I don't have enough autism or patience to play this, but I just picked it up...

I don't have enough autism or patience to play this, but I just picked it up. Can someone tell me what the best classes are? Also do I need to really send out like 12 people for every stage? It's so tedious to move each character and give them an action, is it necessary? I also got the Nintendo Switch edition which comes with a lot of free DLC stuff, like they give you access to some OP characters right from the start.

I just need to know if it's better to send out like 12 people on each stage, or can I just focus on like a group of 4 or 5 characters? Also I have no idea what classes I should be using, the game has so much fucking micro-managing and customization, it's just geared toward people with sheer OCD and autism.

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I hope you kept the receipt.

Just play it fucking idiot

>I don't intend to play this, but I just bought it. No autism tho.
Enjoy your stay.

There is no definitive way of doing things in this game
You're free to play in whatever way you want and that's whats great about Disgaea 5
Also no you don't have to send all you're guys out at once, you can just send 1 guy to take care of everything if you want
Try experimenting, you could have more fun with it than you think you would

I am playing it asshole, but I didn't know the game would make me send out 12 fucking units each stage and micro-mange 21980349219 things. Fuck you.

I never said I didn't intend to play it, clearly I WANTED to play it but I was not aware it would be this autistic.

Well I'd think you'd need at least a team of 4 or 5 since you can't make combos or team attacks with 1 person. Also you won't get stage bonuses either, like I can handle managing 4-5 units, but it seems autistic to send out 12 units each stage and individual manage them. Also having to manage equipment for every unit is autistic as well, like I'm not going to buy equipment for 200 fucking units and make sure they all have the best shit.

Wew. Okay.
>Can someone tell me what the best classes are?
Ingame there's no best class. Some are better than others at general roles and some really excel at their specific role, for example the Heavy Knight is the best at defending, but if you don't like defending she isn't that good. Choose whatever you want, any unit can be good with time.
>Also do I need to really send out like 12 people for every stage?
Fuck no, is your only experience with SRPGs Fire Emblem? That series is shit. You want to have a condensed core team of 5-7 units, anything more than that and you're wasting your time trying to keep them all evenly leveled. It's also possible to just have a single unit wipe everything if that's how you roll, I personally like to have 3 really strong guys and then a bunch of different backup guys.
And yeah the DLC characters can steamroll the game. I wouldn't recommend using them your first run.
>Also I have no idea what classes I should be using, the game has so much fucking micro-managing and customization
That's the appeal. You don't NEED to use anything, nothing is essential to victory besides beating your opponent. If you have more fun ignoring all the extra facilities and just fighting, do just that. The game doesn't punish you for playing how you want to play. That's also the appeal. Disgaea's gameplay allows complete freedom and no 2 people play alike.

I know that feel OP. I made it a habit to stub my toe on a chair everyday. It hurts like a bitch, there's virtually no reason I should do that and it'll probably fuck my foot up in the long run, but sometimes you just need to hurt yourself, you know?

Also you can focus on like 3-4 people just fine outside of a couple challenge stages. Provided you enjoy grinding, you can brute force your way through pretty much everything.

>I bought a game I knew I wouldn't like on purpose
You're an odd one OP

it only becomes autistic after you beat the game.
It's also really easy if you aren't a retard, if you are you can just grind levels.

I'm playing 5 and its my first series too. I don't like how all these enemies seem like damage sponges


Yeah, well the fact you can do millions of points of damage makes it seem understandable that they can soak up damage.

No shit, I knew it was an SRPG but I've never played a Disgaea game. Just didn't know it was going to be like this, I know War of the Lions wasn't this autistic and I enjoyed that game.

Not OP, but I had a problem after picking this up in feeling completely overwhelmed by all the customization and options in the game.

This helped a bit. Probably gonna redownload.

if you aren't excited by being ABLE to send out like 12 characters and making at least one of every class, then disgaea is not for you

Okay so OP here, like I my dream team would probably be a ninja, samurai, martial artist, vampire/dark knight(If that's a class) and maybe some kind of badass healing class (If such a thing exist in this game)

Would that be a good unit? I'm an edgy weeaboo faggot and I like edgy weeb classes.

What part of "No patience" and "not enough autism" do you not understand? Micro managing 12 units is too much, though I do like the class variety, I don't have a problem with that.

what part of "no patience" and "that means disgaea isn't up your alley" don't you understand?

they are games made explicitly FOR people who like grinding

the storylines are serviceable garbage. it's about the grind.

If you want to just power level Killia to be a one man army.

>I know War of the Lions wasn't this autistic and I enjoyed that game.
>War of the Lions

What? You found the PSP port that literally ran every single skill at half speed less slow and tedious than Disgaea 5? Pop open the options menu and speed up the animations and shit. You can move all 12 units in Disgaea far faster than you could move 5 units in FFT WotL.

That said as long as you have a good damage dealer and a good support you are fine for most of the game. But make sure to make a bunch of units with high throwing skills for when you need to reach some bullshit geo symbol.

Yeah, Disgaea is very simple at it's core, but other things do help make it easier. Think of it as Pokemon, you don't NEED to use held items, TMs, Repels or the bike, but they're there if you want them, and they do nothing but help you overall. Same with Disgaea, you don't NEED to use the 500 billion bells and whistles but they're really fun when you get what they're for. That being said, I put 100 hours into Disgaea 5 and never even touched some of the myself.
Oh man. alright. Ninja, Samurai and Martial Artist are all in the game. And today's your lucky day, user. Disgaea 5 introduced a class called the Dark Knight who is literally as edgy as can be. You need to use the Quest Shop to unlock him though, pay attention to it! As you unlock more classes, more classes become available to be unlocked.
As for badass healing class, the regular healer girl has nice voice lines, but aside from that, try using one of the monster types, maybe? There's also a Vampire, he's one of the DLC characters and is probably right up your alley.
He's the guy at the start of the video, if you want him, complete the Valvatorez DLC episode.

This is why you always research a game before you buy it. Especially one that's been out for two years with plenty of reviews and gameplay footage to look at.

If 5 is anything like the other 4 I've played, you can totally ignore a lot of the autism and just power through the story with a handful of story characters, but you'll be missing out on why people actually like the games.

>just now finding out disgaea got a PC port
Goodbye sleep

Disgaea 5 best characters are Maid, Professor, Sage, Christo, Red Magnus, and Usalia. Maids give an extra turn to a unit with afternoon tea. Professors get all useful buff spells and doubles their effects. Sage can attack all units on the map and give other units double attack. Christo gives 100% accuracy to nearby allies. Red Magnus reduces enemy defence by 50% when attacking. Usalia magichange gives useful buffs to a unit for free. A common team is two sages, one professor, one maid, and Christo. If you don't care about beating the optional postgame bosses you can clear everything easily with a single unit.

>there's no way this thread isn't bait
>"I also got the Nintendo Switch edition"
Well, if it's a toddler, then I guess it probably isn't.

Can you stack units and have them gain full exp from killing enemies like in DD2?

>Finally get around to making a healer
>Voice options are normal, clumsy and pregnant
>Sounds slutty as fuck in Japanese

My dick can't take it.

Not OP but I'm playing D5, just got to the third map in Sandcano and I think I fucked up my character's EXP distribution, should I just start over?

What? Just level your weaker characters so they catch up to the stronger ones. You can use the stronger characters to weaken enemies so the underlevled units get the EXP. You can also go to the item world and get levels, or just give the weaker units better equipment.

Just go back to previous maps or the item world to level up your units.

>Hating the Nintendo Switch this much when it runs the game better than PS4

Though I know that's not saying much.

I'm pretty sure they're too far behind, I tried to level a lot of characters which was stupid and Christo is still at level 9 while everyone else is in the 30s.

Haven't played 5 yet but you can level up very, very quickly in Disgaea games. Don't worry. Feed just a few high-level kills to a low-level and he'll rocket up in no time. Go to Item World and get him a powerful weapon if you have to. It's definitely nothing worth restarting for.

Its never too late to get them up. Just replay maps, make stronger weapons in the item world, and take advantage of the cheat shop.

How would you guys say Super Robot Wars is compared to Disgaea?

Having played a number of games in both series, I'd say I prefer Disgaea to SRW. Outside of the older titles, SRW for me is basically just watching the pretty animations as I ram units into one another while Disgaea has a bit more freedom to how you play it and more things to do in general. That's not to say I dislike SRW, but I usually end up returning to Disgaea a lot more often. Plus Disgaea itself is pretty /m/ itself sometimes. One character in the first game is just a big 009 reference, while 4 has an actual mecha class.

Hey user, can you tell me what this is referencing?
At the 0:18 mark.

Is this a reference?

I want to get into Disgaea so badly but the isometric movement thing is just jarring to me. I just want to move my character and not worry about the squares.

Legs being just for show is definitely a reference to the Zeong.
I can only assume this is Gurren Lagann.
The only other reference I can think of off the top of my head is the Nekomata doing the Sekiha Tenkyoken from G Gundam.

Try Phantom Brave, also on steam. Same brand of gameplay minus the grid. Also, Disgaea's movement isn't very restrictive.

Actually, that is how you're supposed to play Fire Emblem. You're not supposed to use literally every single person in your army. You would know this if you actually played the games.

On average you're still using more units per man than Disgaea. I just assume people who are new/bad at Disgaea have played FE first since that babby's first SRPG while simultaneously being the worst SRPG out there.

I refuse to play any game that has an isometric viewpoint