Read that game has a good story

>read that game has a good story
>it's just a bunch of rambling 2deep4u horseshit


Fuck this art game crap. Only good thing about this game is a few of the environments are cool-looking.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's pretty good user, you're just retarded

Also, cool-looking doesn't need a hyphen. Again, are you retarded?

Guys. I think OP might be retarded.

The game is about psychosis, not retardation.

>Has themes of mental illness
Reviewers love that shit. Doesn't matter the actual content of the story, just that it's progressive.

Everyone always whispered in the space just too far for me to hear, he's a retard! But I knew better. My mud pies were a delicacy their palettes just couldn't afford. The time I spent licking windows a postmodern critique of the windows we stare through when life is just outside. They would never know...

i love this trailer

Yeah it's a shame they didn't make call of duty with swords and tits

Can somebody explain to me the ending? I imagine that all that shit, demons and saving her boyfriend were just in her mind since she's a psycho.

>Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
>Don't get a hellblade
>Don't actually go to hell
>No blade forged in hell
>Senua doesn't actually sacrifice anything

I wonder if "Crazy Celtic Woman" wouldve sold as well?

SHe finally accepts the legends were lies and that he was gone, letting go of the psychosis' hold on her. She then literally lets go of his skull, and item she before honestly believes housed his soul.

>We can't have in depth stories in games because of contrarian dimwit cretins like this guy.

this game is not for stupid people. if you are not thinking philosopher this is not for you.

Sounds like a best-of your Sup Forums posts, user.

No Tameem is actually a brilliant creative genius. By deciding to make a game about mental illness, he can bypass any criticism by saying "because the MC has a mental illness".
>"How come the story doesn't make sense?"
>"Because the MC has a mental illness."
>"How come the dialogue is just rambling nonsense?"
>"Because the MC has a mental illness."
>"How come the combat is shallow and simple?"
>"Because the MC has a mental illness."
>"How come the game is boring?"
>"Because the MC has a mental illness."
BRAVO TAMEEM! Truly a meta-narrative masterpiece!

>it's told in a confusing manner so it's deep

Oh please. The story has very little actual substance. Stupid people just get fooled into thinking a story is SO DEEP when it's poorly told so that it's intentionally confusing. The story is pretty much just that a girl with mental illness wants to save her dead boyfriend and also her dad was a dick. That's about it, there's barely any story beyond that. But because it's full of pointless rambling and overacting it's SO SOPHISTICATED WOW.

>Only good thing about this game is a few of the environments are cool-looking.

just like all Ninja Theory games. They look nice but play like sht

>game is pitched on its SO HARD permadeath gimmick (designed to cash in on the success of other recent games), which turned out to be fake--there is no permadeath
>player character's body decays a little bit more with each death (again, what a familiar premise. In what recently successful fantasy action game franchise have I seen this before?)
>even the character design is nigh indistinguishable from the heroine of another game released this year
>title is so generic that googling "hellblade" brings up other games and media

Bravo Ninja Theory, you did it. You made the most unoriginal game of all time.

No wonder this game was announced years ago but was totally unheard of until this summer


I noticed you couldn't defend it.

I haven't played this particular game, so I can't judge it, but here is a fun fact for people who go around saying SO DEEP and "2DEEP4U" as criticisms:

There is an overwhelmingly bigger probability that you actually not getting something, then there is that the story is pretentious or bad.

Especially if you really can't actually summon better argument than vague buzzwords and vapid claims like this, or just list features in a mocking tone.
When you are faced with something that makes you that "seems" smart and makes you angry, you should actually automatically assume that your judgement of that thing is probably wrong and not really worth anything by default.

Which is not to say that there aren't pretentious and meaningless games trying to trick people into thinking they are smart when they really aren't. It's just that statistically speaking, it's extremely unlikely that you people can differenciate them from things that actually are smart.
It's a general rule, good one to follow even for people who aren't idiots.
And frankly, there is a significant chance that if you are reading this, you are one.

Seriously, there are mostly complete idiots around here. Not necessarily by IQ, but usually due lot to do with bad education and very poor cultural horizons and - above all - amazing arrogance that drives to never question their own judgements and always assume themselves more likely right than wrong.

Also why does Senua have such huge fucking teeth for fucks sake

>in depth


The game is a VN, but is one of the best VNs ever.

did you save that image from the vidya tattoo thread?

Go read the story synopsis, the entire thing is buzzwords

Because brits

It's a good movie just not a good game.

I bet you absolutely love rick and morty.
Is this OP or is this one guy.

I like you took 5 paragraphs to wrongly say that if something is 2deep4u and you don't like it, then chances are that you're just not getting it.

>every game should cater exclusively to my wants and needs

>read about a games story
>its a short summary about mental illness
>user immediately loses consciousness
very interesting
have you had any tendencies to want to fuck your own mother?
there's a lot to unpack here

No he said that he likes 2deep4u and that you're a retard if you don't agree with him.
Atleast skim the text mate.

More VNs in this style pls

I like Senua because she comes mind broken from the very start.

That boss battle against that four-legged beast thing was legitimately scary, especially when it hides in the dark and you don't know where it's going to jump out from.

The one with 4 horns right?

>you're not allowed to criticize something you don't like because it's not meant for you :^)

This game is perfect for weeding out the white numale faggotsw who like these shitty games.
Helps me know who to avoid.

big man on campus avoiding people online

Now I want a game about retardation

I don't associate with faggots tyvm.

Just don't glance at any mirrors and you should be good.

I'm not a tranny m8, just by existing I'm already associating with myself, so a mirror isn't necessary.

Also the sequence that happens if Senua dies from getting caught by it when you're running through the dark is horrifying the first time you hear it.

I'm indifferent about this game. It looks nice but I'm not a puzzle and plot kind of guy these days. But your last paragraph is fucking spot on. The arrogance and lack of life experience here is staggering in general. Autist gets thrown around a lot but there are some genuinely mentally and emotionally stunted anons in this bitch.

>Not a faggot




delete pls...


But in darkness they came
Through storms and black seas,
They raided these shores
Do you still hear his screams?

>I don't have an argument so I'll just armchair psychoanalyse the other poster

>Like the story and the rambling
>Game crashes all the time, making it unplayable

I just can't stop laughing that the girl looks like JUST

A lot of people are too stupid to read past the narrative and dissect the media they consume.

It sucks OP. You're cursed with knowledge that things people like aren't actually very good.

She really scratches my damaged girl itch

The Northmen designs and animations were fucking metal

It's pretty much outlast 2 tier, retards say that it's a good story because they think it's complex when in reality it's just activates my almonds tier

Why does OP and another 1 or 2 fags keep shilling this game?

The fact that it's a fucking movie made by Tameem should be the minimum requirement necessary to dismiss this shit.

Speed reading faggot, he didn't say shit about the game in the OP being good.

Anyone got screenshots of the monsters from the blind/sensory deprivation segment?

It's not complex, it's surreal.

>the monsters from the blind/sensory deprivation segment

Visually, maybe.
In terms of writing, fuck no.

Then why would they even bother to call OP a dimwitted contrarian for disliking poorly written games? You're just looking for wiggle room, you putz.

I found it mentally draining to play, the combat was good but the camera had a few points where it pissed me off, sometimes spawning enemies right behind you just feels cheap.

But overall, pretty good story. That said I've had some dark shit in my life so it resonated with me.

>the monsters from the blind/sensory deprivation segment

...d-dont post them

Yeah it's one of the more tense parts of the game.
I like how you can see them just enough sometimes that you can tell they're horrific abominations but they're made so much scarier by the fact that you never get a good look at them.

Comes to the realization the abuse by her father who murdered her mother and abused her was the darkness inside her. If you complete all the runes, the game hints he sold out his tribe to the north men for safe passage and the next game may be hunting him down and dealing with him. Yet the game already hints not to pursue vengeance as it has a heavy price.

You can smell the samefagging. Tamtam your marketers are an insult to their profession.

Hence "they think it's complex"

Wish I fucking could they switched off photo mode in that section and blurred them to shit. I was too scared to approach them anyways.

They're silly, complexity by itself means nothing and benefits nothing,

You use sound and vibration to detect where it is going to come from.

Did you not play with headphones? They are practically mandatory.

Hellblade VR, with combat and camera retuned for first person. Would you?

This game is the equivalent of these shitty art movies that liberal snobs eat each others shit about.


If I want this kind of bullshit id call my crazy ex.

Why are video games getting so shit nowadays !?

Complexity unto itself, yes.
But when people say something lacks complexity they also tend to mean nuance and substance.

Is it as bad as the pic related?

I was playing with keyboard and mouse so no vibration.
I used headphones but I couldn't determine out where it was coming from in time before it popped out.

Because as the west falls more people experience depression and other mental illness and thus these experiences resonate with more people. It's not that hard to figure out.

Ah, I suspected my PC wouldn't be smooth so just got it on PS4.

Even then though, it's clearly a controller game, don't you have a controller for PC?

this image make me laugh and get scared at once when i expand it, waaawwww

Transistor is great you idiot

Name a better Engine than UE4, you can't

so whats the gameplay actually like?

Mostly walking figuring shitty rune puzzles while you hear voices in your head the entire time. Slowly draining your mental energy before throwing you into a fairly decent hack and slash system that is sometimes hindered by cheap spawn behind you enemies. Just don't get cornered. Listen to the voices for clues.

Is Team Ninja the western equivalent Vanillaware?


Anyone that thinks this is a good story is a pretentious fucknugget

Yeah, but I didn't get the impression this was a game that demanded a controller.

You walk through mostly linear pathways in scenic environments, solve puzzles that often involve finding certain shapes in the environment (for example, looking at some trees from a certain angle so they look like they're making an "X" shape) and fight monster things. The combat is decent - you can pretty much just roll around to avoid enemy attacks and then mash the mouse buttons, but it feels pretty intense. You can't see enemies that are behind Senua, so the voices in your head alert you when an enemy is about to attack from behind so you have a second to dodge, which is a neat use for the whole psychosis theme. Overall, gameplay is adequate but nothing great.

Not really. Muramasa and DC play well.

Here, let me sum up the entire game's dialogue for you.