I think he is viable in Comp if used right and in high rank...

I think he is viable in Comp if used right and in high rank, just have him in a DPS slot and dont run 3 DPS because thats just retarded.

He's shit and if you want a strong archer then just go to Paladins.


Paladins is for poor kids, honestly In certain situations Hanzo is better than Genji.

He can steamroll the enemy team's DPS and healers if you know how to aim his bow properly and land headshots.

The only time you better EVER pick competitive Hanzo/Widow/Sombra is because you are a fucking LEGEND at this game and can single-handedly destroy the other team keeping them shut down the entire match.

If you just occasionally pull a gold medal or something and think "well I have a high winrate on him!" and then instalock one of these characters you need to fucking kill yourself.

Don't play DPS in Comp unless you are really fucking good at the game and its blatantly apparent to everyone who sees you play.

problem is the only time people want to play him is when they are throwing

go back you /vg/ retard

The fuck did you just say?

im bronze, but honestly observing high-level hanzo, my opinion has changed on him, as a bronzefag every Hanzo main is usually an emo kid who doesnt care about winning, however gold+ he is a good situational motherfucker who can take out niggas with his scatter arrow as long as they can fucking aim right.

is this the Overwatch thread?

I hate Mercy only girls play her.

What is the best Overwatch Summer Games skin and why is it Grillmaster: 76?

>Playing crippled Huntsman
Hanzo's only good in lewds but he's more fujobait.

Not true, but girls only play mercy. except one i found was a Lucio main. And another who was a Mcree main

Weird because the only characters that I see white girls play is Doomfist

Is this real?

Hanzo is a garbage outside of scattershot, so he shouldn't bother with him. If he wants to be an archer, the archers in Paladins are top tier who have cooler moves. Hence why I recommended it to the metafag.

>every quickmatch some retard pick him because he is "cool XDXD"

This happens for both teams though so just see it as a 5v5 with two retard Hanzos trying to snipe each other from afar.

Of course he's viable, only takes like 900 damage to fully charge his ult. Issue is when people are not connecting their shots but they wont switch him out. Or if they're getting counter picked because they actually are a good hanzo and they still wont swap. That's what throws higher level games featuring hanzo.

Hanzo is one of the highest skill ceiling heroes in the game.
The biggest issue you have to overcome is inconsistency,
Once you learn to predict enemy movement and be always effective, you will be impossible to counter

Now the meme, that Hanzo is bad, comes from consoles it would be imposible to play a good hanzo using fucking thumbsticks.
Sadly this meme spread and you get people throwing as soon as you pick him.