Splatoon 2

Reminder if you pick invisibility you're a criminal.

prove it

>flightfags exist

>having to fly through rain,snow,wind and all other things to get somewhere

Reminder that if you pick flight, an anti-air missile has been locked on to you. And no, you don't have super fast flight speed.

If I were seen flying around I'd get experimented on, so invisible it is.

case closed

>pick invisibility
>get hit by heat seeking missile

Well I don't like heights and I'm ugly as all hell, so I guess I'll lose another Splatfest because I'd rather be invisible.

Plus being antisocial would be so much easier if nobody knew how to find me.

like this comment if this is the first splatfest you've ever had to actually think about XD

>pick flight
>fly up to an airplane and wave to the people
>plane makes a sudden turn
>some asshole's switch flies out the window and hits me in the face

Why would you need to fly at altitudes the FAA/military give a shit about?

Anyway, flight is impossible to keep under wraps. Invisibility is far more practical.


This is pretty much what I've been doing,.

>pick flight
>never have to walk again
>pick invisibility
>have to keep walking but you can do it without being seen
What's worse?

Flight is probably more exhausting than walking.

>Picks flight
>literally nothing to do other than fly
>No floating islands
>Nothing to explore
>Cold as fuck
>Increased amount of radiation absorbed
>Flying as the speed of a fat fuck. wow.
>Thought of as a super hero, captured by the gub'ment, experimented on

Invisibility is the only answer.

Reminder that if you care about super powers at all you're low test

you're a beautiful person in my eyes user

How would they know to fire the heat seeking missile, if they didn't know you were there in the first place?

Do they just randomly fire heat seekers in your general direction? Are they screen sniping? How do you even do that in the real world? Do heat seeking missiles dream of electric sheep?

>Not just getting free rides everywhere using your invisibility

Reminder that everybody under the age of 10 wants to be like Superman and thinks it would be cool to fly.

Reminder that those picking invisibility are neckbeard sexual deviants who are probably pretty good at video games.

flight best. invisifags go home

All of these choices are neckbeards vs. children though. Neckbeards picked mayonnaise, children picked ketchup.

flight would be somewhat convenient at times, mostly to reach stuff that's high up
but invisibility would have more life changing results

flight sounds great until you consider how cold and windy it is up there

Yes, and?

This. Flight would be good for like, impressing a few chicks, but with invisibility, you could just rape anyone you want.

>be invisible
>still picked up on radar
>target blip with heat-seeker

>Be invisible
>Light doesn't reflect off of you
>somehow a radar can still detect you

Found the high school drop out.

>no one is admitting to all the rape they would do

>Tonight at 6. Ghost rape, is it real? 10 million new reports on ghost rape just today. Stay tuned for more information

Flight, you will only get caught if you are an autist flying around in public everywhere.


>RADIO Detection And Ranging
>suddenly radio waves are visible light
American education everyone

Invis because let's be totally honest
>Be invis
>Sneak up on showering woman

Either is just asking to be abused. Invisibles would totally rape. Flyers would totally lift people up then drop them or drop bombs etc.

Invisibility = no consequences so it is naturally the most boring option

I wouldn't outright rape I don't think. I would just groom someone into wanting ghost dick

You can only reply to this post if you are on team /mischief/.

>turn invisible
>go into chicks room and wait for her to masturbate
>start fucking her while invisible
>she thinks she just had the best fap session of all time

>Implying you never imagined yourself at a water park and stopping time so you could undress all the girls in swimsuits


the power only works while holding your breath
now what?

If you're invisible you can sneak on board any passenger jet you want.

>Radio waves aren't on the electromagnetic spectrum
>invisibility selectively only blocked visible light

Literally retarded. Go finish your GED please.

How are you so fucking stupid?

Really, all I would use flight for is just to hover around and chill on the ceiling

Both are now garbage.

>he's not real

>pick flight
>fly to a live show
>get on live television
>become known as the incredible flying man

You must be underage. Look up the electromagnetic spectrum cuckboy. Why would visible light not reflect off of you but radio waves would?

No wonder nintenbros are mocked for being so fucking dumb.

Yes, because we all know how much radio waves are hindered the same way as light. Which is why nothing black or white is allowed to get between cell phone towers and your iPhone.

>pick flight
>fly to a live show
>get on live television
>become known as that guy who got shot out of the sky by the government

if you want to get technical about it you would be completely blind while invisible because the light would just pass through your retina

this is some next level autism.

How the fuck would you pay your bills if you're invisible?

I mean. Here's the deal. You steal shit right? Cool, but if you stole money, you now need to either use it in a store in which case you will get reported to the authorities and experimented on as a freak, or contact a bank to transfer it to your account in which case the personal will contact the authorities and get you experimented on.

But say you don't steal money, you steal valuables... what now? You have to pawn that shit in the black market, in which case it is likely you'll either be found selling shit online by the government and tracked down and then experimented on when they find out you're invisible... or if you decide to sell it in person to some criminal people, chances are they are gonna think "HOLY SHIT, AN INVISIBLE PERSON! I BET THE GOVERNMENT WOULD PAY A SHIT TON OF MONEY TO EXPERIMENT ON THIS GUY".

Why would I need to steal shit I'd just sneak into people's houses and use whatever I want, what would they call the cops and say a ghost is using their toilet or a ghost is looking up porn on their computer or a ghost is shitposting on Sup Forums?

>Being educated is autism

Must be American.

government experimenting is a fucking meme from the 80's. At most you would be screened to deem you a threat or not and nothing else without your consent. You gained a superpower, you're still a human who was born here you have the same rights

No, they'd swing a 2x4 at you because you'd be making your location known, also you'd have to get past the locked door.

When people eventually realize there is an invisible person terrorizing people's homes, you will be tracked down and experimented on by the government. You're fucking invisible, it's not like you can fucking hide your abilities and pretend they don't exist.

With flight you could choose to be an average joe who just flies to the general store sometimes (just use a ski mask for the cold and your identity and land somewhere remote) or flies on vacation

>knock on door
>they open it to see who it is
>sneak in when they look around

wow so hard

>they'd swing a 2x4 at you

Normal people don't swing 2x4's at nothing.

Invisible people can wear ski masks to hide their identity too.

Which is why flight is better. Unless you're really ugly.

i want to fly

>be invisible
>realize your eyes need to be visible to refract light
>unable to see and essentially become a blind ghost

Flight is just so useful overall. Fuck traffic I'm not tied to the ground anymore
>invisifags are in this very thread
Come on now


Who cares about traffic when you're invisible? Like where do you need to go in a hurry, your job that you don't need anymore because you can just steal everything or your date with the girl you don't need anymore because you can just rape whoever you want?

Invisibility only means that visible light doesn't bounce off of you. You are assuming that you have a different, better power than invisibility which causes ALL wavelengths of light to pass through you.

This is like somebody saying that flight is great because it lets you fly faster than the speed of light and go back in time. You're changing the power by expanding its scope

There's two ways this can work, you either go blind because light goes through you and you're blind or the other option which is of course light refracts around you. This could work but then anyone close enough or anyone with a pair of sunglasses on could see you. Plus the image they used for the theme shows that only your body is invisible so you'd have to run around exposed fucking up your feet

Honestly I'd pick teleportation over either of those

But I guess invisibility is better, it has more practical applications that I can think of

People saying they would use invisibility to rape people are retarded.

With either Flying or Invisibillity super powers, bitches would be all over your fucking dick. Why fuck the unwilling when you're surrounded by the willing?

What if I don't want to rape and steal things for a living?

>invisibility doesn't work on clothing
Flight is far more useful.

Niggers seem to enjoy it, why don't you?

I'd choose invisibility and then become a magician, jokes on everyone though, while they are trying to figure out how I did shit, It'd just be actual magic and not a trick.

because he's not a nigger?

DO i look like a nigger?

I don't know, you're invisible

>when you''re invisible, nobody knows you're a nigger

I know which choice I'm going with! Finally I can live a normal life.

I'd choose flight. As much as I'd love to rape my old childhood crush, I'd also really enjoy picking her up and dropping her a few kilometers up in the sky

You could probably rape her before you kill her anyway desu senpai

This thread got pretty dark.

You're right!

Damn I wish I could fly

>Only visible light

Say who? You don't dictate the rules. I didn't read the rest of your post because you sound mad bro.

They're bluffing. If I had invisibility I wouldn't rape anyone I would peep a little though

You can fly above the clouds to ignore weather dumbass

If you stop being invisible when you know you're naked then you're a dumbass.

I'd pick flight and fly around saving and helping people like Moe did with the fan machine at the end of that Simpson's episode.

So which one is Pearl going to be? That's the one I'm picking.

>using super powers to help people and not rape or murder them

You are a cuck

Yeah but then people would become too dependent on you and take up all your time like The Sponge Who Could Fly

>mayofags this desperate for support
Stay floaty, flightfag

That's not how missles fucking work.

Just wear a disguise and land in an inconspicuous location. You're probably going to have to wear special gear for flying anyway so bam you got a disguise.

>not visible
>visible light is the only EM wave responsible for visibility

The power you are looking for is total electromagnetic refraction

>never have to walk again
>your legs suffer from severe atrophy a week later
Unless your plan was to look like a cripple with bone-thin legs I guess

Enjoy never having a family then I guess. Same shit in a lot of ways, but you can still find time for yourself unless you're that bad at scheduling and or you're a total doormat.

Yeah. Just some warm clothes, a ski mask and some ski goggles. BAM. Identity and cold issue fixed in one go.

>everyone just pointing out all the downsides and how having super powers would never work
When did fucking Allan Moore get a cloning machine? Fuck this thread.

>being this much of an uncreative faggot

You can literally go anywhere in the world for free, retard. Plus nobody is going to be fucking catching you, what are they gonna do, chase you in a plane while towing a net?

>tfw flightfag
>still laughed

>>sneak in when they look around
>"sneaking" past someone standing directly in the door frame?
Are you an invisible cat now?

>>Normal people don't swing 2x4's at nothing.
>pissing in their toilet
>using their computer + mouse + keyboard + chair, all moving around as if someone were using it
They'd at LEAST investigate your position and feel they weight of a person sitting at the computer and feel your body heat and your heavy breathing and fat rolls. Don't pretend like you're some kind of master ninja.