My sister is getting me a PS4 tomorrow. Should I get Bloodborne or Yakuza 0?
My sister is getting me a PS4 tomorrow. Should I get Bloodborne or Yakuza 0?
post the sister
depends, if you like souls games get bloodborne if not then try yakuza
both, really.
Make sure you reward her with sex.
This kind of happened to me too irl, but more on so she wanted it for her weeb games.
You should buy no games and molest your sister instead.
Recreate your image with her.
Jeez user, you can't just go around hugging and kissing your sister like that, me and your father are very worried.
>tfw I'll never get to live out my incest fantasies
>tfw no open minded sister to cosplay with
Excuse me good sir but if there is more of this I sure do need a source
But that's his mom
sadly no they just kissed briefly on stream and thats it
>it's a fucking elementary school kiss
Jesus Christ on a stick, that dude looks autistic as fuck.
>tfw i know this feel
>kissing your sister on stream is awkward
Whoa whoa hol up Sherlock, you don't say, really activates my almonds.
It's two girls.
>he doesn't kiss like a real man
>heh, I bet he still uses a straw when drinking capri-sun
>present day, present time
>using crayons
>not using german colored pencils
>not enough tongue to be a highschool kiss
Persona 5
shut up, no one wants to hear this
>tfw I never had a sister
At least your chances isn't 0%
They're sisters
Why even live
>I'm so embarrassed
>better post about it on facebook
This. Sisters love this.
>I just got my sister pregnant
>i'm clearly a very rational and forward thinking person
Ask her to get a multiplayer game so you can play with your sister and show greater gratitude for the system.
>you think its real
Same user
I have 3 brothers and no sisters it sucks
>tfw I'll have a cousin this holiday
How do I deal with her?
No, it's some autistic german guy and his gf. I forgot the twitter handle is but that's where the clip was uploaded.
I hope you get 2 controllers to play with her
Wait until the tender age of 12
What did he mean by this?
>that fucking texting way that they both type
how can you let this disgusting image get you going?
kirino is a Slut and oreimo is Trash
>I kicked you out of the house because your little sister is pregnant and you are the father
Sounds totally worth it for me.
OP here. What are some good multiplayer games?
how high are you right now?
Well that's gonna take a while.
No I mean how can I be a good person to her?
The twitter handle you're mentioning is melonpan, he pretended that that was him and his mother because he's an ultra weeaboo troll.
It's actually from a chinese blog stream, and they're apparently sisters.
user DON'T...
Siscons are retards, only people with sisters can tell how fucking bothersome they are, and how they always end becoming another normie whore.
Even your cute little imoutos will grow and turn bitchier and bitchier with each passing year. Its nature running its course.
>Southern US in a nutshell.jpg
They'll always love you tho
They're both blindfolded you tard.
It's not my fault you failed to help your sister be a normal woman.
>Have incest fetish
>All the women in my family are ugly and sometimes crazy too
These are some complicated feels, why can't my family be hot?
Those are some squishy plantains.
That's the fault of shitty brothers
A cool big brother would never let their little sister fuck niggers
I sorta did but it wasn't the cousin i really wanted, rip
don't let her hurt herself (sticking things in power outlets, falling down stairs, running around with scissors), keep her fed and hydrated, let her watch cartoons, do not give her any high sugary candy.
That's literally it. Kids over the age of 4 are usually pretty easily distracted and controllable unless they have been badly raised without any discipline.
>europe has more incest than the american south
>europe is a country
yee hawww pardner
>they always end becoming another normie whore.
But they did.
Why are those yellow squash so flexible?
Because it's rendered
there was a tweet from him, I also saw the stream
>tfw my older sisters used to pin me down, strip me naked and forcibly fart on my face
>mfw i realize that's probably some user's greatest fantasy
I actually bought those 2 games at the same time and I ended up forgetting Bloodborne, Yakuza 0 sucked me right in, really comfy game.
CG my dude
Must be tough having a little sister in Japan.
What with all the incest culture and you getting a boner every time your little sister calls you "onii-chan".
>having kids age 31 and 15
>let her watch cartoons
Have you seen what's on tv lately? It's a leftist propaganda machine now and cartoons are no different
Absolutely not
Those mangoes are gooey.
Considering some US states have a higher population than European countries its a fair comparison.
Not an argument, redditor.
its not worth my time to look up the exact countries it applies to, i imagine the countries that are taking in a ton of sand niggers and they are driving incest up.
that webm is two females you retard completey unrelated to his tweet
dumb niggers dont understand the context of that tweet still
>he thinks any girl would be willing to do something like call a dude oniichan
user YES
And thinking being a whore is normal is something only a retarded virgin would say
>3 brothers
>0% chance
If anything, your chances are three times more likely.
>"You're a virgin!"
Again, not an argument roastie.
You should try and start living your life correctly
Ok user, thanks for the advice
Who is this?
That's the strangest part to me too.
Why have a kid and then 16 years later decide to have another one? Either have all your kids in one go so they can grow up together or don't have any.
Yakuza 0, easily
Good as time as any to get this off my chest:
>sister used to "pretend to be on college" with me when I was 6 and she was 10
>She would hold me down and kiss me
>Did it like 3 times
>Play Starfox assault multiplayer and pretend that we were dating as crystal and fox
I'm not attracted to her in any way and I WISH she was something like Camilla or MEGAMILK, but no luck.
She asked me a few months back (was 22) if I remembered when we used to play like we were in college. Kind of had a kneejerk reaction and said no. Two years later and I'm still wondering what she wanted to say. What if I had said yes?
kek, look at this triggered roastie.
Kirino is best girl. And one day you'll get over it.
>not an argument
Not an argument
The only reason she'd bring it up is if she wanted to play again, user. You broke her heart.
You ruined it.
Same except for the farting part. She would just make me eat her out.
>Don't let her hurt herself
Terrible advice. Just don't let her kill herself. Sticking my finger in a electrical box taught me a respect for high voltages. (It was dark, the light switch didn't have a face plate. I missed and went inside )