Does anyone else wish they would've skipped the Wii U and just waited for the Switch?

Does anyone else wish they would've skipped the Wii U and just waited for the Switch?
It seems like the first truly useless gaming system since every exclusive will probably be ported.
>b-b-but muh homebrew
Literally who cares, I already own all the games that are worth a shit anyways.

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Yep, that's exactly how I feel too. I can still find a use for my PS3, Dreamcast and Wii but I'm having a really hard time justifying keeping the Wii U

>This faggot got so BTFO the last time he made this thread that he waited a few days before coming back


Well I actually liked my Wii U as hardware while every waking moment I use my Switch has been suffering so no

why do you like it better?

Kind of. It was a fantastic party system though. In that sense, it was a good investment.

>It was a fantastic party system though.
Only good party game on it is Smash which is coming to switch anyways.

Feel the same way. I only enjoyed bayo 2, wind waker, smash, and splatoon. Pokken Tournament is a waste of money especially with the new switch port and I got bored of pikmin 3. Recently got TW101 for cheap but i have no energy to boot up my wii u.

>Recently got TW101 for cheap but i have no energy to boot up my wii u.
should've pirated it dude, Wii U library is pretty crap but when you get it free its not too bad.

>every exclusive will probably be ported.
Mario Kart 8 is the only one that got ported and suddenly people think the whole library is going to get ported?

>It seems like the first truly useless gaming system since every exclusive will probably be ported.
don't jump the gun like that, I can guarantee you less titles will get ported than you think

There's also Pokken, and Reggie said there will be more.
Bayonetta 2 and W101 are already hinted to get ports. That's like half of the Wii U library right there.
Plus, lots of Switch owners are demanding Wii U ports and Nintendo will probably listen to them.
What makes you think that?

Don't you know user, Platinum posted a random pic of Bayonetta on Twitter which clearly means they're teasing a Switch port of Bayo2 AND of W101 which has nothing to do with Bayo but still, you've gotta trust me on this one

Le Wii U was such a scam, am i right fellas?

Stop making these threads

All the Switch has going for it is Splatoon 2 really at this point, i'm glad I have a WiiU and I might just skip the Switch at this rate

okay first of all the Bayonetta pic is heavily hinted as a port since they matched up Bayonetta with the matching red and blue joycon colors. And they also tweeted a separate pic for W101, with Green and Black playing Switch.
Why are you so upset user, I thought I was being civil.


They also posted this TW101 pic with characters playing a switch (idk who they are i haven't played it) so it's not that far off. Bayo also looked like switch joycons.

fuck i forgot

I wish they will port most of the Wii U games to Switch.
Fatal Frame 0, Bayo 1,2 would be amazing on Switch.

Posting the same thread and regurgitating the same bs every other week isn't being civil, you're just trashing up the board. I mean, who even wastes so much time shitposting about an out of production console

Fucking do your job already, mods

>Le Wii U was such a scam, am i right fellas?
you're the only one ITT who said that.

>Posting the same thread and regurgitating the same bs every other week
the fuck are you talking about? I think you have autism

You okay bud? You seem like you have some problems. You should get that checked out.

I could be wrong but I think it's a bit of a stretch to suggest Nintendo are going all in on Wii U ports when there's only been two so far

>to suggest Nintendo are going all in on Wii U ports when there's only been two so far
Two games is like 1/5 of the entire library so its really not that much of a stretch

Look dude, we're talking about the good exclusives here. No one gives two shits about garbage like Star Fox Zero or 1001 Spikes.

I knew what I was getting into when I bought it. I have no regrets.

No, because I still play Super Mario Maker on it a lot.

can you recommend me some good level makers, I never got to browse the Sup Forums threads.

>every exclusive will probably be ported
Are you retarded?

Are you?

Looks like shit like 3D World

I feel the opposite. I feel like the Switch is a parasite that cut down the Wii U too early to replace it with something worse. Maybe Odyssey will turn out good, but right now it's just Nintendo's version of the PS4, overrated shlock with a largely borrowed first-party library that succeeds because of a turnaround in the company's approach to marketing.

There's more interesting games on the Wii U than the Switch by a mile still

t. buyer's remorse

>Mario x Rabbids

Wii U should've got another year

My wii u game library is only 5 titles - Mario maker, donkey Kong, smash, 3d world, and recently breath of the wild. It's gone long periods of time (probably at least a year or 2 of the 3 years I've owned it) either gathering dust or being a Netflix machine, but I've gotten a veritable shitload of enjoyment out of that small handful of titles.

Not my goat console, but I'm glad I own one

Why don't you hack it and pirate the games?

The Switch would have never existed if the Wii U didn't flop, so I don't know. I love both systems and I can safely say that anyone who shits on the Wii U and praises the Switch is out of their fucking mind. The Switch is barely more than a Wii U you can stuff in a bag and play on the bus. You see all these niggers saying the Wii U has no games and immediately turning around and blowing their load to BotW, Mario Kart 8, and Spla2n

Not really. The Switch was built and tempered on the Wii U's failure. It was a necessary step.

The Wii U did not need another year of under 1 million sales. It was already dead, dragging it out any longer would have just made things worse.

doesn't justify betraying the fans like they did

Yes it did, they were able to focus on making sure the Switch hit the ground running and considering it's Nintendo fastest selling console ever I'd say it was a success.

Based Kimishima.

Everyone cried when Sony betrayed their fans, why's Nintendo get a pass?

Theres honestly not much else I'm interested in for the system. Captain Toad treasure tracker is literally the only wii u game I don't have that I kind of want just because those were my favorite levels in 3d world.

>Sup Forums is one person

Well you should get it man Captain Toad is a good game
Also why don't you want to play Bayonetta 2, W101 or Xenoblade X? Definitely worth playing since you can pirate them with no consequences of getting banned.

this thread is made extremely often by the same dude, and every time a bunch of wii u fans btfo him

>this thread is made extremely often by the same dude
prove it

>It seems like the first truly useless gaming system since every exclusive will probably be ported.
Most Wii U exclusives won't be ported, if you want to see a truly useless gaming system then look no further than the Xbone.

>Most Wii U exclusives won't be ported
how do you know that though

user that OP image is one of the first results when you search Wii U on google images, more than one person is going to use it.

All the ones that say something along the lines of 'ITT shit consoles Sup Forums memed you into buying' or 'Are we ready to admit was a scam?' are the same faggot who made this thread.

Because they have no reason to port most of them. Mario Kart 8 worked because the Switch needed more shit to play during the launch window, Pokken worked because the arcade version had tons of updates that never made their way to the Wii U, the only other realistic Switch port I can think of would be Smash but that's 50/50 because Sakurai is autistic and the rest of Nintendo might not be willing to work on so much as a simple port without him. Rabbi Kimishima doesn't want to invest shekels into porting most other Wii U exclusives because most games that weren't either Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, Pokken or Smash didn't sell that well.

I love my Wiiu and got over 50 games on my shelf with no regrets

And... I really hope they port the good stuff over to the switch? Lot of great games that deserve more people appreciating them. I do not suddenly lose the enjoyment I got playing them because someone gets to play them now on a new system.

And anything that cqn somehow lead to a W101 sequel is a good move

How do you know that though? OP didn't call it a scam or anything just said he wished he would've waited for Switch instead. Is that not a reasonable opinion?

>over 50 games
what the actual fuck?

Because there used to be five of these threads a day with the same stuff in them.

You should. That game is a gem. Every time you think its over.... boom.... more!

50 games? Is this bait? How do you stand that much shovelware? VC doesn't count since you can hack/emulate it.

What stuff. Be specific, why do you think OP is this guy?

Bit outdated of a pic, all i got on my phone, but you get the idea

Do note, like 80% of them were bought at some pretty big clearance prices. All the ubisoft games and mighty #9 were $3.97 apiece for instance. Im not THAT crazy

Why the fuck are you buying shit like Ass Creed, Bamham and Watch Dogs on Wii U?

Christ Ive put over 300 hours into WatchDogs. I am not sure if I am physically capable of getting bored of online invasions.

And for 4 bucks the AssCreeds are worth it for multiplayer alone. Got more than enough hours out of multi to justify the cost. Same deal with ME3.

Also... I like the Arkham games a lot?

>Same deal with ME3.
did you even play the first 2?


Why would you start with the worst game in the series?
And why would you want to play 3 without having a 1 and 2 save file?

If they had did the trilogy on the wiiu instead of just 3 I would have played them no doubt. But they didnt. Horrifyingly bland and forgettable story/setting but the hardest difficulty made for fun combat. I dont feel like I missed much by not being able to play 1 or 2.

You don't have a PC, PS3 or 360 to play them on?


Well I have a pc of course but I keep them toaster grade, for downloading everything we watch and really nothing else. Biggest sell point for the WiiU is/was the off-tv play for me.

Mass Effect is like 10 years old man, I'm sure you could run it on a toaster