Why would someone wear shoes like this? What is the purpose when they just cut off half way?

Why would someone wear shoes like this? What is the purpose when they just cut off half way?

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why did you open this thread again?


sex appeal

To pander to those who like feet because it's a very common fetish?

To rub them all over my face after milkie time

stop making this thread op. nobody cares and you are pathetic for seeking attention from random faggots on the internet.

There, is that the attention you where trying to garner?


have footfags gone too far?

Blizzard is full of fetishists inserting their fetishes into designs
Murky is basically a walking soiled diaper fetish

Not far enough

Should've just made her barefoot, but couldn't because the heels are part of her character model.

But why "hide" half the foot when you want to appeal to footfags?
I think that this footwear is pretty stupid. Is it at least appealing to footfags?

Makes me want to buy the game and play Mercy just for this skin

will you put your feet in my face?

That can't be true


W-why would I do that?

>Mei didn't get a super small bikini skin

What a shit event.

>no Mei and D.va eating out at the popsicle stand

This world isn't progressive enough.

There's always next summer

Have Crestafags gone too far?

I'd believe it, since it's her walking noise which is arguably a game mechanic to know where and what enemies are around the corner

Why do mods allow these multiple daily poor excuses for overwatch general threads when there is a general available at /vg/?
This is truly the my little pony of videogames and I bet that you will soon get your own board as well.

What about making a different walking sound for that model? You know, when someone runs around barefoot it also makes noise


I really wish you faggots weren't so faggy

*puts my feet in your face*

Looked like sandals at first glance. Realized it's half heels / half barefoot which is even more stupid.

What the fuck is the point of playing the character using this skin when it's a first person game?

because youre a lewd sloot



Would you Sup Forums?

pls dont bully
I'm not a slut!

It's the second most common fetish after futa.

The heels are a part of her default character model. In order for them to make her completely barefoot they'd either have to make her character model shorter, adjusting her hitbox, affecting gameplay. Make her actual height taller, which could look awkward, especially when compared side by side with another Mercy, or have her walk on her tip toes.

Are you retarded?

>reading comprehension

2 possible explanations:

1). Footfag pandering

2). All of her other skins have a slight heel, and this is a skin, not a complete character remodel. Idea probably was to have her barefoot, but then they realized that leaves the soles of her feet literally in the air, so they added this retarded fucking shoe to compensate.

bully me with your feet

I dont bully others


The Overwatch developers are all dirty footfags. Roadhog, Winston, Sombra, Doomfist, Mercy... They take any opportunity to expose toes, and it's happened all the more recently.

it makes my dick really hard and this all that matters when it comes to retarded designs like this

i want to sniff mercys feet after a long hard sweaty battle

have you got a source for that, my friend?

if you like that look up Chinese foot binding you madman.

Because of muh dick


Can someone explain to me what the foot fetish is all about?

Is it about massaging her delicate toes and soles and making the woman feel good or is it just literally the phalanges and fungus?

first, a fetish is not meant to be understood, you either have it because of some event in the past (either some trauma, or your subconscious fucking with you, etc), or you acquire it gradually, maybe through exposition or association

as for the fetish, I myself enjoy
>the shape of the soles
>being smooth
>shape of the toes and toenails
>pleasuring the woman
>submissiveness involved in massaging them

I myself am not into the stink aspect of it, but I know that there are foot fetishists that are into it

literally the most common 'degenerate' fetish

cry some more


define "degenerate"

anything normies think is gross
hence the 'degenerate' and not degenerate

Or for alternatively make that model hovering slightly so its the same size and shape to regular Mercy.

But I suppose her walking sound of heels wouldn't make sense anymore and throw off people who listen out for that.

I like feet because the accentuate the legs and the butt. They're like great accessories to the whole package.
However, I really really dislike porn that focuses too much on feet, or drawings that draw overly detailed feet. That shit is actually somewhat repulsive.

Buy the game and play with me

I only like Mercy when she damage boosts me while playing as Pharah