I hope you didn't fall for his lies

I hope you didn't fall for his lies

Nope, but so many did, motherfuckers were kissing his ass nonstop calling him the savior of Xbox? Where is your savior now? About to cancel Crackdown if devs don't preform a miracle in the next 4 months

Fuck you Phil!

Nope, and I'm not falling for the Bone X either. I hope the 4K meme dies soon.

I'm confident that Spencer has a plan. But if nothing BIG comes out of Gamescom (which is in 3 fucking days holy shit), then I'm just gonna stop getting my hopes up. He's done tons of stuff for Xbots (backwards compatibility, Games Pass, etc) so I know he's got something up his sleeve. We just have to be patient.

Dude what POSSIBLY could they announce at Gamescom that wasn't at e3? They showed legit shovelware at e3 so I have little expectations for Gamescom

Phil Spencer even said that there's tons of shit that he wanted to wait for Gamescom to announce. I know it's easy to get mad for the lack of games but shit dude it's 3 days away.

Very few of the pro-MS posts you see on Sup Forums are legit. It's usually either

>marketing Pajeets (They get paid about 2 US cents per post)

>Sup Forums still trying to pretend like the Xbone is bad
>Just got done playing Gears 4 splitscreen co-op with my friend that's in town

Fuck. Looks like I'm wrong then. All this time I thought Xbox One was a disappointing console but user played a game with his friend so it must be good

Maybe you should stop parroting Sup Forums and form some of your own opinions for once.

Literally any game is fun with friends

I was calling Xbox shit in 2009 way before Sup Forums, E3 2008 and beyond they didn't have shit, the writings been on the wall for nearly a decade

It took a long time for me to give MS the benefit of the doubt after RRoD, but I'm never trusting him or MS again

I hope you didn't fall for his lies


>Crackdown 3 was my only reason to buy a Xbox One X

Xbox became a decent brand after they released the 360 S. But it went to shit again after XB1.

name one(1) lie he has told

>tfw playing through a 10 year old 360 game is probably the most fun i ever had on my xbone


not battleborn

what lies?
the x1x is gonna be the best console

I WANT to want an Xbox One. There's just not enough there for me. Rare Replay looks pretty cool. I do wish I could play that, but it's not enough.

>I was a contrarian before it was cool... heh...
t. Kid that got burned by owning the PS3 and having nothing to play on it for multiple years

I did, but I sold my xbone a little under a year ago. I just want MS to be competent is all, Sony was getting by making trailers for games years off but those games still came so I thought the same would be true for MS. Literally everything from E3 2014 except Crackdown 3 was cancelled, and Crackdown 3 was just delayed and some people in the know are specualting it has the potential to be cancelled as well.

that's funny because in 09 xbox was definitely doing better than sony
fucking hell, did people forget how that "supercomputer" PS3 ran RDR at 540p?

I like the controller and interface way better than the PS4's but I need those weeb games and Xbox just doesn't provide that.

I owned a 360, that's why I was disappointed. Getting hyped at E3 each year and receiving nothing but Halo sequels and Kinectimals pissed me off, they should have been cultivating their first party IP all through the 360, now halo and gears are stale and they have no other franchises, I was right

My Xbox gets way more play time then my PlayStation mainly cause I like racing games you guys need to chill only a child sees things in absolutes.

>>marketing Pajeets
Is this a real thing? Where's the proof on this?


I am not a marketer you cocksucking dog fucker.

Just exposed a marketer lads

>jack trenton promotes a bunch of games that come out broken or unfinished
>don mattrick fucks over xbone with cable box memes
>both move onto be CEOs of other companies
>don't have to deal with the fallout
why is this allowed?

>giving money to Microsoft ever

Such a douchey punchable face.

Has this been the worst 48 hours for Xcucks in a long time?
>Switch and PS4 bodyslamming the Xbone
>"muh killer holiday lineup" and the rest of 2017 butchered with another delay
>S T I L L no pre-orders

It's pathetic.

You nigger fuck I am gonna hop in my Dodge Charger and run your ass over and fuck the dead body I hope you like hanging from line boy

>buying microshit
kill yourself please