how can there actually be people who seriously think sonic 2 is better?
im genuinely curious
how can there actually be people who seriously think sonic 2 is better?
im genuinely curious
because it is. The least fun of any sonic level is the claustrophobic platforming it makes you do and sonic 3 is 100% that with shit level design like carnival night zone. The 3K levels can be argued as better, but not 3 itself. And suprise suprise 3K levels take on a design much like Sonic 2 levels
Sonic & Knuckles is a good game.
Sonic 3 is half good and half shit.
Sonic 2 levels are far more open to pure speed. Outside Mystic Cave and Metropolis Zone, it doesn't ever feel like you slow down.
I would absolutely argue 3&K's levels are more impressive designs for platforming in a vacuum, but for the specific design of a Sonic game, 2 is a far better and satisfying fit.
Sonic 3 has uglier sprites, uglier levels, and the levels aren't as fun with too many gimmicks
Usually each Sonic level has its own gimmick in the classic games.
the music and graphics are better, thats it
not like 3 did. 3's gimmicks had their own control schemes and often didnt relate to gameplay outside of that specific level.
I thought people liked the Genesis games because they were less about going fast?
Better music.
Way, way better music.
stop posting sonic threads. all of you. we get it, sonic mania is pretty good. can we move on to talking about trash games edge hipsters play?
Mania > 3&K > Sonic 1 > Sonic 2 > Sonic CD
Sonic 2 IS better from a gameplay perspective. Sonic 3K is the quintessential sequel that packs in everything and the kitchen sink but ends up being inferior. I'm not saying Sonic 2 is better in every single way, but it does have better gameplay/level design.
2 has Aquatic Ruin Zone that's why.
>how can there actually be people who seriously think sonic 2 is better?
They have no taste and can't appreciate Michael Jackson's fantastic (but few) themes in the games, and the most refined gameplay of the original trilogy
Better color pallet
Better music
Going to go through the original games before getting Mania. I haven't played any since childhood so I'm curious as to how I'll feel about them now.
>Implying Sonic 2's OST is better than the one featuring at bare minimum 5 Michael Jackson tracks
>sonic 2 music is better than sonic 3 music
yeah no. you can argue a lot of things, but music is not among them.
this one alone disproves your point
hard times
(happiest days of my life)
Wasn't 3&K the first one with a save mode?
I think Sonic 2 is definitely better purely because of level design and the fucking sprites.
CD had one first
In Genesis games going fast was a reward for getting good. You had to build up speed for 12 hours yourself and everything was out to stop or kill you. In later games you're on speed welfare, there's boost every 10 seconds and the maps are as dangerous as a roller-coaster for kids.
I thought Sonic 2 had better stages overall
Just because S3&K had good music doesn't mean it had better music. The main problem with S3's music is it was obvious that the composers were still getting a hang of the Genesis, while Sonic 2 had the same composer as Sonic 1 therefore Sonic 2 was the more refined and superior soundtrack.
>The main problem with S3's music is it was obvious that the composers were still getting a hang of the Genesis
>[citation needed]