Kaze Emanuar has done it again. He has made Super Mario 64 Online

Kaze Emanuar has done it again. He has made Super Mario 64 Online.
While this only shows 2 Marios, he is trying to make it like an MMO where there can be 100 Marios running around trying to collect all the stars.
Truly amazing

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holy shit this is exactly what that one guy kept making the threads about. Looks like his dream will finally come true

Jesus christ, Kaze is a programming genius. How hasn't a game company hired him yet, the shit he can do is incredible.

I actually want this
How long until it's done?

I mean, he coded all this in about 3 hours on a live stream, so I'd say about a week?

that would just about be the tightest shit, ever

>mario mmo

>Sup Forums will be able to play Mario 64 together
the absolute chaos

this sounds fun as fuck and you pathetic sad sacks can't convince me otherwise.

Would 100 Sup Forumsirgins be able to beat this without A presses?

It does. I'm just saying that it will be chaotic

When will people learn to let mario 64 go? That faggot vinny only plays mario 80% of the time

>pannen joins the server and finally beats the game without pressing a by jumping on user's heads

He actually did it the absolute madman

>can't touch the other marios or interact with them
>can't fight over coins/stars
gay, you're literally just seeing ghosts of other players

This is pre-alpha. He's going to add all that before it gets released

>pannen joins the server and spends over a week real time building speed

he said he was going to add player interactions

he literally said that the final version would have more interaction

The marios dont collide at least.

lets make this a full fledged online game because why the fuck not? would be really fun.
Come on lets get some more proffesional people working on this.

>One Hundred Wahoos

If they can do this for mario then where is the fucking pokemon mmo?

I highly doubt he would be able to have it be with 100+ players, and even if he could the desync and glitches would probably be unbearable, not to mention a nightmare to set everything up.

but if he somehow went and make it a reality, that would be fucking amazing to play

I hope the final version is like super mario 64 DS's multiplayer. with the player fighting, collision, and all that

oh shit thats hype if true

What PU is this?

>Kaze makes Super Mario 64: Last Impact
>Kaze makes MMO Super Mario 64

Dammit Nintendo, hire this guy already.

i'm sorry but what is the point of this.

who wants to play an old ass game like an mmo when it wasn't even meant to be played like an mmo?

times 100

I didnt watch that but a multiplayer mod already existed, except very limited (cant go far from each other while in this it seems they can even visit different levels).


Last Impact is awful, Star Road's level design is leagues better

he said 8+ in the video, but really, 8 would be enough for some comfy Sup Forums groups

The best one.

>t. AntDude


>8man races with the koopa
>log rolling shenanigans
>battles to the death in the lava level
sounds fun as hell

Eh, they've both got faults. Star Road is better from a design perspective, but the difficulty curve is like a fucking mountain. I mainly just enjoy the fact that people made entirely new games with Super Mario 64 as a base.

He also made Mario Odyssey 64, and a bunch of other miscellaneous hacks

This is going to get shut down by Nintendo :(

>8 people trying to get stars with 0 A presses

Will be fun for the first day and shit for every other day after that, like with everything else here. I hope I'm here to enjoy the first day and then fuck off.

I view it as some sort of trilogy:

Super Mario 64, the original of course.
Star Road, what they'd probably would have done as a direct sequel, doesn't change the gameplay too much but with new level themes.
Last Impact would've been them tired with the standard gameplay and adding a bunch of different gameplay mechanics to the formula and see what sticks.

Star Road is the better platformer but Last Impact is far more impressive on a technical level, with more memorable levels honestly. Not to mention it has some original compositions alongside Mario 64 renditions of other songs. youtube.com/watch?v=uEXtoABMll8

If I could watch competitive speed runs I might actually be interested.

Imagine travelling to parallel universes with 8 marios

Compared to Star road, Last impact lacks polish.

>you clip through the other marios


>you interact/hit the other marios

Enjoy being cut off from the rest of the level by a bunch of afro wearing marios saying pools closed due to aidd

If he adds collision between the Marios, it could happen.
Some of the stars Pann is missing are just a short hop up.

>join Pannen's server
>can't jump
>nobody can jump

This also works with other rom hacks apparently, unlike SKELUX's hack

I never knew I wanted this, but now I do.


Wait, so can you make it work with Star Road and Last Impact? Or are those too complex?

>pools closed with mario
fucking hilarious. This hack might be the best thing to happen to Sup Forums in a long time

>try to jump through a level
>someone rockets past and immediately grabs the star within 10 seconds

He says that it should work with Star Road and other hacks like that, but maybe not Last Impact straight away because of all the powerups and extra stuff it has

There used to be one, I dunno if it's still around but it was pretty decent. I think some attacks like metronome might not have worked? I haven't played it in years but this was it I think.


>Enter Jolly Roger Bay
>Line of Marios with customization options set to Brown Skin, Business Suit and Disco Afro blocking the shoreline.

There have been many attempts and they were all shit.

At some point, it's gotta be easier to just import every asset into UE4 or something and borrow that engines networking.

>100 people

go shill your shit elsewhere

>Reprogram the entirety of SM64 and all of its mods in Unreal
>add online play to an emulator, which has been done dozens of times before.
>user claims the former is easier.

It's like, my childhood dream.

I hope this project will be finish.

>Enter lethal lava land
>Get punched into the lava instantly by some nigger that was sitting there waiting for someone to enter

>new guide by pann
>how get past the shore guards with 0 A presses

>my childhood dream
You were dreaming of online when you were a kid? Unless you just mean local multiplayer, in which case:

I was talking about local, but i keep playing 64 even now, so, i would love to play this game online.

>Walking through Boo's Haunted Mansion
>It's supposed to be just you there
>Creepypasta shit with another player happens

Never a big fan of multiplayer which shares the same camera for all players.

Fuck SM64
Oot multiplayer will be where its at, puzzle solving is gonna be a whole new beast

Has there ever been any big Zelda hacks like SM64 had?
Zelda's Birthday was too short.

I could've sworn there was one that added like 32 new dungeons and was playable on a real N64.

Kaze needs to make a total ROMhack of Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask. No one has ever done it yet and I bet he could make something amazing.

>possible 8 player version
Mario,Luigi,Wario,Waluigi,Yoshi and... 3 toads?

pure autism

Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Yoshi, Toad, Lucario, Goku, and an obligatory OC Do Not Steal.

Thank you for your insightful contribution to this thread.

The closest we have right now is Link's Awakening 64 and Project Third Quest which are still being worked on. Odds are, they'll both be abandoned. I don't know what it is with Zelda 64 hacks, but they always end up as vaporware.

It says 8+ so there is gonna be more than 8 players at once

The way I see it a lot of these Zelda hacks get overwhelmed with their own autistic lore which grows to such a clusterfuck that the creator writes themselves into a corner and ragequits.

Super Mario 64 is a simple platformer. OoT/MM are far more complex than that, with actual narratives, intricate puzzles, and maze-like dungeons that require special items to get through.

Still, we've had plenty of total conversion hacks of NES/SNES Zelda titles. You would think by this point someone would have done the same with OoT or MM.

There used to be many and they all got shut down or discontinued

And the few that remain are complete garbage, almost entirely run by hardcore genwunners to top it off.

>8 player fishing
Though TP would be better for that,
it had the best fishing game.

>Find a way to make Zelda dungeon creation Super Mario Maker tier.
>Be able to share dungeons with people and be able to play them together with friends online.

This is just like Super Mario 128 Miyamoto was talking about all those years back. Makes me wonder why they abandoned the concept until Super Mario 3D World.

>kids will roleplay inside SM64

Oh my fucking god this is exactly what I've always wanted.

SceneNavi already allows you to create custom OoT maps.

But read up on Miyamoto's vision of Ura Zelda, on top of having a real-time clock and persistent world, one of his ideas was to allow players to make and share mini-dungeons.

Wake me up when Peach is playable with hovering/umbrella features.

Honestly, if they did it like Super Mario Maker where it was strictly the sprite-based games. They could probably have a Zelda Dungeon Maker done relatively quickly.

Start simple with that and then do expansions from there. Maybe do a Legend of Zelda Maker 2 with Four Swords style co-op and the ability to create an overworld that links some of your dungeons together in a narrative sense.

And then if Nintendo wants to venture into 3D level creation, they could always start with something simple like a Pikmin Custom Cave Creator.

How long until someone does it to EEnE: The Mis-Edventures so we can have a true EEnE Online?

reminds me of that thread where Sup Forums wondered how many stars could it get if everyone from it was suddenly sucked into super mario 64 with their movement capabilities intact

As much as Spore will forever be wasted potential, I think it had the right idea with its mission designer in regards of how to tackle making 3D platformer design accessible to your average layman. That, or something like the Warcraft III World Editor which was apparently versatile enough to make WoW from.

Are you telling me WoW is a WIII mod?

holy FUCK that was so long ago
I was in that thread

The point is to leave it approachable enough for anyone to use. This is why LittleBigPlanet had such a hard time getting people who could make good levels, because the game essentially wanted you to learn programming to get the best use out of it. (Well, that and the in-game physics sucked dick.)

If the end result is just going to be seeing a ghost of your friend that you can punch without the enemies/coins/save syncing, I think this would be better in MMO format where you play levels and see hundreds of stranger's Marios.