Why are they allowed to do this? VAC bans are blaitantly just a scam so that you have to buy your games (plus skins and dlc goy) again on a new accout, anyone who doesn't see this is a retard. They can never be 100% sure someone is cheating, we (in theory) don't allow courts to do this shit, why does valve get a pass?
Proof they don't give a shit and want to ban people with any excuse given: youtu.be
Why are they allowed to do this...
Other urls found in this thread:
you're a dipshit and i'm glad you're banned
>we (in theory) don't allow courts to do this shit, why does valve get a pass
public courts are different from a private platform
enjoy your VAC ban though
Why? You're one of those faggots that is glad anybody is banned for any reason because it makes you feel better huh? Well millions of people around the world are getting VAC banned FOR NO REASON because valve is a shit company that somehow is allowed to ban people taht BOUGHT their games for no reason and all they have to do is give a shit excuse "oh you used the same number as some other guy in the same country as you" pieces of shit. It takes literal seconds to find out it wasn't any of us. But they don't because it's easy money. Pieces of shit.
>Feature designed to cut down on cheating by adding your phone number
>This is meant to reduce the cheaters in matchmaking since they'd have to find another phone number versus just reaching into their pocket
>People proceed to use a huge public SMS number and add it to their account, putting themselves at a huge risk and defeating the point of the service entirely
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think OP might be underage.
You honestly sound underage, please refrain from browsing Sup Forums.
t. assravaged VAC banned cheater
>OP cries and makes a thread on Sup Forums after being VAC banned
Okay fuck all of you first of all I am NOT underage and second and foremost I am a free citizen of the best country in the world and should not be subject ot this tyranny. I hope POTUS will fix it so far he's been great but if he doesn't i will be disapointed. Because I am an adult I will write a formal letter right now as proof.
How about you don't cheat?
so this is just a poor attempt at a b8 thread then.
congrats you're retarded.
I didn't, I just used a phone number that was public
>give a shit excuse "oh you used the same number as some other guy in the same country as you" pieces of shit. It takes literal seconds to find out it wasn't any of us.
>bunch of third worlders use the exact same phone number for 28 different steam accounts, act surprised and outraged when Valve bans them for violating the TOS
It is kind of extreme. They should at most have some way to just permanently ban an account from any kind multiplayer interactions like the account is always forced into offline mode or something.
>Why are they allowed to do this?
because you agreed with the terms of their EULA and it's all probably there in fine print
That's what a VAC ban is. Just multiplayer.
They're engine-based though, you don't get banned from all multiplayer games on Steam via a single VAC ban.
the last van ban wave gave me a lot of entertainment
>(plus skins and dlc goy)
You could have just written "plus skin and dlc". There was no need for "goy". The sentence even loses syntaxical correctness with the addition of that word. You're stupid, learn how to use your own words.
>VAC banned accounts can still play single-player games, local LAN games, and multiplayer on non VAC-secured game servers
What's the problem?
>multiplayer on non VAC-secured game servers
what's that like
trading and that it lasts FOREVER even though it could be for nothing so it's worse then prison in a way
>Never play online games
>Completely avoid getting VAC banned
>players are allowed to cheat and test their hacks without any fear of repercussions
>be steam user since the dawn of time
>never got vac
Gee user, maybe you can try to not use cheats next time?
>second and foremost I am a free citizen of the best country in the world and should not be subject ot this tyranny.
Your rights don't apply to a private company providing you a service. You sound like the type of person who would scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER then come crying WHAAAAA WHY DID I GET BANNED MUH FREE SPEECH
>never cheated
>never been banned
yeah, same shit with the courts of law. they can never be 100% sure someone did a bad thing, yet they go as far as sending someone to prison for years. fucking goverment scammers
Don't cheat or break the rules you agreed to be purchasing the game then?
>I got a VAC ban and I swear I didn't cheat my brother was playing on my account
Get fucked kiddo
There's only 2 reasons you would get VAC banned:
>you were a dumbass and actually tried hacking in a VAC secured game
>you were a dumbass and added a public phone number to your account and some other dumbass hacked in a VAC secured game
Just don't be a retard and you'll be fine
If everyone is cheating then it's like no one is cheating.
Thank god I don't support PC gaming.
remember to report those who hack
are you that twitch girl who got caught and blame some friend?
Used Steam for 12 years now, never been banned once.
Lucky me I guess.
>merely pretending to be retarded
Anyone have the "I got banned ON PURPOSE" post?
How do VAC bans work? are you banned from a single game or is it an account ban?
Do you guys have poor reading comprehension? They can't prove that people are hacking, but they still go ahead and bring down the hammer because they're lazy and inconsiderate. It's a terrible practice.
Post that one cheater who got VAC'D and said it was an intentional decision.
A ban from some random VAC-secured weeb game won't get you banned from Valve games, for example.
i think you get banned from all vac servers
i also want this as well as any VAC ban butthurt
you got more mate?
just stop
>If you are wondering about the TF2 VAC ban, its was an INTENTIONAL decision. I would have easily used an alternate account if I wanted to hack just to piss other people off. I'm actually glad this happened; and here is why. Some things need to be said beforehand so this all makes sense, so I'll try to be brief in each story chunk:
>Since 2011ish, things have been slowly going down the shitter in the life of JCapps. Before the downfall though, I picked up TF2 in 2009 when the first halloween update came out and introduced the gibus. No, it was not on this account, but another. That was midway in the period of time when new weapons besides the defaults were being made. Consistant updates really appealed to me since everything was always fresh . I usually was hanging around achievement/idle servers, tf2ware servers, dodgeball servers, and all those other goofy fun modded servers. I barely played on maps that was a PvP objective because I don't like failing or losing . I partially don't like winning either since someone else has to lose. So what did I do? I would spend most of my time running around achievement servers killing bots and spamming pootis, because there are no losers there. Everyone wins.
>you were a dumbass and actually tried hacking in a VAC secured game
>you were a dumbass and added a public phone number to your account and some other dumbass hacked in a VAC secured game
Not either of the guys you quoted, but you sound like you're both of these. Either way, you're still a retard.
>They can't prove that people are hacking
Definitely a retard
Literally what's wrong with using a public number?
>its was an INTENTIONAL decision
Gets me every time.
If you only hack in non vac servers and play legit in vac ones, can you still get flagged and banned?
no they can't tell if you do that
What you are describing is steam guard mobile,not VAC.VAC is a system that detects cheats installed on someone's computer and modifications to the game files.
Hello James, haven't posted in a while huh?
>I main spy, and I was trained to be one
>friend says that they can't vac ban if you're playing on linux
>gets vac banned a few weeks later
No I'm not. CS:GO, DoTA2, and TF2 have a system where you can add your phone number to access a matchmaking queue. CS and DoTA in particular have this in the form of prime matchmaking. The idea, especially for F2P games, is that if you get banned from these games, it would be more difficult to come back. A VAC ban would ripple across any account linked to that phone number. Thus, you are a fucking retard if you link your account to a public SMS number.
Can't cheat anymore on Valve's own servers which is what every russian kid on the block wants to do.
To be honest even if I never cheat, the mere existence of a perma-ban or an account suspension kind of concerns me since my account is 10 years old now and it has 300+ games.
I know i'm just kind of paranoid but yeah
Why are so many accounts linked to the same number?
Who cares? Don't hack, don't get VACed. Been playing on steam for well over a decade now, from 1.6 to dod to, well, dozens of others. Still never been vac banned. Because i'm not a retard who needs to cheat.
are you retarded? serious question.
>didn't cheat
>got vac'd for csgo
I thought it was hilarious, boring game anyway
>Underage kid complain about VAC ban
Every time
VAC only affects the specific game engine it's triggered on. It essentially means the ban is contained to a single game in most cases, notable exceptions being all GoldSrc games except Sven Coop and some Source games (CS:GO, Dota 2 and L4D2 don't count because they use modified versions of the engine) where the ban extends to the entire engine tree.
The point of having a number linked to your account is for added security.
Using a public number for security is fundamentally retarded. It's the same reason websites tell you not to save your passwords on public computers.
James, we're to help you. We can't do that if you can't help your self.
Why wouldnt someone just be able to use a Google voice number?
You can, just read google voice eula to see if what you're using is a shared number or unique number.
If its the former, you're risking your account.
enjoy you VACATION kiddy
So, when you sign up on steam you accepted their EULA stating that all accounts registered to a specific phone number would be threated as one, so, why would anyone complain knowing that?
In b4 "Im a stupid kid who didn't read what was I signing up for even when the platform gave me plenty of warnings"
I guess he wasn't playing on linux then.
Last I checked they didn't have VAC for linux because they didn't want to put VAC source public.
13 year account old fag, played hundreds (sometimes thousands) of hours in cs 1.6, source, go, day of defeat, l4d1+2, dota2, tf2. not a single VAC ban, get fucked hacking fag.
why would you use a public number don't you have a phone ?
how can you be this dumb
It's not punkbuster, VAC is based on known signatures and not shoddy heuristics where they just scan your PC's whole memory.
Steam isn't open source on linux you know, and yes, they have VAC on linux too.
Post yfw you click on their profile and see a VAC ban
sorry you got banned OP, maybe next time don't hack like a little bitch.
whenever i see "lol i got banned and i didnt hack" threads on steam forums, i feel like laughing at them.
literally, no one will ever get banned if they don't hack, it's that simple. your tears are fucking sweet though, so keep crying bitch nigger.
>its was an INTENTIONAL decision
>I'm actually glad this happened
When your main phone number is already banned.
Even kids these days have their own phones and numbers. No one has an excuse to use a public phone number just because they're underage or whatever.
i haven't even clicked on the link, but i just remembered that whole fucking paragraph. makes me kek every time.
pretty glad to see that at least, in general, Sup Forums seems to dislike hackers as well.
I didn't say open source. Making your source code public isn't the same thing and they had some kind of requirements with putting stuff on linux for that.
why don't they just buy a prepaid card number ?
I'm wondering why valve never introduced a "buy to remove public presence of VAC ban" thing. They'd probably make a fortune. It wouldn't remove the vac ban, but it'd get rid of the big blaring red text on the profile page and I'm sure all those retarded 12 year olds would pay $50 easy for it.
>private profile
>1 VAC bans on record
>Last ban: 2 days ago
yep, retarded.
why the fuck wouldn't you use your own phone number, you dumb piece of shit?
>(not overwatch ban)
How young do you have to be to think this needed to be inserted? Its like his undeveloped mind just jumped to whatever other games he cheats on and couldnt help himself from mentioning them, despite being completely unrelated. Pure gold
watch the fucking video