
Post them guts.
PC gaymers of Sup Forums. What games are you looking forward to the most this year?


>inside of my computer looks like a spaghetti factory

oh well

NH-D14? The sides of the fan look new. Recent purchase I take it?


Too lazy to redo everything. The back panel barely shuts.
D15. Was just cleaning pc.
Is this not video games?

I'd take a better picture but I'm to lazy at the moment

>Is this not video games?

No, it's technology.

Not video games.

Shit forgot to add that I'm looming forward to the 2 metroid and mhw. I have a lot on my backlog so I'm trying to not let anything catch my eye so i can finish these off.

Well post a pic and tell him what games you're playing/looking forward to and make it vidya

AMD friend here, very happen with Ryzen 1600 but no idea where to go next GPU wise because Vega fucking sucks.

Just finished Observer, was firmly OK.

Looking forward to playing Starcraft remaster, Wolfenstein the new meme despite the controversy, Metro Exodus and hacking away at the long as fuck backlog.

I have new parts coming in today and tomorrow, too bad cant share upgrade pic. Gonna pair Ryzen 1300x, Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB and Gygabite ab350 Gaming 3 mb with my Inno3d GTX970.
Looking foward to evil within 2, shafow of war, yakuza kiwami and wolfenstein II

Hey I have that case, damn fine one, though my sapphire card barely fits in it.

my noctua nigga

counter-sage bump

sage isn't a downvote or an anti-bump you fucking newfag



>Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

bye faggot lmao

not so fast

You should give your GPU some support, it's sagging

That's not going to affect performance. It's not going to move either.

Counter wars?!

my HD7970 just bit the dust. what should i get?

Heart of the cards answer my call

I have the 1600x its a decent cpu, unless you need a new gpu immediately I'd wait till the new year. I'm using a 1050ti until prices come down a bit

ill discard a negate and pay 1 life!

Will do user.

What games do you want to play? I'd get an nvidia gpu simply for the streaming until amd comes up with something to match

Btw is that the fractal r5?

Nah it's a corsair carbide 100R, I was looking at fractal but I get fucked on the prices here in AUS.