1997 looks like THAT? games are going to be amazing

1997 looks like THAT? games are going to be amazing.

Other urls found in this thread:


>1997 was 50 years ago

> 1920x1080

Yeah, totally 90s.

but seriously this game (DUSK) actually delivered on the promise of being a 90s shooter, it nailed the gameplay and the aesthetic.

took the shot on the game's lowest resolution, still came out on steam at monitor, should have cropped it but eh, fuck it

why does this game need 2gb of ram? also will we get all the episodes upon release or are we getting jewed by having to buy NINE separate episodes

>why does this game need 2gb of ram?

Made with Unity™


Looks awesome and comfy as fuck. I might give it a pirate because fuck that 20 bucks shit.

aaaaaand there goes any enthusiasm I had.

all 3 at release plus mod support/ level editor shortly after

its technically a pre-order. you could pre-order, play the entire episode, and refund when you're done. just give a shot.

>shooting kkk dudes

Cultists, actually. Are you a klansman yourself?

My only real gripe so far is that quicksaves are not quick at all, whole game stalls for like 30 seconds to save, loading is instant though. The one bossfight I've done was a bit lame as well

>Quack gameplay and visuals
>Duke 3D Interactivity
>little touches that do nothing but are cool: pressing R twirls your guns, pressing 0 equips a cigar you can smoke

get your shitty sjw game out of here. i only play good games like pic related

No kidding, it's probably to go with the late 90s shooter aesthetics but in 2017 shooting klansmen just doesn't fly.

He used Unity instead of DarkPlaces that couldve done all the same shit while not eating RAM like hot pancakes, and running muhc smoother.

This is that elevator room at the end of Doom e1m2.

It probably would've made the bunny hopping less floaty too.

what's your hardware? It was a butter 144 capped FPS for me

I tried to play it at my workplace that had Dualcore 2.4 Ghz, 4 gigs of ram, Geforce 8600.

I know that it's a damn old rig, but it plays Unreal engine 3 games like Borderlands 2 at smooth 60 fps, and a game that looks like it was released in '97, has really low poly count and deliberately low ammount of special effects should not have trouble running on it.

Newfag please
My 2004 laptop had 1920x1200 resolution too.

darkplaces is INSANELY floaty compared to an actual GOOD quake port

go back to pol then nazi boy

Still better than Unity :P

quakespasm is better in every way.

This map is from Manhunt 2 I recognize it.

>muh Sup Forums boogie man

the point is that this game shouldnt need more than 500mbs TOPS of ram. poor optimization also shit choice of an engine. youd think somebody who cared about authenticity would go to these lengths but they didnt. shit developers

I don't think you really have a metric or reason to say that. Unity uses PhysX which is pretty standard in the industry, and anything character related is totally custom and has nothing to do with the engine at all. Nice meme though.

minimum requirement is a 9800GT which is honestly more than it should be but I suspect he isn't spending too much time optimizing the initial release for legacy hardware. Maybe it will get better eventually.

that was literally the most expensive monitor that existed at the time

Some of the effects of '97 aestetic would not be reproduceable on the engine tailored to '96 game.

Darkplaces is Quake engine as well, but while Spasm is quake-specific, DP aims to be more of a general engine than just simply Quake engine, and thus it incorporates more features that would otherwise be excessive for Quake source port, but are necessary to be an engine suitable for a multitude of games of different types.



You can not optimise unity game in a way other than cutting effects and polycount, unless you paid for the Source code access, which costs an awful lot.

Eh, I mean you're kind of right. Putting that in your game can be indicative of anything from a healthy distaste for extremism, to a full on "kill all white people, anyone with non-communist views is Nazi scum who you should punch" attitude. I mean I don't like the KKK either, but I can't help but think that putting that kind of thing in your game stems from a form of extremism in itself.

But ultimately it's just a fucking video game. Just have fun. Somehow I don't think a Quake clone is gonna try to preach leftist rhetoric.


unity gets a lot of shit because of how accessible it is for shit devs. its not a great engine to work with but it gets shit on much more than it deserves.

>he trusts what Windows tells him

My modded Skyrim setup also shows 1.5 gigs used, while in fact it uses up more than 10 gigs.

2GB isn't that much you cheap ass.

>not just writing your own engine from scratch

So? Are you poor kid? Didn't mean it didn't existed back then, hell, I had a 1600x1200 display in early 2000s.

>windows memory management is wrong
>I know how much memory my skyrim uses, but windows doesn't

uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay kid lol

holy fuck are you autistic, i'm sure windows is lying to you lol

N O C O - O P N O B U Y

What's wrong with shooting klansmen?

planned post release.

that's how (((microsoft))) gets you to buy more (((RAM)))


So? Games like Wolfenstein let you kill Nazis.

dl where

Steam, pay and you get Episode 1 now, the rest when it releases on halloween

MEGA where?

It just fails to count the data game stores in your RAM properly, which is a known issue.
This leads to application that uses 1.5 gigs of RAM skyrocket the RAM useage of 32 GB total from 7% to ~60%.



The times have changed. In 1992, you didn't have to worry about being extremists labeling you a Nazi and directing violence toward you for having any worldview that differs even slightly from far left communism. But again, it doesn't really matter in this situation.

There were crt monitors which could pull much higher resolution than that even before the year 2000.

Everything about Gates in that video is 100% pure dweeb. The way he talks, holds the gun, his awkward delivery of "don't interrupt me." It's so good, I love it.

most people here weren't even born in 97
I know I sure wasn't. :P

nobody is arguing about price of ram. quit trying to deflect criticisms of the devs shit optimization.

>i never bother to check how my windows work becaus it just works

I think the main problem with iD engines is that they're licensed as GPL so if people find out you're using them for a commercial project, ZeniMax is gonna go hard on your ass.

And that's basically the reason why we don't have tons of WADs littering Steam and the App Store.

which would be reflected in task manager

git gud kid

Well spotted. Intentional homage/rip-off or coincidence, do you think?

I've been sitting on 16GB for a while now, I don't even really need this much. What do you use which makes you need 32?

What engine would you prefer the game be made in
I can link you plenty of shitty games made in any engine

But Darkplaces is its own thing, right?

Wolfenstein Nazis are different than real Nazis. They are super Nazis lead by Mecha-Hitler with giant robotic kill hounds and huge, genetically engineered super soldiers in powered armor.

Fantasy Nazis.

An original engine. It's what Carmack would do.

this. at least try it you fucks. you can refund it if you dont like it. use whats available to you.

Darkplaces is a separate engine, that is compatible with Quake.
It can be used for both commercial and non-commercial products, as this is its main purpose.

And this game doesn't have KKK members, they're cultists wielding magic and chainsaws and hook hands and shit.

so you want a single guy to spend years making his own engine just to appease your elitist autism?

fuck off dude.

Imagine if someone made a game where you kill rabid Antifa-like enemies.

How long is Episode 1? Assuming you just run right to the end of each level

I dunno, he was always a bleeding edge man, never made anything nostalgic to my knowledge. Given the task of emulating a particular stlye and having the tools at hand being more than capable of it he may well use an existing solution.

Would be cool if he and Romero played dusk and gave their impression

But they're visually similar to good honest hardworking Americans trying to make their country great. I think you can see the difficulty here anonymous, try not to be insensitive.

>thinking Quake 1&2's drivers could handle 1080p back in 97
Newfag please.

Reminder early 2000's games had the best graphics

That's a shitty way of going about it. Steam Refunds aren't magic, they have a limit and if you use them too much you might get hit with a penalty and stuck with a shit game you thought you could Demo-Refund. The fact Arkane/Bethesda 'officially' announced that using Steam Refund was their demo is shitty business practice.

And the Wolfentsein Nazis are visually similar to honest, hardworking Germans who tried to make their country great.

Fantasy Klansmen slinging fireballs at you aren't the guys who got ran down by a BLM Truck of Peace in Virginia.

Pretty sure romero played dusk lmao. If thats not approval i dont know what is.

>shooting klansmen
I guess they wouldnt mind a game where you blast black panther members in the projects

That's quite a way of putting it. They seem more like a bunch of retard hicks to me though. And it's not like this would be out of place in a game from the 90s for fuck's sake. It's not like you're shooting a bunch of zombies with maga hats.

10 proper levels and a boss map, I smashed through it in about an hour and a half. but missed most of the secrets, par-times for each level are 3-7 minutes.

Tell that to that other underage user

if you know exactly what to do and where to go you can beat it in less than 6 minutes.

QA got a quake 2 runner to run through it while it was in testing phase.

a casual playthrough should be around an hour and a half.

unless you're going through the store, buying games, and then refunding them for shits n giggles then you're unlikely to run into that. even so this doesnt apply to most people. just fucking try it. they took this risk when they chose this method.


>a game where you kill people that resemble klansmen indicates the developers want to kill all white people
That seems like a pretty massive leap in logic.
The second town in fucking Earthbound had you fighting klansmen.
Also, I'd bet big money the devs themselves are white.

So you want these devs to waste an extra year of their lives making an engine. Why? Because you assume they'll be better at it than the entire Unity team?
And you believe this because you've seen some shitty Unity games where the developers chose to use none of Unity's optimization tools? Educate yourself my guy.
Unity has this bad reputation because it's such a powerful, easy to use engine. Lazy devs flock to it for ease-of-use.

dude they're literal untermensch lol

the majority of them are toothless retards who couldn't poor piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on a heel

2gb of ram is bad optimization? what the fuck era do you come from?

instructions unclear, my urine is economically disadvantaged and misfortunate

ideally you dont need 12 for that matter. the answer to your question is i dont need 32gb of ram nor do i utilize more than 8gb at a time these days. and you shouldn't need a ridiculous amount of ram to play these games if they were optimized more properly. now that ive rechecked the req'd settings i start to wonder why the fuck 4gb of ram would be needed.


I assert that Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 are the most aesthetic games in existence. Poly counts and texture sizes were just about perfect, the environment design was fantastic, the stylized after image effect the enemy NVGs or bladed weapons had, the chunky weapon and smooth character design, hnng. Just everything about it was just right, not hyper realistic and slathered in filters, but still high enough definition to look great.

They who? The publisher/developer who might keep your money when your refund gets denied?

>good honest hardworking Americans trying to make their country great


dusk is being developed by a jew
>David Szymanski

>quake clone thread is becoming Sup Forums

can't you fuckers let us have VIDEOGAMES just this once?

>mirror doesn't work

Well there you go then. That answers everything brought up in this thread.