Make the next Sonic a fucking FPS

>Make the next Sonic a fucking FPS.
>Without guns.
>Extreme speed. Dodging left to right and jumping high as fuck.
>OPTIONAL: World and movement's 3D, but guided when you line yourself up for a loop. Like aim assist.
>Doing massive loops and jumps. Feeling your stomach drop.
>VR support to make shit go viral. People puking while playing on YouTube.

The idea's rough and needs to be refined. Not a Sonic fan. Just watched some gameplay and noticed shit's slow as fuck. Sorry for the Shadow picture. It's all I got.

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Am i the only autist here that actually conpleted the Shadow game. Wonder how much it took, as a kid i thought it was the coolest shit. Wonder if the Xbox still has the save

Why a FPS and why not a TPS.
And you know very well it would be shadow sonic can't use guns or at least not "real" guns.

>Without guns
>FPS without shooting
That's not a fucking FPS

>Make Sonic a First Person Shooter
>Without the shooter
Why not just say "First Person"?

Third person could work. I just want a real sense of speed.

My bad. I worded shit wrong. You know what I meant.

I worded shit wrong. Let it go.

>without guns

>Make the next Sonic a fucking FPS.

FPS huh, but no firearms to speak of? Do you feel foolish yet?

Oh poor OP you fucked this thread bad.

>the next sonic is a f2p hero fps

It is a lot of fun.


>The image size is 666x666
This guy must be kidding


So SRB2?

Sanic is too fast for a first person game.

If it's only dodging left and right, with scripted loops, it's literally just boostshit with the camera moved to Sonic's eye-line.

No slow shit, though. Plus jumps and huge drops. Twists and shit. Maybe hold a different button to kill each enemy type as you speed past. Maybe hold L2 when you hit lasers or some shit.

I can tell that you don't fit in well with other people by your inability to properly integrate board conventions into your posts. It's frankly embarrassing.

I've been here since '07. Took two years off when '09 hit.

No one cares.

Found the newfag cūck.