Sup Forums confessions


I love baiting Barneyfag.

I have nothing to confess because I have nothing to regret and I did nothing wrong.

I played silent hill 2 with cheats because I was scared

I played a Neptunia game to completion. I still regret it, and I didn't even pay for it.

I unironically believe that Morrowind>Skyrim>Oblivion

i used reflex mode and a tranq sniper rifle

I still haven't finished my backlog but cant stop buying vidya

>I have nothing to regret and I did nothing wrong.

Really? No mistakes of any kind? Not even a bad game that you purchased due to bad taste/judgement or poor utilization of a particular game mechanic?


not even those 6 million?

Oblivion was my first TES game and due to nostalgia is still probably my favorite even though I like setting, story, and RPG elements of Morrowind much more.

I haven't beaten a single Rome Total War or Medieval Total War 2 campaign (or any mods based in those games) without using the "add_money" cheat at least once.

I play M&B at 1/2 damage difficulty.

I often buy fighting games, try out a bunch of different characters, realize I'm shit at fighting games and never touch the game again.

I play Touhou games on Easy so I can see the new girls and listen to the music in-game.

The Last of Us is my favorite game followed by Half-Life 2 and Ocarina of Time. I also think HL2 is far, far better than 1
I've played through Human Revolution seven or eight times. I played the tutorial level of the original and dropped it because it seemed like a slog to get through and looked like shit.
I love Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, but can’t stand any other game in the Zelda series. Twilight Princess is alright, though. I got to the 3rd dungeon on Link to the Past and gave up on it because it bored me.
I played through DMC1 once and disliked it despite playing through 3 and 4 countless times.
I’ve purchased and thoroughly enjoyed every game in the God of War franchise
I pretty much exclusively play Mercy/Lucio and mute team/voice chat in Overwatch because it's the only role I'm good at. I shit on my team if they fuck up, though, and I managed to make it to Master rank every season.
I unironically think Whiplash is the worst movie ever made.
The only RE games I've played are 4, 5, 6, and 7 and I have no intention of playing any of the older games
I played through FEAR 2 three times but gave on the first one after 2 hours
I watch Oney Plays, Super Mega, and sometimes Game Grumps.
The only indie game I’ve ever played is Castle Crashers.
A few years ago, I played through Arkham City 10 times over the course of 2 months.
I have over 300 hours in Left 4 Dead 2, 99% of which is solo play.
I thought Watch Dogs 2 was okay.
I cheat all the time in online multiplayer games

I'm 22 and still occasionally play video games.

>I unironically think Whiplash is the worst movie ever made

I'll give you that it's overrated but there are lot worse movies out there. There are plenty of other movies that were nominated for Oscars that year which were worse.

Simons performances was good though but I think that just sort of made everyone think the movie was better than it was.

>A few years ago, I played through Arkham City 10 times over the course of 2 months

I did 3 run throughs of Arkham City in 2 months so that's fair I guess. One in the version that came with my nVidia card, one through the GOTY, and then once again through New Game plus.

While it wasn't the greatest game ever, Undertale was a fun experience
I main Pharah in OW
I never played TF2, nor am I willing to play it
I guess watching Tear of Grace is a sin too
And...I guess I'm a tryhard

>The only indie game I’ve ever played is Castle Crashers.
>He hasn't played FTL: Advanced Edition or Risk of Rain
>He hasn't experienced true pain

>I main Pharah in OW

What's wrong with that exactly? She's the only character with fun movement options and she isn't terribly overpowered.

>she isn't terribly overpowered
Yeah, you'd be surprised how some people have played the game for a year, yet they cannot figure out how to take one little bird from the sky

I gave an indie game a good review in return for sexual favors.

Was it...was it Depression Quest?

I used a walkthrough on Resident Evil to skip through the puzzles. Some events like meeting Barry near the gallary without taking the map is hard to predict without placing it before.

I have so many
>bought CSGO,speedrunners and overwatch on PS4 due to peer pressure
>became a furfag
>want to work with programming with vidya but I don't know where to begin and I don't even think I'm going to make it,but I don't know any other jobs I could get into
>I use discord instead of /vg/
>hacked my 3DS

I enjoy Battleborn, I bought it full price at launch.
I never played colonial marines or Duke Forever, I heard what happened to Sega but I don't really care anymore.
I see argument with the bad writing and I have gotten used to the character designs, I can at least say that I never mix up any two characters and I've grown to like them.
I genuinely enjoy the game despite its rough existence.

Now several anons will call me randy and post steamcharts and twitter screenshots.
I just want to see someone else who likes it with shitposting aside.
I want greentexts about the broken loot system and waifufags screeching about who's best girl.
I want to see a thread about how Oscar Mike and Whisky foxtrot are literal clones of each other.
I wanna see we wuz kangs and BLACKED memes about Ghalt because he's the only black character in the game.
I just want people to enjoy this game I also enjoy, not even going f2ps could save it from the abyss.
C'mon and meme/shitpost in my general direction.
I'm very sad now.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag


It's not your fault no one can aim for shit without broken aim assist.

I'm playing Darkest Dungeon on Easy for my first playthrough.
I tried it on Normal before, and I got fucked right up the butt.

While I love Persona 5's soundtrack, I believe it's inferior to 3 and 4's.

Sir! You dropped a shekell!

Christ. Do people call you an effeminate male because you sound like a fag.

I confessed this before, but not to Father Hulk.

When I was a child first getting into video games, I would almost exclusively play movie licensed games and nothing else because I was afraid of getting out of my comfort zone of movie entertainment. The only exception to this was Spyro as that was my first and only "real" video game at the time. I would also have to see the movie first to avoid spoiling myself in the game. I would always let the autism get the best of me whenever my mom bought a game for me after school but I never seen the movie prior. I would sometimes completely let the games collect dust until I saw the movie. It was only until the age of 13 when I got into more mature games because the kids at school would discuss things like Call of Duty, and I needed credibility whenever I got into those discussions. I'm 20 now, and I still miss the golden years of Spider-Man 2, Polar Express, and Harry Potter vidya.

The hyperbole of an unstoppable giant asking for forgiveness from a Judeo-Christian god.

what did reddit mean by this?

In RPGs, when my party members are lower level than the other ones, I use cheat engine to bump their experience to be the same as the highest level guy

I don't give a shit about high scores or being the most proficient at the game and I'll often use cheap tactics to win if the option is available and enjoyable

Halo 1 was my first videogame
What's my punishment?

you poor soul


Did you deleted your savefile?

I don't think liking undertale is going to get you shit on much unless your talking to an autist who refuses to let go and Sup Forums always jerks off nier:A and yoko taro games

I no longer use this image to bait and get (You)s. These are my honest to God opinions and I enjoy sharing and updating this image in the daily RE threads

The only Zelda that makes you care about saving Zelda is Skyward Sword in my opinion
I pirated Owlboy
I shit on Overwatch even though i only played a little bit of Paladins
I have the bad habit of dropping games when i'm close to the ending, the amount of games i never completed is way bigger than the amount that i completed, i don't know why i lose interest in them when i'm close to ending it


I preordered the new life is strange game

I have 1000-2000 hours in Gmod, CSGO, and TF2.

I stopped playing TF2 and GMod but CSGO.



I haven't gotten around to half the games I own.

the only sonic game I've beaten is colors

I looked up lewds of Roll

I won't find a game enjoyable if it doesn't have a decent story.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Between games like RE7, Prey, Yakuza 0 and Kiwami getting brought over to the west the same year, Gravity Rush 2, I honestly feel as though games are in a better state now than in a long time.
RE7 makes me hope for AAA horror games and with Evil Within 2 on the horizon I also hope we get Alien Isolation 2.
Dead Rising 3 is fun but too easy.
I prefer playing on consoles than PC, mainly because my Steam backlog is so huge it hurts to look at.
The only games I play on my 3DS are ones from my DS, most of the 3DS library I got bored of quickly.


All I do is play video games yet I'm still horribly bad at them,

>bad habit of dropping games when I'm close to the ending

What usually happens is I get to the final boss and after a few tries I give up and say I'll come back to it. By the time I actually remember about the boss, I've forgotten how to play.

I play WW2 shooters without huds and music so I can feel immersed. Is this okay?

Same. I really want to get into them but I'll never have the right mindset for them and my reflexes are garbage.

Me to user. Sometimes I buy a game and then add it to my backlog without ever even starting it up.

Ubisoft is a good developer

I'm probably going to buy Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite despite most of the surrounding stuff around it being dogshit.

I'm a PC gamer but I primarily use controllers for FPS games.

I only come to Sup Forums for the 2B threads

>I have the bad habit of dropping games when i'm close to the ending, the amount of games i never completed is way bigger than the amount that i completed, i don't know why i lose interest in them when i'm close to ending it
Oh fuck, I do this except sometimes I also stop right in the middle of it for no real reason. I don't know what my issue is with that. I do manage to complete a lot of the games that I play, especially recently since I've vowed to try not to do that.

Anyway, I'm only just now trying to get into fighting games competitively.

I bought bf1


The PS2 was my first console

Ive purchased microtransaction on three separate occasions.
I purchased them for free to play games.
I play free to play games.

Are you the kind of guy who goes for every single piece of optional content and burns himself out?

Cause that's my main reason for dropping games.

I played mobages for 4 years

I watch more people play videogames than actually play them myself
i have over 3500 games on steam, most of them are from shitty bundles, and i never really intend to play them, I just like watching numbers go up
I fucking loved undertale when it first came out and Sup Forums was having fun with it, but now I pretend to hate it because now it's a tumblr meme game and can't be discussed without all sorts of bullshit
my most played game this year is probably trapquest, a freeware h-game that I play every night for about an hour to fap to.

I played for enjoyed all of Telltale's Ubisoft published CSI games and perfer it over their current shit

I fucking loved this game and the banter between Hoji and Lo Wang

I'd much rather play a Mario Party by myself than be at an actual party. Fuck people.

But why not a Mario Party party?

Because fuck people.

Game enjoyment is subjective
Being influenced by outside forces showcases lack of support for oneself's views

I've tried playing through DMC3 about three times now, and have always found interest in other games before finishing. I've also gotten damn near the end of Bayonetta 1 and 2 and haven't finished either. Sorry Kamiya.

I've played many strategy games cheating to absolutely crash my enemies and obtain complete and total domination over them at their highest difficulty

I like Dark Souls 2 the best out of all of the Souls series games, including BB, started with Demons too

I enjoy Senran Kagura and Valkyrie Drive. I hope maybe one day SK will break out of the whole fan service thing and at least try to have a story like the DS games.

I enjoy Borderlands and Borderlands 2, and think that it has potential. Borderlands 3 will make or break that though, I'm being cautious about it.

I'm trying to complete Persona 3 Portable but Tartarus is making me want to hang myself, it's so fucking bad.

Team-killing is inevitable and normal when friendly fire is enabled. Co-operative play is a lie; it is merely a short-term armistice, a cessation of possible hostilities between two or more men whilst they deal with mutual enemies and scatter them across the battlefield.

Eventually, that finite supply of common foes runs out, and only the two co-op players remain. Each looks at the other, knowing that the only guarantee of their own continued existence in the game is to wipe out the other before they can act.

And so it has been in every co-op game where team damage is possible; two co-op players will always, eventually, turn to murdering each other when they no longer consider the other's help/presence to be a necessity.

I embrace this chaos. This is the natural order of the universe; the only way to guarantee your survival is to eliminate every possible source of danger. This is why, in the end, there can only be one, and that one is the strongest and most ruthless, the quickest to act, the survivalist.

If I play a co-op game with you, I will murder you by some point. My continued existence takes precedence.

There can only be one.

I genuinely enjoyed Too Human for game cube. I'm disappointed there is no more Too Human

I think battlefield 3 was solid and 4 was really good, simply by virtue of having 64 man shooter gameplay for those without fancy computers (sorry planetside) and the servers to support it (again sorry planetside) without ruining the game with autism (sorry Arma)

>The Spiritual Hulk

I like Fallout 3

I like playstation consoles but I hate playstation fans. I've never met a bigger group of insufferable cunts.

I unironically enjoy walking simulators

both good games
also a good game. a better rpg than fallout 4

S4S is my main board

Nice copypasta

I like Dark Souls 3 more than 1 and 2.

I believe CS:GO is better than 1.6.

I think Origin Access is the best gaming deal and I am currently enjoying Battlefield 1 through it.

Also, priests can't absolve future sins but maybe the Hulk is better. I plan on pre-ordering Destiny 2 depending on how it runs on my PC in the free beta.

>I plan on pre-ordering Destiny 2
don't do it, child
don't fall into temptation

Devil May Cry 2 is the only game in the series I liked.

not a video game confession but i raped my dog

What videogame was your dog playing when it happened?

I have an unhealthy amount of hours in the Smash series (around 11,000 spread across all 4 games). I play 'competitively' but I'm not even good at them, and they're the only games I play anymore. I quit going on For Glory and I've never been to a local tournament or used Dolphin's netplay so all those hours are just gonna go to waste, I guess.

[s4s] and /f/ are cool.

I summon help on almost every boss in souls games

I have only beaten Touhou EotSD, PCB, IN, and MoF bit still bitch and discuss lore

I've built PCs but still don't know shit about computers

My favorite games of all time are story-heavy games with very little gameplay like Zero Escape, Ace Attorney and Ghost Trick. Or games that are very cutscene heavy like the Metal Gear Solid series.