People actually think AM2R feels like an official Metroid game

>people actually think AM2R feels like an official Metroid game

It feels like an interesting mishmash of a Metroid game and fun ideas. And it's decent.

It feels exactly like a fan game.
Too afraid to deviate from the original, adding things like "epic" boss fights that ruin the pacing.
And fighting metroids was more annoying that in the GB version somehow

>ruin the pacing
I thought the pacing was pretty normal

>fighting metroids was more annoying that in the GB version somehow

This was a serious issue that I never see anyone bring up. Fighting Metroids was a pain in the ass, repetitive, and not fun at all in AM2R. I'm fully prepared to see Sup Forums shitpost about how much better AM2R is than Samus Returns when the latter comes out but I guarantee that if the Metroids are actually fun to fight in that game then it will be no contest for me.

This shit made me roll my eyes. Kinda over the top for a Metroid game.

That and the Tester fight scream fanfiction to me.

Agreed. Metroid was never about bullet hell.

I just crouched and spammed missiles while tanking the damage
They are all horrible boring and tedious fights

I think the worst part about these bosses is the buildup or rather the complete lack of.
Its just hey lets put this epic fight here in this room why not who cares about pacing.


I agree with you on that, not getting hit by zeta metroids is a major pain the ass. No space to maneuver in tiny ass hallways.

Yeah this was the first time a Metroid game ever had a robot as a boss. Felt SO out of place

If you want entitlement, go talk to the AM2Rfags who turn their noses up at the official Metroid 2 remake made by Nintendo because they think a fan game is better.

Those parts near the end where the game just fucking spams you with Metroids is really fucking annoying.

Robbies are not enemies
Mecha ridley and security robot make sense in the story
Well ok mecha Ridley not really

Felt a little out of place, but get serious.
When this first came out, every last one of you dishonest little niglets were screaming this fight was awesome in every thread about it.

The point isn't that it's a robot, but that there's an escape sequence in the MIDDLE of the game (because fuck pacing) that has you fight a WALL-E with a bird head at the end of it, and then the escape sequence doesn't matter anyway because you are scripted to always fail it yet you survive anyway somehow. None of what I said would ever happen in an official Metroid game.

Yeah what was up with that cinematic crap?

Man AM2R got a huge pass just because people were mad at nintendo how dare they not make games in a series that doesnt sell.

>and then the escape sequence doesn't matter anyway because you are scripted to always fail it yet you survive anyway somehow.

This part is really dumb. You might as welll not even include it.

I'm usually okay with Sup Forums being contrarian but the metroid threads on this board have just been getting worse by the day ever since Other M came out.

Just up and preorder those amiibos

So it has come to this. Enough time has passed, Sup Forumsirgins will shit talk this game now?

>metroid threads on this board have just been getting worse by the day

Good thing we're not discussing a real Metroid game then. :^)

AM2R is the best Metroid Game ever made

I mean Id love to hear your rebuttals
I kinda liked it when it came out, tried to replay it on hard last week and had to stop because of the not very fun game design

Now that we're getting real Metroid games again, there's no reason to still hold AM2R up on this pedestal as God's gift to Metroid fans. We can start to think of it critically now and realize that, while it's a very impressive fan game, it's still a fan game that lacks polish.

>implying Sup Forums is one person :^)

Glad we all agree, AM2R was fanfiction casual shit. Can't wait for my copy of SR and Amiibo to come in, shit's gonna be cash.

I know im probably in the minority but im pretty excited for Samus Returns and i genuinely think it'll be better than AM2R

>doesn't rely on GBA assets (Alot of self made sprites look ugly as hell)
>actually pushing the series forward with new ideas (360 aim, melee counter, which will help speed up the tedious metroid fights)
>superior sound design/soundtrack from Super Metroid/Prime Composers
>Maintains the spooky atmosphere of the original game, with the bleeps and boops
>New lore and probably new post game (considering Zero mission had it)
>Optional tools for newcomers,though enjoyable for veterans too
>Immersive 3D effects
>Bosses have better designs
>Better intro sequence
>Better map system (pins/waypoints, on bottom screen for incredibly easy access)
>Pretty much leads the way for Metroid Dread

Anyway i liked AM2R, but i dont think it was the pinnacle of the series or anything.

>Can't wait for my copy of SR and Amiibo to come in, shit's gonna be cash.

This but unironically.

> Fighting Metroids was a pain in the ass, repetitive, and not fun at all in AM2R

It was all you did in metroid 2 and it was the same then as it was now.

You know what else is fanfiction?
Metroid prime, while OM is considered canon

Metroids on GB dont have weakspots that you must hit and the designers made the fights and metroid location the way they did taking into account the GB resolution and samus big sprite



Was Sakamoto involved in the original Prime at all? When did that slimeball Tanabe become involved with Metroid (Like everything else he gets his grimy mitts on like Chibi Robo and Paper Mario)

>Sup Forums is so contrarian that they're starting to say AM2R is shit and Lords of Metroid is the Metroid game we always wanted

It does for the vast majority. There are some fangamey elements, but as a game, it is right up alongside fusion and zero mission imo. I even prefer it to ZM. I think fusion is still my favorite 2D Metroid but this is damn close

It's almost like Sup Forums has thousands upon thousands of users, all with their own opinions and beliefs.


I cant tell anymore if anyone in this thread is serious

>those red eyes in the background


Cool detail

This is the kind of stuff that makes a good remake.
You dont just upgrade the sprites and place ugly bosses in random spots of the map

>Samus doesn't constantly strip down and fellate objects in her underwear
>Sup Forums instantly lashes out against it

Typical Sup Forums, thinking with their dicks.


And then there is this horrible art

It's spooky.

Are we ready to admit that AM2R wasn't actually that good and we just clung onto it because we were so desperately craving a 2D Metroid game at the time?

Metroid Queen be watching you.

>nintendo so threatened and embarrassed by this project they have marketers shill SR which looks bootleg chink quality non stop and shit on a better quality experience every chance they get

lol OP's going all out. How many nintendopoints got put into your account for this?

Yeah man WE sure, let's just hope this metroid game surpasses the perfect no flaws at all best SNES game super metroid right? Did I mention that game is perfect? Because it is!

I would take everything in this topic rather than play any further into the revolting pastel boredom that is Samus Returns.