of the time are in obvious locations.
You don't use Twitch drones on prep phase, you use them midround while defenders are too busy shooting back to actually go drone hunting.
Twitch has objectively the best gun in the game and Ash is a close second. Your ONION means shit
Vision wins games, learn that and you'll climb in rank very quickly.
You don't have to be good at firefights, if you know where they are you can flank them and score free kills.
Plus the small time limit on ranked makes it so attackers can't check every corner.
Vision at 1m left = freekill on anyone not good at handling pressure.
Im so sick of game devs taking all their community advice from reddit. It ruined overwatch, and itll ruin this game
fuck you
Only agree with the yokai but not to remove it, only decrease the amount of time.
No but seriously though, getting rid of ranked play and upping the price to what it'd used to be would be a great idea.
No fuck you leatherman
I'd appreciate this if they added choosing of spawns/objectives into casual
this isnt pol or r9k
not gunna work here bud
Yeah, agreed.
>Asshurt Jager main still thinks spawn peaking is the real problem with Jager and Bandit
I already explained what's wrong with them, you illiterate half-breed.
Why is Mira's butt so huge?
>getting your information from reddit