ITT we design Diablo 4

ITT we design Diablo 4.

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It can't be finished by a little asian boy 12 hours after release

Mobile iOS/Android title. Manage your caravan with all of your craftsmen and vendors, select dungeons from the map that are just like randomized mario party boards you run your character through, exchange numbers with mobs of enemies or bosses. Manage your gear, and your Caravan, lots of freemium timed lockouts.

Actual necromancers from day one instead of their nigger versions

We go back a bit to D2 and grab fewer enemies that are harder and more challenging. Different foes with different signature attacks.
Keep all the D3's quality of life. More different gems. More modifiers on loot (Path of Exile) making perfect rolls harder. More crafting/enchanting, getting special items that can switch modifiers to ones you want.

Less endless grind and infinite dungeons. Less Paragon shit. More adventure mode. Slower leveling to max level.

path of exile is shit though why would you copy anything about it

Make the fourth one a MMO. Worked for Warcraft.

Things it will have
>4 player coop
>PS4 and Xbox one compatibility
>hot bar with 4 skills and your main and secondary powers
>automatic stat points assigned each level
>improved graphics but not crysis levels
>skills you can change on the fly when out of combat

Things it might have


There he is, the PoE aka More RNG Is Good Design millenial retard-o

Yes, let's make it so that D4 has characters reroll their boot speed until they can run through mindless enemy pack with their rerolled flasks and spam AoE attacks no matter which class they use

>PS4 and Xbox one compatibility
Shit game confirmed

Remove Blizzard.
Make a good game instead.

>More modifiers on loot
>Less endless grind

Literally a genre for retards

D3 was better on consoles tho, D4 will be even more console friendly.

Sounds like itd be a major success. I'll bring it up at the next board meeting. Thanks user.

Blizz just give me D2 HD remaster

Well, I really like the pets in Torchlight
Maybe give the same features to companions

Speaking of companions, flesh them out a little better.

Would like to see way more classes to choose from. Greater variety in loot. Also being able to equip anything, maybe it just applies certain effects to specific classes.

make a time machine to go back in time and save the creative director of titan quest who died, give him some position.

There's no way they're working on Diablo 4. With SC:R, rumours of WC3:R, they're most likely remastering Diablo 2 instead

no "the real endgame is ng+++++++ farming". balance the game around a single difficulty mode and remove rng items in favor of fewer but unique handmade items.

real endgame is pvp on maps with great destructible environments

bring skill trees back and make inventory management less of a hassle when you're playing local
Just make the game go splitscreen whenever someone opens their inventory, skills, or shop and another player presses start

Gameplay doesn't fucking matter, I just want them to get it right with the aesthetics.

D2's environments had just this perfect mix desolate and hostile. They were big and empty enough to feel like a wasteland. I think it combined well with the narrative to give things that "Diablo really fucked up everything for everyone" sort of feeling. D3 was just so cramped and crafted and contained.

put the camera lower, closer to the characters

basically something like third person but a bit skewed

Bring back runes in one form or another.


It will be a single-player MOBA, just 3/4 skills and an ultimate.

How was PoE Fall of Oriath? I'm curious but I don't have the time to burn on that clickety click nonsense.

First of all
>remove character leveling
>remove many enemy types
>a new exciting map
>change the game mode entirely
>have players play in teams of 5
>their goal is to destroy the other teams soulstone
>to aid them in this the demon team gets lesser demons who will cross the map to attack the enemy soulstone
>for defense both teams will have turrets that kill the lesser monsters while players do battle


it's not good


blizzard should do this with all of their IPs

SC3 then World of Starcraft
OW2, OW3, then World of Overwatch

You have just designed a hots battleground

>drop the WoW armor design
>drop the WoW world design
>drop the WoW game play design

make Diablo 1 remake with new non cartoony graphics + some new areas and i'll be happy.

also add a secret level where every monster you kill is a fat blob named Jay Wilson.

Diablo 2 clone, but:
HD graphics
Monster resists capped at 75, maybe 85 for bosses

ITT: We demonstrate why the west is horrible at designing games in the 21st century.

You know, it was WoW that stole all the gameplay cues. You think Mythic+ is an original concept?

Oh yeah, also erase D3 from the lore completely.

as opposed to the east where every character tries to wear more leather and belts than their enemy and wield the biggest ridiculous looking sword while looking like it's the most normal thing in the world.

>tfw still waiting for World of the Lost Vikings

I didn't say they weren't just as guilty too.

they should go full witcher 3 with the act 1 environments, it was sort of celtic/slavic/nordic already, even more attempts at authenticity would be great. Like take my picture, imagine a few split logs used as a bridge through the marsh lying there. A few zombies stand aimlessly in the water, bog bodies that have laid there there for centuries. Their faces are crumpled up like dry leaves, no longer in a shape that leaves recognizable facial expressions, not even the grin of a skull. A burning church, your goal, can be viewed behind the treeline. It's a primitive construction, no grand cathedral by any means, but the tall tower sporting a cross is visible for miles. Your barbarian is knee-deep in the soggy ground, and is preparing for battle. burzum can be heard playing in the distance

or something, that shit's diablo, not clicking on loot

>No online connection required.

Real money auction house
Shark cards
Map packs that you pay for
Difficulty levels that you pay for
BlizzCash you can buy in the shops
Buy a random crate of items for real world money
Expand your Tome of Town Portal for money
Want more than 2 ability slots? only $0.99 each
Double your inventory space (from 12 to 24) for only $1.99! You can buy this package again for $1.99, doubling your inventory space again from 24 to 36!
Always Online. Paid Online.
Wanna customise your avatar? Randomly dropped skins and cosmetics. You can even pay $5 to double your drop chances for a month!
Permanent bans to an account for "toxic" behaviour or the use of "toxic" gameplay mechanics. Don't worry though, for only $100 we can transfer all your unlockables to your new account.

This so fucking much
It feels like the Diablo III story was done completely by consensus groups like half the movies that come out

make it a third person action game, with combat like chivalry or dark souls or whatever, though you can just as well play a purely ranged or spellcasting character

make it about playing through the game as a challenge and adventure, not grinding for loot

make it atmospheric

combat should of course be almost the only focus, but you can throw in some breather or tense moments where there are no enemies to be seen and it's just you and the environment, I mean fuck

make it some sort of open world maybe, the outdoors levels have been sort of going in that direction already

plot could probably do with retconning in some new lore, we've already been to hell and back and back to hell and then to heaven and basically know every single tidbit about the cosmology, you need to force some unknowns into that shit, it's not going to have the same effect the fourth time as it did on the first. My suggestion is pagan gods coming back and fucking shit up while possibly being involved with/corrupted by diablo.

also if you're going to have a city, make that city fucking huge, I mean what the fuck was up with caldeum, it was literally the camp, one plaza and a palace which didn't look like a palace at all

>make it atmospheric
Yeah, it should also be "ludo" and "flow well" and have a good sense of "pacing", while not being "janky" or "creepy" or "dissonant"

whatever fag, you knew what I meant in context

i think we need more sizzle words to sell to the bosses. got any more?

Should make it comfy.

the game should be extreme totally to the max, I mean fuck

>make it like X, but with elements from Y
>change the genre

meaning you're not even making the same game any more

>change the art style, setting, characters

has nothing to do with gameplay

>take elements from previous games

you're not making an expansion pack

>listing off cool features for minmax gaming

but the foundation of your game is still in shit shape

the suggestions i'm reading here qualify most of you for an exciting world in human resources at a game company

>meaning you're not even making the same game any more
you're not supposed to be making the same game, that's why you make new games
>has nothing to do with gameplay
design goes beyond gameplay
>you're not making an expansion pack
you're (deliberately) contradicting yourself
>the suggestions i'm reading here qualify most of you for an exciting world in human resources at a game company
you talk like a fag and you're shits all retarded

Add actual combat-oriented commands to the game instead of letting it wallow in click-spamming shit for all eternity.

>Dodge button. Different for each class, but all accomplish the same thing, granting iframes.
>Barb - Charges a short distance, stunning enemies hit.
>Sorceress - Teleports and gains a mana shield for a few seconds.
>Necromancer - Vanishes and appears nearby, a skeleton appears in his place. If used on a pet he switches places with them.

Then there can be skills, gear, and stats that affect that dodge.

Let's add an in game auction house that functions off real world currency. That sounds like a really good idea.

what if instead of real world currency you trade in real world gay sex

Plot: The Nephilim have built a kingdom rivinaling that heaven and hell, but as before they grow too powerful and must be stopped, where once they saved the land now they slowly bring it to ruin.


Order: Once an angel in the kingdom of heaven she/he has given up their form to fight by man's side. Order controls Light and metal to hurt their froze or root them in place

Incubus/Succubus: The eldest daughter/son of Cydia, maiden of lust. Though still loyal to hell the nephilim plight would be the end of evil and good. Through song, they can bring enemies to their knees, or enchant them for a time.

Undead: Life has taken place where it should not, the undead finds himself/herself with no memory, but a clear enemy...the Nephilim. With power over death itself, it can raise the dead, or use its own rotten blood to strengthen allies and weaken foes.

Some other fourth thing: Blah blah blah tanky

Move back to the perspective of Diablo 2. Character models should occupy a smaller portion of the screen, with a more zoomed out camera. Also, character and monster designs should be more in line with Diablo 1/2.

Keep the Diablo 3 QoL improvements and gameplay for the most part. More classes.

day 1 dlc cash shop online-only transfer cosmetics to and from OVERWATCH

You play as Diablo.

>>Plot: The Nephilim

stopped reading right there

That sounds really gay. If were going to such extremes then the auction house needs to be fabulous.

Every act starts and finishes with a brutal gear check.
More stats that matter instead of just weapon damage, life and resists.
Nerf uniques so rares are bis more often.
Have, like, pvp. At all.

Don't bother writing a story because it'll be dumb as hell no matter what they try.

>Nephilim are the antagonists
Why are we calling this Diablo again?

because the head nephalem (the Diablo 3 protag) got possessed by SuperDiablo

Diablo 3 stole a lot from WoW, Legion stole a lot from Diablo 3

Bring back the old guitar music. God damn that was good.

Does he have a cape because that would be rad?

no. but he's going to possess a shortstack so we get a 4 foot tall thicc diablo

why do you think its shit?

Get rid of all the WoW game design shit. Fix the game's aesthetic to be dark and grim again like the first two games. Get rid of all the lol so funnay jokes that literally every character spews and make the characters see Diablo as an actual fucking threat. Kill off the nephilim, make them bosses. Make the player characters random guys instead of chosen ones like diablo 3. Include a proper necromancer. Get rid of the difficulty slider and bring back the original difficulties. Get rid of rifts and add a real endgame. I could go on, 3 was such a disappointment

I'm intrigued, tell me more

I guess that means we have to hire Incase for art direction.

Bring back Druids.

>Get rid of all the lol so funnay jokes
Aww, come on. You know you like D'jank Miem.

Just kidding. I totally agree.

Establish and maintain the leveling curve instead of caving to endless difficulty inflation. Set the expected end-game level to something like 65 but the max to 100, giving some room to grow as more content is added.

Significantly fewer class-specific items. Guided loot should not be necessary. Similarly, remove arbitrary stat preference by class.

Find some way to compromise between people that play Diablo as an RPG (Gameplay, Setting, Systems), and those that play purely for the grinding (Minmaxes. Unique Item Hunting). The first prefers gameplay be complex and engaging. The second prefers gameplay be as quick and simple as possible. If you can't compromise, make it clear who you're catering to at the outset.

Re-evaluate game mechanics that work better in a Roguelike than in Diablo. For example: Differentiation between weapon damage and spell damage. Use of scrolls. Waiting around for mana to recover. Creatures with immunities and resistances. Limited-use weapons.

Make loot more interesting by inventing new item types. Add some more variations on items to make items more interesting. Don't make entire rarities of items obsolete or used as particle effects.

Make dungeon generation work like Diablo 1 and 2. Much more granular generation, instead of static borders and tiles that repeat often. Tell the art team to suck a chode if they complain.

Pick a different voice director than the rest of Blizzard titles. Subtlety would be nice. Diablo 3 feels like a theme park. Everything is exaggerated.