Seems like Ronnie made a comic about Sup Forums.
Seems like Ronnie made a comic about Sup Forums
More like Sup Forums than Sup Forums.
>dude why dont you eat shit just like reddit is eating bro
fuck off there nigger
What did Ronnie watch Sup Forums?
Pretty much all of Sup Forums is contrarian
The hell we are!
You're wrong.
And a faggot.
Betting Game of Thrones.
haha just epic my fellow reddit Sup Forumsros put me in le screencap xd
Everyone liked Undertale but can't admit it because the vocal fanbase is a dumpster fire
did you forget to take your autism meds, sweetheart? :)
fags like you that call everything reddit need to be purged
well meme'd
stfu butthurt redditors
Denying Sup Forums is contrarian is a stunning act of delusion. Anons will make things, it'll become popular, and then they'll actively hate the things they themselves created. Not to mention this place popularized the term normies, and the only reason Sup Forums is playing right wing now is because popular websites were being intensely liberal.
Not that I'm much different.
Reddit is great.
muh reddit
EDIT: thanks for the gold stranger
The winter place was great. Everything after that was pretty shit.
How long until we start liking reddit because people here hate it?
post more ronnie
i need my WHOMP
The 20's will be
>that game you like is literally ending humanity
Screencap this, or just remember it. Whatever.
we got 3 years to go.dont worry
2 years ago.
>that game you like is helping exterminate the white race
Yeah right. Sup Forums likes popular things but pretends to hate them. The last thing you want to do is enjoy video games and share happiness with other people.
>Bioshock 2
>Dark Souls
>Darkest Dungeon
>Breath of the Wild
It never ends.
More likely
>that game you like is literally rape and violence
>People hate something on principle.
Sometimes you need contrarians to point out the flaws everyone doesn't see because they are too enamored by the game.
And they can also point out inconsequential flaws no one cares about and manufactured non-existent flaws at the same time!
And? Do people pointing out flaws in your your favorite children's toys bother you that much? I would take it any day over other places where you're banned disagreeing, or suck dev cock 24/7.
>And they can also point out inconsequential flaws no one cares about and manufactured non-existent flaws at the same time!
There is no such thing as inconsequential flaws, only subjective flaws. Manufactured flaws happen mainly out of contrarian backlash. People will find any reason to hate something.
I hate JoJofags so much, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy what I read so far.
No replies please.
Sup Forums is the only fucking board that accepts the "contrarian" mentality, because this place is filled with teenagers trying to fit in. The contrarianism on other boards is simply bait seeking responses, and either gets called as such or shut down in discussion.
>popularized the term normies
/r9k/ is not "this place" Fuck off
The series isn't bad. It has it's flaws just like everthing else. A cancerous fan base just adds a little bit extra negative aspects.
>/r9k/ is not "this place" Fuck off
Yes it is.
It doesn't matter how many frog and wojak pictures you sad virgins post, this place will never be /r9k/, this is the videogame board, for videogame discussions.
i bought undertale right before this post
it was pretty ok not as great as everyone made it out to be but i liked it enough
Sup Forums is completely the opposite. Sup Forums hates what everyone like's and if it starts to become universally despised, it will become popular here by virtue of everyone hating it.
You chose to hate it, and you can chose not too, but your choice will always remain inconsequential.
So hate things that make you feel hate instead of frabricating it and being a slave to the mass mentality, this 'cancerous fanbase' only exists inside your own biases and you know it.
>this is the videogame board, for videogame discussions.
>Bioshock 2
I don't remember Sup Forums liking this when it came out.
You're not even a real faggot! I bet I suck A THOUSAND more dicks than you!
>still reading Memeonnie after the twitter drama
Never again
The 2020's will either be:
>No reviews since everyone is dead
>Reviews and reviewers are irrelevant because all games are free since we've embraced FALC
What twitter drama?
>Drumph is going to end the world
Or cause a communist revolution.
>Sup Forumstards all going "DURR IF SHILLARY WINS SHE'LL GET US INTO A WAR!!!!!!!!!"
>Durmpdf literally starting a war with Venezuela and NK
You gonna knock down some more trashcans?
I don't like Undertale because I hate all the characters except Papyrus.
See you in the gulag pal. (From the outside, of course.)
>posts JoJo
>I shitpost and write it off as criticism because I don't like to think about how I spend my free time
I will never understand the need to fit in on an anonymous image board.
We never liked Andrew Dobson though.
Translation: I want to make other people like things less because I have a small pen0r.
Hard to imagine crayola haired dildo wavers anywhere but inside the gulag
The communists have been trying to take over well before Trump took office.
They're freaking out because shifts in the cultural landscape threaten them.
They're gunning for Trump and anyone else of authority that threatens them.
Hillary is a fucking neoliberal that wanted more middle eastern wars and has been trying to provoke Russia for a year now.
No, retard. Trump hasn't declared war on either. He's said that he'll retaliate against North Korea if they do anything.
You didn't care when Hillary threatened military action against Russia over """election influence""" but are asshurt over Trump saying he'd retaliate against nuclear strikes?
God you people are stupid.
There is nothing wrong with using a reaction image regardless of where it's from.
What? I'm not sure what you are saying user, but I'm not constantly a contrarian. I just appreciate them because their dislike toward something allows them to be the first to point out the negative aspects with something. I do worry about how I spend my free time some times only because I should spend it on getting /fit/ or /ic/.
Trump could rape your mom and kill your dog and you'd still argue that he was doing it to save the country.
LOL, talk about not having your priorities in order. Actual reactionaries are way more dangerous than a bunch of morons on the internet.
>Drumpftards are THIS retarded
>that subtle Kotaku logo on the right
Exactly. Did you see the whole Net Neutrality thing?
They managed to convince themselves that Net Neutrality is a bad thing because "muh liberuls" like it.
What are you fifteen? If not you better knock that stupid shit out. You're a human being, articulate like one.
the actual reactionaries are the crayola haired individuals that I'm speaking of, friend.
That new rts
>abloobloobloobloo cultural marxism LIBERALS are secretly communists
Top lel. You've been so indoctrinated that you don't even know what the real left looks like anymore.
me when there is a new hazubando material
so my points are invalid for havint to play it before it was popular and didn't like it? that's a lot of ego you got there, toby
Well you're a moron then. If you actually bothered to talk to SJWs instead of just shouting "LOL PRAISE KEK TRIGGERED!!!!" whenever you saw somebody with a nose piercing, you'd know that they're just a bunch of fucking liberals.
The smart ones will see that we're more of a threat to their power than the right, and side with them. The rest will be forced to fall in line when the time comes. :)
>caring this much about "children's toys"
autism speaks.
north korea pussed out and stood down. trump won that war without firing a single shot
It's true. I felt bad about liking FNAF.
Serious question, what will you be saying when NK bombs SK or some American land?
What games literally and actually support the death of white trash so I can buy all of them?
The only "revolutionary" things you communist LARPers have done in the past 20 years is throw tantrums on streets and block traffic. I'm sure it's fun to pretend you're part of some "great movement" but the reality is, you are nothing but pests causing minor inconveniences to normal people. Grow a sense of self-awareness.
Good things take time, my friend. :)
whatever makes you feel special ;DDDD
Opposite of whatever the left is saying.
Makes sense
I don't hate the game, just its fanbase.
Just wait, buddy. Just you wait. ;D
This kind of "real opinions vs. fake opinions" horse shit is just tiring to sift through in on-topic threads. The word 'contrarian' has become a banner for faggots too lazy to defend their point of view or rip apart someone else's.
It was okay. Pretty underwhelming considering I played Lisa the Painful a little while before it and it was way better
>This kind of "real opinions vs. fake opinions" horse shit is just tiring to sift through in on-topic threads.
What do you mean user?
That sexed up Archie show on the CW.
>that game you like is literally raping super hot "women" and basically you're fucking stupid, click here to know why
>There is nothing wrong with using a reaction image regardless of where it's from.
He's saying it's ironic.