Hero Fest ends in 6 hours. Did you get who you wanted?

Hero Fest ends in 6 hours. Did you get who you wanted?

>Wanted to finally get a good blue unit
>Get no blues and like 4 reds
>Roll another fucking Ike

I already had Julia, Genny and a shit IV Ninian. I wanted Ike since I didn't have him or Ryoma and also another Genny to feed to Elise. I got Ike and a new Ninian to replace my old shitty old, but no Genny. Pretty happy, I moved on to rolling for Amelia and Innes after Ninian are my pity rate. Sitting at 43 5*s now.

Absolutely nothing but disappointment.

Life and Death banner is also ending at the same time. What do you think will replace it? Seems like they're using the most commonly used skills, so I'm guessing next up is probably:


Wanted Genny or Ninian, no luck yet. Probably gonna get another full roll by the end, clearing ym last few chain challenge.

>got a 5 star leo...
is he good?
I was trying to get Ike

Yep. Got me a Ninian. Unmarried and ripe for the taking.

I got an aether/hb fodder Ike which is all I wanted
Could've stacked my Julia, but I don't have orbs to waste while S!Kamui is still out. I'm at +7 and I need to finish her realbad.

>Soren tiered above Sonya for having 2 more Spd, even though she baits/tanks mages better and has a niche with a unique tome
>yet Sanaki and Lilina are in the same tier in spite of Lilina being the same type of slight downgrade from Sanaki
>and both of them are tiered the same as the superior Celica/Tharja/Katarina triumvirate

As though we needed more proof that tier list logic is faulty.

His stats are very m'eh but hes the only red tome cavalry. Shit stats don,t matter if you have access to cav buf+Raudblade+


I actually got some focus units this time. Ninian and Genny. Was hoping for an Ike to, but Saber decided to show up instead.

i sniped for ninian and with 0 blue got 2 ike and 1 genny in one session

bought another 100 orbs and finally got 2 ninian on my last session

>Tempest mode is STILL too fucking slow even after the improvements
This mode is so fucking terrible holy shit.

Just make the bonus units double your score for fucks sake. It's so fucking boring using every single bit of stamina to slog through tempest and do nothing else for two weeks just to get all the rewards

Linde and Sanaki are basically identical. The differences are so negligible.

>tfw no urge to roll on this banner because I rolled Julia off banner back in April and don't care about the others
>wasted orbs on Minerva/Jaffar instead and got nothing

Tried to get ninnian. got ike and a bunch of donnel. I'm okay with this

Ike +hp -res is good?

>cucked by merric, 2 sonyas and minerva going for amelia
Merric's going in the trash.
Both Sonyas are +Atk, Is that ideal? Don't think her speed is high enough to care too much about +Spd.
The Minerva makes my second one. The one I'm using now is neutral, the new one is +Spd, -Atk. Replace or stick with neutral?

>pull for Ninian and Julia
>get Ninian and Sheep instead
Green orbs are so damn rare.

-Res is generally what you want. +HP is unfortunate considering the other possibilities, but still good.

>-spd Julia
>-spd Genny
>-spd Innes


Just rolled my last for this hero fest. Got a +ATK, -RES Camilla, she any good?


>bulky armor at the torso and up
>nothing but a miniskirt underneath

Sacred Stones character design is hilarious

What's Xander doing?

making FemCorrin the royal breeding slave!

If you run TA julia as long as your boon is atk -spd is pretty damn irrelevant.


I wish they'd tweak the scoring and make future Tempests last 1 week instead of 2. 2 weeks of this shit is ridiculous.

i hadn't spent money on this game and they still give me a lot of nice heroes all the time

Didn't get jack from it. Rolled for ike, got a -spd ryoma.

Would probably have to increase the focus rate on the TT banner as well if they did that. Not that anyone here would complain.

Christ I saved up 120 gems, and gathered another 40 during the fest and all I got was a single Genny.

this is my best one

I got a +hp -def Ike, which is better than the +def -atk one I first got.
I already have a +1 Ninian and a +res -def Julia.

Julia at least relies on breakers to do her job. And Genny is still mostly a healer.

i got no good green unit.

Invest in Cherche.

Or they could just start it an extra week in advance, which would be better than the current last minute scrambling.

started during start of herofest.
after collecting as much orbs as i can.
5*Celica 5* Ninian, 5* Genny, 5* Peri
maybe if i can get little more i can do another roll otherwise probably gonna upgrade castle.
was hoping to get a green hero.

sorry user, i always roll when i get the 20 gems and get nice heroes most of the time

>13 orbs
>Only really want a (second) Julia or Ike, but I'd roll grey for Genny
>Go for broke, figure I'll only get three good rolls anyway
>3 reds 2 greens
>Roll green twice, both three stars
>Finall roll red, pray for Ike
>5 Star +Res -Def Tharja
The only other 5 Star red mage I've got is a +Def -Spd Lilina so I guess I should be happy but I don't really like Tharja as a character

Dragon Fang, Glacies, or Iceberg? I should also give her QR, right?

Xander canonically cannot swim. The retarded localisation added "Xander is good at swimming" because the localisation is more rewrites than translations.

legion is nice and free

Nope, tried for Ninian this whole time, got a 5* Catria and I want to kill myself.

I only got Julia after 120 orbs. Man this game sucks

G Tomebreaker is better on any green tome unit than QR, otherwise you'll get steamrolled by the 95% of other green tomes that run it. She shouldn't be trying to bait anything other than blue tomes anyway, and she doesn't need QR to deal with then.

i might probably do that.

-hp +def feelsbad

>Got Roy and Julia as free summons
>Got Hector after trying to get Amelia
>10 orbs later get Tana
>all of them with nearly good IV
man i'll never get tired of being a luckshitter

She can't one round high speed blue tomes like Doot though, which sucks when every arena team has a WoM dancer.

I got nothing except sadness that another ike banner failed to give me ike

>I don't have orbs to waste while S!Kamui is still out. I'm at +7 and I need to finish her realbad.
I've considered doing that, but at the same time I'm reluctant to make such an OP unit.


I really like Kamui. The fact that she's OP and is a combo of my two favorite unit types (wyvern rider and btome) is just icing on the cake.

>-att +spdector
>-att + res Ryouma
>-spd + red Summer Corrin
IV reroller fucking when

Leigon, Nino and Cherche are all great and you probably already have one of them. Anna is also decent.

I spent 150$ to get Ike. Didn't get anything else either.

need another ninian to feed nowi

She's basically a flying Titania

Not really.
Her best build is a mage-counter build with -def/+spd

She's +res

Just run TA instead of fury

I got an Ike with bad ivs, but I wanted him primarily for novelties sake anyway, so I'm content.
I also got a Hawkeye, Karel, and Boey all 5* on the beach/SS banners, destroying any pity rates I had for both, but I'm not giving up on Elise.

>I also got a Hawkeye, Karel, and Boey all 5*
Wow. That blows.

That's a fantastic IV. Run Quick Riposte and she baits almost all mages

No please...

>I already had Ninian
>Rolled Julia on the free roll
I got who I wanted. The only character I need is Hinoka but she's not a focus.


It doesn't blow completely. Hawk and Karel are +atk, while Boey is neutral. It could be much worse, at least they weren't 5* duplicates.

Pulled her earlier. -atk, +res. JFMSU

No it blows.
You have one deathblow fodder unit, one wo dao+ fodder unit, and one... Boey.

Karel is my most desired 5*.
>if I get a good IV, I keep him and his great kit for multi-map things
>if not, I can give Wo Dao+ and Desp 3 to someone (with help from Shanna or Navarre)
Hawkeye is good SI fodder at least. Give that DB3 to a unit you love.
Boey is super underrated. Owl tomes are fun, made a spur team just for a 4* Boey I pulled.

>currently at 6.88%/4.12%
>no orbs left

Rolled a couple then realized I wouldn't get Elise if i kept wasting them there, still at 4% on the Nohrian Summer banner. At least I got F Corrin.

That really sucks. I've never hit 6% on either HF banner or 4% on any normal rate banner.

I got to 20 orbs, and Hero Fest is at neutral percents.
I have a +def/-res and +def/-atk Julia (both of those hurt like hell) and neutral ike.
Should I save my orbs to see if the upcoming banners are any good or do a pull?

I kind of liked Hawkeye and Karel in Blazing Sword, I kind of want to keep them.

Damn that's insanely lucky. My highest on a normal banner was 5.75%.

Roll bro you'll get something good this 5 will guarantee a 5*

r the sacred stones characters good i feel like the flier and armor are pretty neat with their c skills

I'm in the same banner as you. Not sure if I should roll or start saving again. Also kinda want Amelia...

Keep 'em then - my point is only from an optimizer's perspective.

Normally I see a 5* within about 50 orbs, with one outlier of not seeing one in 300.

Tana is excellent and so are Innes and Amelia.
Really really good units all three.
Seth sucks dick.

Yes, both the girls are good to ensure waifufags spend on them.

>4% on any normal rate banner
Luckshitters OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT
Well you got a good IV Karel, it would be a waste to kill him off.
Death Blow Ninian would be a better use of Hawkeye desu.
>Tana can do every roll the other top tier blue fliers can except Def Ploy and has the benefit of a prf weapon that is the definition of powercreep
>Amelia is really cute and, in addition, has the best stat spread in the game and makes armor teams horrors
>Innes is the best mage-baiting unit in the game, especially with that fucking Owl tome perfect bow (what the fuck were they thinking???)
>Seth is handsome and cav units have to actively try (read: Stahl) to be bad
This is probably the best banner in the game.

Tana is good for skill fodder and a decent lance flier in general, worth it if you don't already have one of the good ones.

Amelia is an absolute monster, highest stats in the game, amazing on an armor team. If you have a spare Hector to give her DC, she's arguably at least as good as him in spite of the lack of Armads.

Innes is the best archer that isn't limited Bridal Cordelia.

Seth got cucked hard.

>Death Blow Ninian
Stop trying to make other people's lives worse.

Rolled Raven +hp -res. Worth keeping for arena assault or should I sack him to give Titania 0x4 memes.

>he actually got a 5
I feel like I need to do it. If there's more than one colorless or it's monocolor I'm outta there, though.

>want Amelia
>no green rolls

Hero fest neutral pity rate is still 2% higher than the defaults of other banners so use it if you need to grab better IVs or off banner units.

If you're building flier or armors teams Tana and Emilia are worth grabbing on the new banner.

Raven is a decent unit.
That's a slightly better than neutral Raven.
If you wanna level and skill him do it.

I have a -Att+Sp Hinoka and a -HP+Att Tana. Should I just feed Hinoka to Tana so that she can work in a flier and mixed team and alternate between her weapon and Brave lance as needed?

post results

Titania doesn't have the strength for brave memes. Give it to cherche or freddy