>Thursday, August 17th, Year of Our Lord 2017, 9:21:44 PM Eastern Standard Time
>he STILL hasn't hacked his Nintendo® 3DS™ handheld gaming console
there's LITERALLY no excuse, you can do it in FIVE minutes (300 seconds, 5/100th of an hour) now.
>Thursday, August 17th, Year of Our Lord 2017, 9:21:44 PM Eastern Standard Time
>he STILL hasn't hacked his Nintendo® 3DS™ handheld gaming console
there's LITERALLY no excuse, you can do it in FIVE minutes (300 seconds, 5/100th of an hour) now.
my excuse is that handhelds have no games that interest me enough to buy one
>5/100th of an hour
an hour has 60 not 100 minutes you fucking idiot
I'm tempted, I still don't even own a 3DS though, I just really didn't want any games on it (I still don't, but they're pretty cheap and I might find some gold I'd never have bought, like magical starsign on the DS). How strong is the 3D effect? I actually really like the idea of it, and one of my only experiences with it was playing pilotwings resort on a demo machine at best buy, and absolutely loving it. do other games have that level of use?
he's thinking america time
Look man, we were doing so well without these threads getting spammed for a while. If there are dumbasses who didn't jump on ship yet or choose not to, they will be the ones who brought it upon themselves.
I have an old 3DS on 11.4. Wat do?
I have. I just didn’t take the time to update B9S, so I,m stuck on Luma 7.
The 3D feature gets old quick. I haven't had it on since a week after I got my 3DS(4 years ago).
The fuck are you talking about? 1 hour = 60 minutes in America too.
do I need to update to the most recent meme?
my current meme is the ahld one or somethingl ike that
is that meme good enough or do I need new meme?
>what is the metric system
Fucking americans
The 3D effect depends on the dev. Some know what they're doing, others go full retard.
so i need a flashcart or someshit to do this?
I had mine hacked, then did an update to the emunand and now it's broken ;c
I've got no motivation to hack it again if I can't recover my savegames
>Eastern Standard Time
i think you mean Eastern Daylight Time
>you can do it in five minutes now
i'm fucking jealous, took me four hours back when i did it
Isn't there a peasantfag general /vg/ for this?
i'm gonna hack it after i finish the games i already purchased
Why must you mock me for having 11.5.0
I am still on armloader and I am too lazy to update it
>Risking ruining your console for something that STILL doesnt work 100% of the time on all firmwares
Lmaoing at your life, get a job.
I’ll hack it once it’s not longer supported by Nintendo, I didn’t buy a flash card for the DS until it didn’t get any more games.
Plus for some reason, once I can get any game I want I never actually finish them.
>not knowing how to solder
It’s mostly Nintendo games that know how to use it, but don’t fall of the N2DS XL meme, it’s better to buy a refurbished N3DS XL from Nintendo than that abortion of system that is the N2DS XL.
>tfw I was the same but started using 3D a ton after hacking mine
I don't even own a n3DS, with its nice face-tracking 3D, but 3D is still pretty damn cool for a lot of games. And with hacking and being able to try out tons of different games easily, I think it;s fun seeing the 3D in every game.
Unless it's more of a morality thing, the original DS didn't matter if Nintendo stopped supporting it since they couldn't update the firmware anyway. You could have gotten a flash card immediately.
It was more of if i could only find the game used, i pirated it, not like developers would get a cent.
But that was back when I didn’t have a job and I was in HS, now I just buy the game when it comes out, once Nintendo stops supporting the system and I can’t find new copies, I’ll pirate them.
Go to 3ds.guide
Waiting till next month and will get a good mini sd card to do it with.
Can I buy the new 2ds and follow the 3ds guide?
I hacked it three times already. What more do you want from me?
> reading is too hard for me
Not trolling, but 3DS games are worth the download?
Already own Kid Icarus, Ocarina and Starfox.
Imma gonna leave this right here.