Steam friend removes you

>Steam friend removes you

I thought we were friends

>they don't tell you why
If you haven't talked to them in months, it's excusable, but otherwise it's a dick move

>Add mtf
>She's too shy to talk to me
>Well fuck you too, *deleted*


>tfw steam friend faps you with his tight asshole


Different user but I'm going through that actually she even removed me on Steam but kept me on Discord. Managed to distance myself from her to not be so hung up on her all that much anymore. She can get pretty pissy at me over stupid little shit. Yet she asked me why I don't talk to her. Usually she plays games almost every waking hour till morning hours God damn I just don't see how someone can heavily play games for the whole God damn day

>I can if longer gap if the dick isn't black

>People removing you from their friend list in general
It doesn't cost you anything to have people on your friend list
Even if you don't really talk, who cares? Just let them stay there

I haven't experienced this yet.

Please never respond to me again you filthy fuck.

>Play Rocket League
>Dude adds me after the match is over
>He doesn't say anything
>I say Hi
>He doesn't reply back
Aaaand to the trash it goes.

Just one more

why the fuck would you expect them to tell you why? you obviously mean nothing to them. use your head.


DON'T market garden me.

Why have someone on your list that you don't talk to?

>Last Online: 329 days ago

You disgust me.

Maybe you used to but not anymore because life can get that way sometimes

>play with friend every day for 3 years
>one day they don't sign on
>that was two years ago
I miss you man, wonder what happened.

>steam friend neglects you until you have no choice but to remove them
>complains about you removing them

It's annoying desu, i like keeping a clean small list of people i know and keep regular communication with, i don't like random guy i don't even remember anymore bothering me after months of not talking to me when i'm playing my games.

Also valid reasons for removal include:
>Willingly ignoring you when you on server
>Decent person becoming a dumb memester
>Not playing any games at all.

>Adding people you don't know IRL
It's not like you don't have a ton of actual friends, right user?

This honestly, to the fuckers who ask for attention, you are not getting it, you are getting removed.

hi wizard

Is that your waifu user?

life is complicated

this reminds me of the best rule you can use with steam friends

NEVER add anyone with an anime pic or anything remotely weeb on their profile. they are always the weird fucks you don't want.


>ask my brother if he wants to play some worms armageddon or neo turf masters
>"sorry, I'm spending the weekend with my wife"
you used to be cool, but you changed, man

Also avoid ponyfags like the plague.