What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

So, what went so wrong?

Stop man, there's no need to pit these two Japanese companies against each other. We need to set our sights on the real enemy: the West.

Wrong with what, friend?

Weebs appear to be as delusional as linux fanboys from Sup Forums who claim linux will be a real threat to microsoft and apple any day now

PS4 is killing it and it's only gonna better from here

People remembered that the fun is in playing games instead of watching them

Anyone have the pic with both a sonyfag and Nintendofag just living it up?

It's sold a bunch of consoles that doesn't net Sony any profit and people who buy the PS4 don't buy games

It's sold a bunch of consoles that doesn't net Sony any profit

Corporate Whore located.

He's right, though. We can already see the west's vile influence from the degradation of classic Jap franchises (Biohazard, Final Fantasy, Street Fighter) to the corrupting Jewification of Nintendo, Capcom, Konami and other companies.

They didn't fuck

What do you think the margin on the PS4 is? And that's completely ignoring the overhead

I can't wait until you eat shit OP. That's what went right

>ninteniggers using goldface

PS4 has been making profit since around launch.

>Why are they using our meme, theyre not allowed to
Also, is that wojak supposed to shit on nintendies, sonygroes or both?

Both. It's underlying the stupidity of both sides and that's why I love it.

I never doubted that

>brand new console is finally selling more than a nearly 5 year old console after several months
>nintenbros consider this a victory

2.5$. It's obviously better than PS3 for that. Sony won't make THAT mistake again

Then again, switch is 25$ from the get go.

>sonybros are assblasted
>disregard the other months were Nintendo won easily, or the fact that these number are STILL supply constrained

Being a sony negro must be pretty painfull right about now.

That's nice. But let's not forget Uncharted drops in a couple of days.

Wonder the sales now that there's no bundle to inflate it

Four year old console is still kicking like it was released yesterday. Compared that to a brand new Nintendo console with Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, etc. Sony isn't even fucking trying and it's STILL pulling crazy numbers.

Uncharted comes out soon. Don't kid yourself like you don't think that's not gonna sell a 2M in a week.

Probably the same as 4 during it's first few weeks. 2-3M


Staying true to the memes, Sonyfags go crazy over ass just like niggers. No wonder you guys love that shitty Nier game.

So you're agreeing with him that the west is stronger than ever and if anything, removing the east.

what was the timing of that ? Just a thought

>being a salty nigger

God damn I need to call my mom and thank her for staying away from brown people.

Still mad that Uncharted 4 sold 10M copies?
>B-but bundles

>uncharted: bulldyke lesbo edition
Wow great game

The fuck is that picture hahaha

Retards are allowed to waste their money however they see fit.

I'm not upset when you buy new jordans, why would i be when you buy videogames. it's better than crack, at least

The industry?

I'm agreeing with him that they're our enemy.

I guarantee you Sony has a better profit margin than Nintendo. Capacitive touchscreens and NAND storage aren't cheap parts to procure.