Voice actors who don't act

>voice actors who don't act
>they just use their real voice

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Range isn't quite as important as being able to convincingly emote.

>dumb SJW cunts that want to destroy your hobby and push their agendas

haha oh god women don't really age well. She looks middle-aged already.

Ashly is the cutest.

Tara Strong?

She looks fine. I'd fuck her mouth.

H-hey! That's the woman who voice acted that character from that popular game that just came out isn't it? You should delete this, user. You're sure to rile a whole lot of people up by posting such a divisive thread.

Voice acting 101: if the audience immediately thinks "hey that's actor" instead of "this is a character" you have failed

I'd breed her with my superior Mochica BBC.

>Voice acting
Useless crap.


That's why I don't really like hollywood movies anymore, and why I can't fucking stand hearing Yuri Lowenthal's voice whenever it crops up.

She's Anthony Burch's sister,let that sink in.

>Troy Baker
>Nolan North
>Liam O'Brien
>Yuri Lowenthal
>Laura Bailey
>Tara Strong
>Robin Atkin Downes
They cronyism in the VA industry is off the fucking charts

We need to go back to text boxes and fuck off every single one of them

It's not cronyism, it's a union. Learn the difference.

I lost respect for voice acting when I realized that most of the time the person isn't actually acting under a different guise and they're just using their regular voice to read lines. Either that or their voice is different but it was just their regular voice shat through an audio editing program to make it sound different.

At least most of them are pointlessly on strike and we can get a few good games without their shit voices for a while.

>Liam O'Brien

I don't recognize others THAT easily, but this nigger always has the same damn voice everywhere.

>it's not cronyism
>it's a union

literally no difference unless you actually think (((contracts) and (((fees))) are what separates nepotist cronies from unions

You know there are other voice Actors besides them right? New ones popping up lately. Plus some of them have a lot of range.

That's not at all how voice acting 101 works, you fucking dipshit. Try doing corporate with your wacky accents and see how that goes. Additionally, in groriousu Nihon, being recognizable is key to you market yourself.

What about that ridiculous Tiny Tina voice that makes me want to hang myself?

>in Japan where nothing relevant to my or your life happens other than constructing flat screen televisions, thing is very important!

>It's not cronyism, it's a union

Funniest shit I've read all week

name 3 actors with this magical ability

>nolan north as himself in generic male hero action game
>also starring troy baker as himself with terrible english accent as wily sidekick
>special guest appearance by steve blum as himself as gravely voiced villain (may or not be russian)
>with laura bailey as herself playing female love interest (again)
>and robin atkin downes and yuri lowenthal as all the npc mooks

He's basically just been reusing his dark brooding Illidan voice for years.

normies like you should be gassed



>Troy Baker as Ocelot
>Just Troy Baker talking with a southern twang


You have seen nothing yet.

at least Nolan North has range, could do with being exposed to him less, but the others use the same fucking voice for every role

Nolan North

Yeah OP that sure is weird, I wonder how she keeps getting-

Sounding believable immediately gives you way more range in terms of roles you can play than being able to do as many voices as you can. I have worked as a voice actor for three years and that's like the easiest lesson you can possibly learn. You don't know shit about fuck.

I've heard this user I couldn't make it past a minute. I didn't think it was possible for her to do an annoying more grating voice than Tiny Tina.

Why can't women act.

>Watch Critical Role
>He play a Rogue
>Isn't very broody or anything, just quiet
>Fast forward to near the end of the series
>He is an xXxLinkinParkxXx level of brooding Rogue servant of the Raven Queen

Its like poetry

never played any of his games, aside from GW1 which had no memorable voices

>I have worked as a voice actor for three years

No you havent

Anthony Burch is a jew?

Stopped at 18 seconds, I just cant
Do the audio guys actually listen to this shit after they record it?

>jewish american
he more i use this site the more i think pol is right. someone help

Ashly's best role desu:

>Tara Strong as sassy young girl

I think at this point he's one of those people who gets typecast into those roles every time now.


>hey rabbi watcha doin?

ok i laffed

>thinking putting on a ridiculous constructed voice is the only thing that constitutes voice acting

I feel like Nolan North is in the Steve Blum situation where he has range but only gets hired to do the same voice over and over

Liam has range. He rarely uses it though.


He sounds like a violent redneck country bumpkin as this character who he voiced and not his usual voice.

Oh god dammit, ruined it for me.

I stopped the video immediately, took one look at the character and just sighed.

Wow. It's the same as every VA role she's done.

>tries to impersonate Bailey in P4DAN
>ear-grating screeching
agree with first user, conveyance is better

>voice acting means you have to do a silly voice

I remember you
In the mountains

>they ruined TF2 with this mongoloid bitch

Pretty much. Nolan North's work for Spec Ops the Line, whatever you may think of the game, is the best he has ever done. The way he manages to convey such a range of emotions is fantastic.

>the joke

>your head

I mean, I'd fuck the ever loving shit out of Ashley Burch but lets be real here, you'd fuck anyone

It's almost as if fiction is a medium that demands some degree of suspension of disbelief, and when some ass clown with no talent appears doing the same voice he did in 10 other unrelated works it can really detract from that necessary illusion.

Casting him was also another one of the game's meta decisions to come off as another generic rooty tooty shooty

Shadman should make a drawing of Troy Barker and Nolan North having gay sex, you know as a joke, haha.

Dude, don't post cropped Ami Yumi porn with no source. That's really not cool.

protip: some people are hired because of their voice, not because they can do a bunch of different voices

Voice actors literally only have to change their voice if it's for some childish (Chinese) cartoon or something.

Troy Baker and Nolan North have tremendous range, it's not their fault of people ask them to do the same fucking voice constantly.

Robin Atkin Downes on the other hand is fucking abysmal for range and is always instantly spottable. It's especially bad in Jade Empire and a good example of why you should never have him do multiple characters.

He could be in a room with 5 Nolan Norths talking to himself and you wouldn't be able to tell it was Nolan north.

Yeah, I don't really recognize any voice actors when I hear them (Except for Nolan North jesus christ)

That said it seems like the Critical Role crew are all pretty decent. Obviously Mercer and Ashley are the best of them though.

Also it seems like none of them went on strike which I respect

anyone know who this guy is? steve blum
most talentless hack voice actor in history of video games

heres a fun video he shows up in

>b-but it's not their fault!
>m-muh directors.....
You don't treat the symptom, you treat the disease

Yeah, people probably thought it was just going to be Nathan Drake's voice or something but then he starts barking orders, feeling broken, and then you truly see North shine.
The entire cast for SOtL was amazing.

What you just said is retarded. The disease is shitty directors who misuse talent. Unless you really think getting rid of talent is the solution, so you have shitty directors and no talent.

They are right, but only half right. Best advice is to ignore the racism and at the same time understand that the jews are snakes.

>protip: some people are hired because of their voice

Protip: Some people are hired because of unions

>it's there fault they should do voices the directors didn't ask for

You're a dumbass

Crispin Freeman
Phil Lamarr
Troy Baker

ITT: People who nothing about voice acting critique popular voice actors for being popular.

Yeah basically.

>mfw hearing Christopher Randolph's real voice for the first time

He sounds just like Otacon.

One thing that bothers me is that sometimes people complain that a piece of media uses lesser known voice actors than more well known ones. Why does the popularity of them matter, shouldn't their range and viability for the role matter more?

Wait, hold the fuck up.

Her brother is the real anthony burch?

Would you believe he auditioned for Snake and they asked him to read for Otacon instead?

Yes you idiot they literally had a youtube show.


Wich inspired a Saints Row 4 DLC for some reason.

I like Steve Blum when he played Steve Blum

makes it even more awkward he's tried to fuck her

>voice "actors"
>all they do is talk into a microphone
>thatll be $250,000+tip

They want better working conditions and residuals.

>tfw Jap VAs are on a MUCH HIGHER LEVEL
How can other VAs even compete?

Haha what

Do you really think id go to youtube and watch anything anthony burch related user, I asked because the thought of anthony, a cuckhold that forces diversity on whatever he touched, being a jew, is fucking hilarious.

Steve Blum is great you fag.


>greatest video game voice acting performance of all time isn't even by a voice actor
Really makes you think