I miss them so much bros. you cant name me a better lets play channel, its literally impossible

i miss them so much bros. you cant name me a better lets play channel, its literally impossible.

Other urls found in this thread:



>watching letsplays

jontron was annoying as fuck and rarely funny

dan isn't much better, but arin not getting into arguments about stupid shit and just chilling out is more fun.

fucking jonfags.

is this the thread where we shill youtube channels? Game Grumps a shit. My buddy just started a channel and it's got better stuff than them. Watch Talk Fun, go check it out.

Spike and Barley

Jon's solo stuff was better than anything he did with Arin

post your Jon pics.

>you cant name me a better lets play channel

Current game grumps. You know, because the old one doesn't exist anymore and Jon is too scared to make another video.

>try playing he game

Beat jontron quote.

>lets plays

this is how you spot the underrage

What's the real reason he left?

bird fetish

it has to have been something with either one or both of their girlfriends. women always ruin everything.

He didn't want to work with a Jew.

> just chilling out is more fun.
How can you say that. I stopped watching GG about a year ago but Dan was just a yes-man that let Arin do whatever he wanted.
Arin also worked much better as the angry straight man, now he just defaults to poo and gay jokes all the time.

arin pressured him to make game grumps a full time professional business thing (like it is now) but jon pulled away for various reasons and focused on his channel. heated words may or may not have been said.

He knew Arin was a fucking retard who was holding him back. He was right, Jon's channel has much higher production values than anything Arin has ever done

gamegrumps was always a simple lets play channel though


It's a classic example of how empty and fake some people can be.

I mean, it wasn't a hard choice and Jon knew it; just make some good money and keep being yourself. But no, Arin wanted it all, he got greedy, and now he's stuck with a succubus thinking he became somebody, but what he truly is a freeloading waste of space who got rich on a joke business that isn't going to last.

I can already picture him a fat, middle-aged alcoholic after the inevitable divorce.

slippin around in my banana shoes

>Having a YouTube channel
Why? No one is going to watch anything you make. The popular channels get all the traffic, there's no point it making your own stuff.


i miss jon

Yeah when they post shit they are
I know spike has his channel so that's fine but come back barley, i wanna watch ya'll fumble around cripple zombies again

>game grumps
Argument with Arin's girlfriend.

Admitted to being an alt-right follower.

Women. Arin's girlfriend, Jon's girlfriend, there was shit between everyone.


Why not? Making videos is fun, and people will occasionally stumble across your channel from time to time. Hell, back when it first came out, I made a video for Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, and the creative director of the game tweeted it out. It only got like 80 views, but it was awesome when that happened.

Nigga get over it. Jon was there for one year, Dan has been there for four.

Not with that attitude. You just gotta make something good or interesting. Look at Pannenkoek, no one cared about him until last year.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Freak Occurrence

> Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)18:11:23 No.387463457▶
>i miss jon
what are you, 10? i really want to hear some fatasses try to laugh without dying from asphyxiation


>You just realized that none of these E-celebs (or even real celebs) even know you exist, and you feel really lonely

>gay "jokes"

dude is so close to out of the closet his dress is caught in the door.


anyone watch Dark Pixel Gaming? They're like Mormon or something so they don't swear, which is kind of weird, but they seem like cool guys.

And that one year was better than all four of Dan's.

Oneyplays and Supermega are both better than Jon era Grumps.

It's as simple as Arin wanting to do Grumps as a full-time, primary income gig and Jon wanting to keep doing his show. Think about how little animation Arin has done (sans Starbomb). Grumps makes a fuckload of money compared to JonTronShow/Egoraptor, so it makes sense financially, Jon just dropped the gravy train to follow his dream.

I already knew that, and I don't care
and why would I feel lonely? that's dumb

>Watch Sonic Mania video
>They just ramble on about random shit
>The guy who isn't Erin doesn't seem to even know anything about video games

Old GG was funny at the time, but looking back now it was the same as any other channel. Just them yelling and trying to be absurd most of the time.

..because you are not a loser like, which is actually me.


Dan is alright but Jon will always be better youtube.com/watch?v=jqkCV-ZRZGM

The guy in the back is that SEGA guy who said "what the fuck is a sonic"

I wonder whatever happen to him

well it's ok user, I get sad over dumb shit too

no its not, thats the guy from his FF13 vid

Dan really doesn't know shit about games. Everything he says is just parroting Arin. I used to watch them and I can't remember a single time he had something legitimate to say.

His name is Danny, he's an obnoxious Jew
>Try to give them another go again
>They're playing Breath of the Wild
>Within the first 5 minutes, Danny is making a joke about drugs because of Hylian Shrooms

He kinda just seems like a Yes Man who's just there to nod his head and say cool.

>yfw Jon was being unironic here

So faggot mods will delete vidya discussions but not this eceleb shit?

Op, youre a faggot. Aquire sex you fucking retard virgin.

Any no commentary let's play is way better than your preferred flavor of pedantic self-important sophistry. These guys are all awful

I like PB Horror Gaming and Survival Horror Network so I can watch spoopy shit late at night without listening to attention-whoring retards making exaggerated noises and retarded comments

>Try watching the Sonic 06 play through
>Jon won't stop bringing up race realism
I just want to go one video without having to hear about how "blacks are genetically predisposed to having a lower IQ"

Thanks doc.

>look at these blacks


JON: but anyway yeah, I'm very pro-woman
ARIN: me too... I'm a pro woman, like... 9 to 5, every day. who else is gonna do it? the women? they can't do shit

>boner for new york
>not satisfied just doing let's plays and having them get in the way of him doing his own show
It's too bad all this garbage has happened that have ruined many youtube channels.

danke sanitater

Pretty much. He's there to back up Arin and add color, but he also doesn't know enough to question him even if he wanted to. He seems like an alright guy in general though.

>Admitted to being an alt-right follower.
But did he actually though

you are such a faggot. they were never good.


No. He just expressed some moderate middle-of-the-road opinions very poorly and everyone shit their pants and called him a Nazi.

if your definition of moderate is the average redpill, Sup Forums, praisekek

You 16 is showing, stop trying to fit in so hard

Thanks for proving my point.

Is it ok to post links to our own videos?


While not hard to be batter than any GameGrumps era. Can someone explain me why people like Oneyplays so much?

>Try to go watch some of their videos.
>half of the time if them giggling to themselves saying silly or offensive words.
>Then becomes a bunch of saying the same words with an added goofy inflection.
>Rinse and repeat.

What am I missing here?

>He's there to back up Arin and add color
That's the thing, he's Arin's employee, just like Ross and Barry. Jon was a partner, which made for a completely different dynamic because both were equals. Arin's the boss, he calls the shots, Danny has to be careful not to piss him off.

Get real friends.

>"black people in Africa have violence problems, just like the black people in America!"
>moderate middle-of-the-road opinion

He literally discriminates on the basis of race. A racist.

>all the jews, and blacks, and asians, and latinos should all die
looking back, we really should have seen it coming.

>saying the same words over and over with goofy inflection
>repeating this again and again
Hey, dogs really respond to that stuff. It's natural entertainment for them, along with digging holes, chewing on junk, and licking poop.


I think you mean jon was a fartner

I'm not gonna watch the whole thing, but that's really creative


Except you're missing the discrimination part. Without it, it's not racism. Making observations is not racist. Africans are definitely more violent than any other people on this planet right now. African Americans are also disproportionately violent compared to whites or even any other minority. Maybe next time, pants shitter.

It's a reference to a story they told in a video. Don't worry about it.



>Now you have to suck our cocks user.

>Black people have more melanin than white people

This is how retarded you are.

They should be equals by this point though. People eat up Dannys shit and Arin knows it. Another recast would fuck up the channel too much. If Dan is still going to play the bitch role then he deserves it and he's never going to be more than that.
Doesn't really matter anyways since the channel is boring.

Vielen Dank, Herr Doktor.

Who the fuck is he discriminating against you retard? Think before you speak you emotional bitch.

>They should be equals by this point though
Nah, he may be a close Vice President or right hand man or whatever but he'll never be an equal like Jon was.

Here's another from my friend's channel

I want to get back into a. lp channel, which one do you recommend?

thank you doctor


You fucking clown

0ney plays