Just look at how ugly it is.
Just look at how ugly it is
switch isn't much better.
Can't argue with that.
The controller is better than people make it out to be. I prefer it over the competition, desu.
nah the gamepad deserves its reputation
glossy finish is trash and its hard to hold if you have long fingers
>glossy finish is trash
I agree about the glossy finish but I like how the buttons feel and that your hands are further apart than normally. It's just more comfortable to me.
It's pretty as fuck.
I have one too.
>Sony ponies keep beign btfo by the switch
>resort to shitposting the WiiU, proving themselves to be weak little shits
Oddyssey and Pokemon aren,t even out, how will they EVER recover
i had to clean my gamepad and i used the Nintendo guideline to clean it and it fucked it up, and gamepads are still 90$+. The pads are good but holy fuck if they get dirty its over. Life is suffering
>no one is allowed to hate Wii U without being accused of liking Sony
It really was an uncomfortable, cheap plastic piece of shit wasnt it? its almost my most regrettable console purchase next to the 360, which i sold 2 months after i bought it
You are quite allowed to hate it, but don't deny you are absolutely assblasted.
A bit of advice, try not to time your shitposting thread about a deprecated console with the release date of a NPD upset you.
>isn't much better
the thing literally shows itself to not be a wii u but actually what the wii u should've been, thus I suppose Switch is actually Wii U
There's a thread hating on the PS3 right now. Why don't you go to that and accuse them of being assblasted?
More like samefag samefags his thread hourly/daily and keeps getting replies. Sage, report and lets move on with our lives.
why? Hating the PS3 is perfectly healthy and fair.
Again, i really suggest you learn what ''timing'' is.
>samefag samefags
You are assblasted.
>Hating the PS3 is perfectly healthy and fair.
So is hating the Wii U since it was worse than the PS3.
You really are just biased salty Nintendo drone.
>count doesn't rise
>thread doesn't bump
Hi OP. Kill yourself. You'll be much happier.
Am I not allowed to respond to people?
timing, mentally challenged nigglet.
Really, it's fine to be upset that you lost, and that everyone but other sony nigglet are laughing at you due to your insufferable goldface shitposting
What isn't fine is to not learn about the mistake and still act like a little shitposting nigglet. Stop it
Fuck off shitposter.
Sorry OP, even if you made the thread, it's not a safe space. You gonna have to deal with people who aren't sony niggers.
See it as a occasion to learn from your betters
I'm pretty content with my Wii U, desu.
Man Nintendo fans really are the biggest shitposters.
You're content with it because you're a drone. No one with taste would be satisfied by that abysmal library. No wonder it flopped so hard.
How am I a drone when I also own a PS4 and a gaming PC, Mr. Smartass?
>wah wah i'm getting insulted in my own shitposting thread
>wahh wahhh muh Sony
>bought one from my friend for $150 with 4 games
>LoZ: TP, Smash4, Splatoon and Super Mario World
>the console is in good shape and the pad is working fine
Was it a good buy or did I fuck up?
>P-please stop hurting me this shitposting thread is my safe space please stop
It's a significant improvement.
I don't even own anything from playstation
I don't know about the US, but apparently in Europ prices have been rising in the last six months or so. My buddy sold his Wii U a while ago for pretty cheap and now is pretty pissed because he didn't wait a little bit longer. I told him to, but he didn't listen.
Is it on 5.5.1 or 5.5.2? If it's on 5.5.2 you fucked up
>implying Switch Pokemon isn't going to be another shit Colosseum style spinoff
They still haven't even released US/UM and they're already talking about the next game. It's definitely going to be halfassed and not mainline
v5.5.1? why?
fuck, wanted to reply to It's on v5.5.1? Why I didnt fuck up?
>nintendo ponies keep beign btfo by the ps4
>resort to shitposting the psvita, proving themselves to be weak little shits
don't lie
There's a web exploit for 5.5.2. No reason to say on 5.5.1
If its on 5.5.1 you can hack it and get free games. You can install them right to your home menu like normal games, you can even play pirated games online. Plus you can inject VC games, which is useful for stuff like DS and GBA since most of the good games aren't on the eshop. Plus other homebrew apps like HID to Vpad that lets you use any USB controller on Wii U and lets you use the GC adapter for any game, not just Smash.
You can also hack the Wii mode and use it to pirate Wii and GC games.
There's literally no reason not to hack your Wii U if you have one, you won't get banned or anything.
Are you sure? I looked at /hbg/ earlier today and didn't see anything about that