Alright Sup Forums recommend me some fucking games. I'm bored out of my fucking mind and want to try something new...

Alright Sup Forums recommend me some fucking games. I'm bored out of my fucking mind and want to try something new. It can be AAA, Indie, or classic, as long it's on the PS4. Pic related is what I have so far since I just this console about a month or 2 ago
>inb4 Bloodborne

Other urls found in this thread:

im willing to bet you didnt beat all those games within 2 months

Of course not. Im still finishing up Crash Bandicoot and the Kingdom Hearts games. I have beaten the other games tho.

Bloodborne, faggot. Why is PS4 your only option anyways? finish them?

Bloodborne is the best PS4 game by leaps and bounds, would also recommend Gravity Rush but that game is a little more dependent on your taste

Gonna sell Xbox One, don't have a PC, and the 3DS isn't doing it for me. Nintendo Switch and the PS4 are all I got right now.

I am but I wanna list some games so after I complete them I'll choose which one to get next..

oh okay, you should try bloodborne

Alright. So why don't you wanna play Bloodborne? Check out Nioh and World of Final Fantasy. Yakuza 0 is wonderful but you're better off playing through the other games in the series first and I don't want to feel responsible for introducing more 0-first fags into the fandom.

dont get GR if you arent a waifufag

Never said I didn't want to try Bloodborne, I was just expecting these responses

I wouldn't consider myself a waifufag but I enjoyed the game, the open world wasn't ridiculously large and movement was really fluid. Combat wasn't that good though. The game is very Japanese though hence why it may turn people off. But considering OP has Persona 5 I doubt that's an issue

OP have you tried bloodborne?

Get Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap. It's the best game available on the system. Yes, you heard it correctly; the remake of a 28-year-old Master System game is the best game on the PS4.

Cyber Sluts

Nioh and Gundam Breaker 3. Two of the best games on the console

Got it on the Switch already. Good game

until dawn
it's a movie game but actually a good one

Sonic Mania fool


>no yakuza 0

Good choice. I don't own a Switch yet, but that's the kind of game that I'd prefer on a portable console.

Sorry user I just never heard of it before

Is there a physical copy?



Yakuza 0, if you like a lot of sidetracking and doing side stuff for 100% completion, I recommend this.
Gundam Versus, solid fighting game, quick to pick up and play.

The Last Guardian

>recommending Y0 to someone who very likely hasn't played the other games
Stop doing this.

This comes out in the U.S. in September. Wait till then to get it.

get yakuza 0

Get some more consoles.
>Phat PS3
>Wii U
>DS Lite
That's 9 systems' libraries right there. 10 if you count all the downloadable Dreamcast games on XBLA

>Nintendo Switch

Just get Sonic Mania.

This. Who the fuck recommends the lastest game in a story based as the entry point? Yakuza 4 is an entry point if only playing it just to see if you like the feel of the gamrplay for an hour or two but other than that start at the start.

Touhou Double Focus, Omega Quintet, Valkyria Chronicles, Earth's Dawn and Utawaterumono

I still have my 360 but I want to play new games especially on the PS4

Retards will try and tell you it's okay because it's a prequel. Likely the same awful crowd that encourages people start Metal Gear with MGS3.

Have you tried Nier yet? I liked the demo. I didn't have the time to check out the full game yet though.

>no black hand
I am disappointed

Sonic Mania on the PS4 or Switch? I really don't use my Switch anymore and primarily gonna use it for Nintendo Exclusives like Metroid, Mario and Pokemon

The only logical starting point with Metal Gear is Metal Gear 1. Not solid. 1.

Eh every Yakuza is self contained. They're all good games so just start with whatever you can. It's better to play in the wrong order than not at all.

>Eh every Yakuza is self contained.
Yes, I'm aware. I didn't imply otherwise.

2D Sonic games are great on handhelds. I love the 3D classics of Sonic 1&2 on the 3DS. If I already had a Switch, I'd definitely get it on it. If you only play in docked mode though, you might as well get it on your PS4.

I actually wanna try Nier. I've heard good things about it and 2B's ass will be enjoyable to look at

I'd recommend getting Yakuza 0, unsure whether or not Kiwami will be a good option too.

I've played all the English releases in release order. There was nothing in the main plots that wasn't explained in the game. Just reoccurring characters and references. Don't be that user.

If I posted my hand people would just talk about my skin color and me being a wristlet

>Buys Bloodborne machine
>Doesn't buy Bloodborne

You're a special kind of retard.

It's almost as if character development through the chronology is something experiencing properly instead of skipping around.

Titanfall 2 is on sale right now for $20. It's well worth it. Dragon age inquisition is in sale too if that's your thing, I didn't think it was all late but lots of others liked it. Certainly better than me:a.

I'm not OP but I don't own Bloodborne either. *shrugs*

*worth experiencing

Dragon's Dogma is coming out soon. Buy it when it does.

Tarantinoing the series by playing out of order isn't going to ruin anything. Playing one will make you want to play another so it's best to just start wherever you can. Your attitude just makes people think "I'll start at 1 somehow" and just never play. How does it feel to be responsible for Yakuza failing the first time Sega brought it over?

So what's so good about Bloodborne? Almost everyone in this thread is recommending it

>How does it feel to be responsible for Yakuza failing the first time Sega brought it over?
>the first time Sega brought it over?
What? SEGA published every entry in the west except for 5, which was handled by Sony.
>Playing one will make you want to play another so it's best to just start wherever you can.
I wish that were true. It's true for some but there are people posting in Yakuza threads now that won't go back and play the older games and are waiting for Kiwami because older games now look "clunky" to them. The PS2 games aren't rare and they emulate well enough. I don't feel bad for steering people away form starting with 0. they'll lose so much of the impact of that game by playing it first.

Bloodborne and The Last Guardian are my recommendations. Ratchet and Clank is fun as well but the writing is poor.

Meant to say they published every entry *that was ever localized* in the west except for 5

Great level design, mostly great boss fights, combat is fun, excellent soundtrack, constantly uncomfortable atmosphere in the best kind of way, great escalation towards the end of the game (which I won't spoil), interesting and unique enemy designs.

So all I got from this thread was Bloodborne and Yakuza 0. T-thanks v...

I recommended you Dragon's Dogma, you doofus.

And people also told you to try Sonic and Nier.

I already said Gravity Rush

I know you did but most if not everyone just said the same games

I recommended The Last Guardian and so did some other guy.

Didn't mean it like I didn't see your guys' recommendations. Just expected some more variety. Nier and Sonic Mania are defiantly the games I'm adding to my list

Here you go OP, thid ought to keep you busy for a while.

Big fan of 2D platformers. Looks good

>Gonna sell Xbox One
Have you played Lost Odyssey? Pick that shit up and play it if you haven't

It's a little bit souls-like

Why did you buy a ps4 just to play exclusives? You just limited your self from playing most of games released for the system.

He doesn't say exclusives in his OP though.


I had an Xbox one and realized I had way too many multiplats compared to exclusives. Once I got the PS4 I have more exclusives than I had on the Xbox One

You need to chill out user

Who is this aphrodite lookalike?

You mean you don't recognise LeeLee?

Gravity rush games

We don't really have the same taste so these recommendations may be all for naught but I've been playing these the last two months and enjoying them

>Dishonored:Definitive Edition
>Dishonored 2
>Wolfenstein The New Order
>Warhammer End Times Vermintide
>Fallout 4

It's also a little bit 4 hours long

It's also only £9

>>Wii U
Why would you tell him to get that?