Stop playin vidya

>stop playin vidya
>stop drinkin, stop fappin to porn because MUH DEGENERACY
>browse Sup Forums all day everyday
>depressed as fuck

>start playin vidya again
>start drinkin socially and fappin whenever

Reminder that video games and living your life for you is FUN

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haha those people who say it's "degenerate" are the ones who really suffer from those "degenerate" things, they are larpers who can't control their addictions and get off to giving "advice" they can't even do themselves

why the fuck would you think stopping any of those things would improve your life, maybe drinking if you have a problem, but jesus christ.

>taking Sup Forums seriously
I mean I'm happy you got out of that vicious cycle but you are still an faggot.

>tfw you can't quit Sup Forums

Was hoping this would be deleted by the time i hit reply.

All those vices are good in small amounts.
Addiction is bad, not drinking, drugs or vidya.

Yeah I know
But it really is a crazy vicious circle once you get into that
I'm beyond happy that I've finally decided to drop it and just enjoy life
Only thing I'm keeping is my strict /fit/ regime

>going to Sup Forums on purpose

I can't believe people actually do that and make it one of their regular boards

>namefag literally who thinks he has a valuable opinion

>he fell for the degenerate meme

Source? Is this Miyamoto's waifu?

Porn and drinking are factually bad for you

I agree, also modern men no longer desire big breasts

How is fapping once every other day and drinking (read: not getting fucking wasted) once a week that bad?

It isn't

porn can.

Fag please go
Depends what you are drinking,beer is fucking shit and makes you grow man tits,wine is fine.
You can fap without watching porn.

Big breast are amazing if the shape is good. Just massive shitty cow tits are shit.


Is that the chick from Boris?

>make you grow man tits


Having a couple beers a week wont give you man tits you autistic, retarded faggot

It says so in the bible.

t.future D cups

how about cider? I'm trying to go gluten free.

There's literally nothing good about drinking beer. It's only bad for you, some to a lesser extent than others but it's still only bad.
And he said porn was bad, not fapping. Retard

t. Lonely weeb trash

>gluten free
Truly the biggest of cucks.

The only alcohol that won't completly fuck you up is the blood of Jesus, wine.

This is what you will look like in the future,keep pumping yourself full of estrogens.

>it's ok because it's FUN
>browsed Sup Forums all day
Guess how I know you're not old enough to post here.

>the very concepts of nofap and being sober are Sup Forums now

What the fuck are you typing there lad

the blood of jesus gives me a horrible hangover.

peak Jahans.
oneday this will be me

Kys, go back there or go to R9K.

You devil.

Triggered a /polfag/, huh?
Haha XD

Where did you get this picture of me?

If you want to be happy read some stoic philosophy, works on my machine

>all that acne

sign of heavy wheat intake.

anything in particular?

Protip: the first step to long lasting happiness is to stop caring about what other people think of you. Worry about how you think of yourself instead. One cannot find value in others if he finds no value in himself.

Everything in excess is bad for you, user.

>stop fappin to porn because MUH DEGENERACY
people do this? that would be the real degeneracy

>Stop tapping completely

You fucked up. You're supposed to cap once a week for those test gains and you slowly go back to vanilla like I did.

>stop playing vidya
Only do 1.5 hours a day, don't overdo it.
Remember that it's better to be a centrist, and yes trump is good
Limit it down again

Moderation is key. Fitness works the same way.

The guy said that he has literally no testosterone

>try to reconnect with an old friend of mine
>he starts talking about retarded Sup Forums shit
>never talk to him again

Manly P. Hall

why is trump good?

Wrong. Now is the time to prepare your mind and body for the coming troubles. Are you willing to kill to save what you love.

Because google it.

Yeah, thats Wata. idk if you follow Boris on instagram but their story is almost always just videos of Wata playings Splatoon 2 lately.

Fucking amazing Japanese doom/sludge metal/psychedelic guitarist from the band Boris.

This really is the worst excuse there is out there for doing retarded shit.

is that Wata?
what the hell

>going to Sup Forums
>taking all of that bullshit seriously
>now surprised that your life is shit and you hate everything

wow you made yourself a retard on purpose?

Fuck no fap. I stopped fapping for like, two weeks, and my semen got really gelatinous and yellow.

Started to fap every single day after that before going to an urologist and what would you know? It returned to have a consistent whiteish hue and no jelly cum.

Fuck that shit. But I'll still go to the urologist to check on that.

It depends on what you want, you want to get into the philosophy of the thing itself then go read the Greeks, Epictetus is the best one. If you want some lighter reading just to get started go with "the subtle art of not giving a fuck"

No it's not.

You can't be that unbearable.

>I don't know why, I just know Hilary is bad.

ah, alright.

is that wata

You should've stopped taking Sup Forums seriously when they thought Hillary and Jon Podesta were part of an evil devil cult just because Podesta's brother invited Jon to a retarded performance artist's cookbook promotion.

Then don't eat any beans, sprouts, cabbage, spinach, soyabean, or grains because they have the same thing in them too.

Only autists don't realize when Sup Forums is serious and when its not,Pizzagate was ironic bullshit from the start.

thanks. I've read a little zen philosophy. I guess that's similar.

>everyone around me depressed with their lives
>know a whole array of people ranging from literal trannies who hate their lives and have crippling depression, normies who dislike their jobs and gf, NEETs who find their everday shitty life depressing
>don't really have much to say to them about it besides "yeah it sucks, bro"
>all I do everyday if play video games, browse Sup Forums, watch anime, fap and listen to music
>don't even feel depressed even though this life is no better than anyone else
>feel pretty happy most of the days, love to laugh and usually watch comedies and upbeat music whenever I can

I mean sure, >tfw no gf hurts sometimes, but it's not like I think about it everyday. Not sure why everyone is so depressed these days.

>Not sure why everyone is so depressed these days.

what other music?

why is Sup Forums so obsessed with Sup Forums? Pol doesn't even glance in our general direction, but Sup Forums is filled with threads just dedicated to them

tfw no wata gf

You know full well why.

I honestly don't know

>got sim city 4 on steam sale
>days later cities skylines goes on sale for 7 dollars

>Pol doesn't even glance in our general direction
Pol comes here when they're in a bad mood and feels like shitposting.

People on Sup Forums blame Sup Forums for all the identity politics shitposting that's on Sup Forums these days.

>tfw I first started trying to quit Sup Forums in 2013
>4 years later and I'm still here

>Not sure why everyone is so depressed these days.

You want the easy answer? Lack of responsibility because their life lacks meaning. As a result they verge towards nihilism.


those are just Sup Forumsirgins who enjoyed easily baiting this board

>stop all of your old habits
>have no new habits to fill the time with
>become bored and hate yourself

And on the video game side.

Just to name a few, it's not Sup Forums tier stuff or anything, just happy upbeat music, or fast paced intense music that really good.

I lurk Sup Forums sometimes out of curiosity, but it gets repetitive very quickly. It also worries me a bit how much they love to obsess over violence and death. All the time, they always go on about "MUH DAY OF THE ROPE" or something.

>wata posting
>on Sup Forums

You guys are alright.

Last time I saw Boris she was playing on her 3DS before the show.

Just a cpuple of alphas about to run a train

Went from drinking 4-5 days a week to just 2. Are you guys proud of me? Also decided against upgrading my PC because I never play on it and Im going to go Switch hunting this weekend with my best friend. Really excited.

>tfw avoid alcohol because I have shitty willpower with other stuff like browsing Sup Forums too much,
eating too much junk food, etc