After battling addiction for 20 years my brother got sober two years ago

Turns out he is an incredible leather smith.

This wallet was his birthday present to me.

He should probably start drinking again.

Is this from reddit or something?

You're from reddit. Time to go back

no u
Anyways I'm happy for you if this is true OP don't listen to the fags here

Wow that is amazing!

Tell him to keep up the great work!

Good for your brother OP. It's nice that he's found a talent in something and can share that the people that helped get through something difficult.

That's really good. How long would it take to make a belt like that?

what the fuck is wrong with me I pronounced that as lee-ther

Hello good sir, we see you have "pic related". It would probably be best if you and your whole family necked themselves. As the world would be better off without your bloodline destroying the Human Gene pool more than it already is.