People start shittalking you in game

>people start shittalking you in game

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I hate this. Why are people so mean in online games

>inv4 people start saying shit to sissy boy referring to brutal sex

Go away.

I hate that too. why are anons mean to me as well? I just want to play video games

brutal sex, sissy boy

>you shittalk somebody in game
>you feel bad later thinking about it

>people compliment you after the match

>shittalk someone in game
>they leave a butthurt comment on your profile
another one added to the collection, boys

it's just a game bro

>tfw over-active conscience
I even feel bad about what I say on this shit hole of a website.

>being bad enough to warrant getting talked shit about
Just stop being bad at the game
And you stop being a faggot.

haha butthurt get epic trolled kid who cares if im a virgin LOL praise kek fucking libtard cucks

I'm not a faggot! Stop being mean

>only ever say positive things to my team, even for small things
>i'm top scoring
>i fuck up once
>people start shit talking me after i've been nice all game

I'm guilty as fuck of such but not from/in a game, just generally a Steam friend of mine. The guilt that's weighing me down..... I don't think I can ever bring it up to her.....

Yes you are, grow a spine

>put 3 of the same items up for trade on steam
>this guy wants it
>he never gets it because other users beat him to it
>I then accept the other people's trades
>later on he leaves a "- rep" comment on my fucking steam page
>mfw I just delete the comment and block him

>poople shart shittalking poo in game

I said stop being mean to me, please

>someone shit talks you during game
>adds you later
>compliments you
>wants your contact info outside of game

>top scorer on team
>Guy who's tanking teamkills you cause you don't clutch a round

>having fun playing game
>people start raging in comms and insulting each other
multiplayer games suck

I love this protagonist and villain "become friendly rivals to push each others power" trope

No, because either
A: You're genuinely like this and being nice won't make you not a bitch
B: You're not like this and you're just baiting for attention in which case, fuck you
C:You're not even the guy from earlier and are just acting like him to perpetuate his dumb meme and get (you)s

Someone singled me out just yesterday on uncharted4 multiplayer and called me a loser, that was the day i learned i could send dic pics on ps4

>being this assblasted by videogames

I'm not a bitch! Please stop insulting me, people are so mean to me its not fair

You get one more, that's it.

>KF 2 on suicidal leveling Firebug
>get shit talked for being under level despite having 2nd most kills, not dying, and healing too.
>get vote kicked instead of the Field Medic running acidic rounds and combat doctor.
You'd think HOE would be filled with tryhards not easy mode.

>game starts
> jajajajajaj :V
>dumpster him
>give em the lone "?"
>monkey proceeds to feed down mid lane
>game ends 2 minutes later

the lone question mark after you embarrass someone has borderline magical powers to tilt someone.

>mfw people pay attention to and/or acknowledge online multiplayer voice/chats

You seriously have no one to blame but yourself. 99% of the "information" that comes from voice/chat is worthless drivel. There is not a single good reason to ever read chat or have voice on in a good video game. It will only ruin the game experience.

>wants your contact info outside of game
He's gonna find you and murder you because of how bad you were.

At least use a different image faggot. I'm sick of seeing this fucking image every damn time I come to one of these threads. If you want to get bullied, and get the cock you so righteously deserve then use a different image.

Would you be my bf

>shit talk each other
>play some more matches
>give each other good advice
Feels good.

>Getting destroyed in an online game by one person
>He taunts you the whole time
>This triggers some kind of primal instinct inside of you
>Respawn with an intense fury that you've never felt before
>Proceed to get your ass kicked even further while he continues to make fun of you, further adding fire to the flames
>End up quitting the game immediately out of anger
>Just sit there taking deep breaths to calm yourself down before you end up destroying your entire room in a fit of rage

>that guy that starts shittalking the entire team nonstop the minute something goes wrong
>that guy that tries to suck up to the winning team in allchat by saying things like "my team is retarded lol"
>that guy that thinks he's an internet comedian and literally never stops talking on mic
>that guy whose mic is nothing but static and vacuum cleaner noises

This is why I stopped playing video games with strangers.

Please dont bully me I have done nothing wrong! I was banned for a week I dont know who's been posting it and I don't like being bullied...
I would have to know you first

proper etiquette for fag posting is typing gf(male)

>shit talk them back until they mute you

>Rocket League
>they score 3 goals in 30 seconds
>they start gging us

At which point I guarantee that we're going to win 4-3.

>they shit talk harder and harder the more they are losing
>revel in their salt so much I pop a boner

This has happened to me so many times

>people start talking about politics in the game chat

>They call you bad at videogames
>They're right

>They say you're only good because you're a virgin with nothing better to do
>They're right

>finally get one single win on them
m-moral victory

>Anal [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]

>complimenting team for irrelevant things
>carrying top score
>patronizing cunt
>deserves all of the shit talking

>Lose 3 games in a row but then win one and immediately back out
God I feel good after doing that and messaging them "GG (get good) no re

why do I feel like this thread is secretly talking about fag shit

This is the pretiest painting I've ever saw.

>that one guy who kicks people and shittalks the entire team in non-ranked gameplay because they aren't doing as good as he believes they should be / he wants to hog all the glory
>that one guy that kicks you from a L4D2 versus server because you got the Tank when he didn't

>did nothing wrong
>got banned for a week for being a fag
Yeah, sure

>say "gr ez" every time my team wins
>change my name to be near-identical to the enemy player who shows the most butthurt
>continue to bully them

user please dont call me a fag. That's mean...

I only get to step 3, then its fist through monitor every damn time. I dont even have faculty over this reflex, it gets so expensive. Ive been getting better about this though, and i dont get shittalked very often.

You'll learn yourself. Once you gather your confidence by self-improvement and doing productive stuff, you're more happier and more confident in yourself.

t. former sissy twink faggot

Do you still look cute though?

Look. I wouldn't take it seriously. I guarantee you most people say shit they don't mean in general. That and don't give a shit what people say in general. Everyone's going to have someone who doesn't like them no matter what. It is what it is.

Stop playing WoW.

>Sup Forums sissies
>ever looking cute

Actually it was BF1.

>retard on team blaming his teammates for everything
>gets put on the opposite team next round
>"finally some good teammates lol"
>proceeds to get shit on

>tfw i thought gg meant good game
>tfw i thought everyone was just being polite
>tfw theyve been shit talking me this whole time

Feels bad man.


sure thing sweetie

Maybe you'll stop getting called a fag if you stop this weird fagposting.

>tfw too drunk to notice or care

Seriously why even play online while sober?

What do you mean by fagposting? It better not be mean

>talk shit
>equally skilled player on other team returns fire
>have quality bants the whole game
>party up afterwards
>pubstomp while making kids mad

It was a different time back then.

Thats what they all say.

>victim blaming

>never talk/mic always off
>don't suck
>people still start trash talking me

Why would anyone do that?

Same here.

Yeah, I do by taking care of my self. Most of the Sup Forums sissies/cute boys are usually depressed or they have low-confidence. The slutty ones are obnoxious.

That's why you get bad experiences with them if you read some of the stories here from user.
What's your oldest image from here?


>play while drunk or high
>game is more enjoyable, even though you fucking suck
>people get mad at you but you barely understand what they're saying
>type out "lol" and "dude what" all the time
>opponents end up getting boosted while you play like a shitter
it's a perverse kind of feeling

>start match
>instant forfeit

This thread is gay.

>team insults me
>get horny

>>get horny

No you don't, stop this meme.

>lose game
>friend makes you sit on his lap

>shittalk back
>get punished

fuck you riot games

>playing game
>younger kid on voice chat talking about the objective and just in general trying to be a helpful team mate
>he isn't very good
>people start talking shit to him
>he doesn't say another word

Always makes me feel bad for them

>that guy who won't turn off the mike it sounds like he's munching on chips the entire time

God I miss the glory days of halo 3. Best multiplayer experience I've ever had. Every damn moment of my free time in high school was spent on this game.

>tfw barely play vidya anymore but sometimes boot up the Xbone for shits n giggles
>tfw looking through friends list
>tfw see all my old Halo 3 buddies
>tfw their profiles haven't been active in years
>tfw can't stop wondering where life has taken all my old online buds

Catgirls a shit

>keep getting killed by the same guy over and over
>become suicide bomber and kill myself along with him and some other players
>he calls me a retard

>>tfw see all my old Halo 3 buddies
>tfw their profiles haven't been active in years
>tfw can't stop wondering where life has taken all my old online buds
tfw can relate to this too

>playing fine
>team is also good they contribute
>we win, i get MVP
>''you are welcome for the carry motherfuckers''

i dont know why i do this, im a good person

>tfw they've been gone so long XBL stopped tracking
>just says "offline"

Grow some thicker skin, you ninnies

When I miss a easy save in rocket league, I just leave because I'm so embarrassed and everyone is gonna make fun of me.

My defense mechanism for this is just babbling and spouting actual gibberish into the mic, cutting them off whenever they try to make fun of me. It comes natural to me since I have these spergouts in private, as well, except I take off all my clothes
Is an example of what I sound like during one of my episodes. I'm not entirely sure, but I may be on the spectrum.

>legitimately try my hardest
>Keep getting killed by a single guy
>check the scoreboard
>39-0 KD ratio
>Actually think they might be using aimbots but I don't want to be that guy who calls it and ends up looking like a butthurt loser.

>this is what cucks consider a witty response

>get complimented on how I play one game
>get trashed on how I play the next game

>People start shit talking about your most beloved game.

I feel like I see the most shit talking in Rocket League, people legit get pissed off in that game.