ITT: games that would have been better off without sequels.
ITT: games that would have been better off without sequels
VLR is the best game in the series though.
My good buddy.
Everything is 10x more generic looking than 999, just saying. It's visuals are just plain unpleasant.
haha no
It ended in a shitty cliff hanger though which brought us to ZTD which just straight up sucked
> gotta go full 3D with poor animations on par with shit XBLIG games and ugly cell shading graphics
> Only recurring characters still likable are sigma and phi. Junpei is now Coldsteel Edge lord supreme. Akira's fuck ugly and has an obnoxious voice
> generally unlikable cast
> no Seven
> no Snake
> no Lotus
> shitty twist full of plot holes
> ancient alien time traveling 3D printer
VLR is good, but brought down by the fucking cliffhanger that ended with ZTD.
999 stands alone.
half your complaints are just that it doesn't rehash the exact same cast as the first game
Seven got mentioned, I donno what more you expected.
Haven't played ZTD yet, but I thought VLR was good. I don't think I enjoyed it as much as 999, but it was still good.
>Dark souls
Should have been more "spiritual sequels" like it was to demons and bloodline is to it
Not really. Its really good but it has worse characters and I felt it came up with too many conveniences to make the twists work (we have a disease that slows perception of time by sqrt(6) but we are in the moon so they just happen to even out and the protagonist is old without knowing it but the moon's lowered gravity just happens to even that out too and he never looks at his reflection even while interacting with puzzles involving glass surfaces or water and nobody ever happens to make mention of him being a 80 year old acting as if he was 20).
At this point I feel like I have to.
>he never looks at his reflection even while interacting with puzzles involving glass surfaces or water and nobody ever happens to make mention of him being a 80 year old acting as if he was 20
I'm still fucking mad at this
Just do it, it's worth it for a good laff
Play it, just dont expect too much.
I fear RDR 2 will be shit
And he somehow never realizes he has wrinkles by touching his face or something.
Just don't pay for it. Play the game like you would watch The Room and it becomes pretty hilarious until you realize you waited years for this shit.
How some characters react to Sigma's antics actually make sense when you realize he's an old man. Phi constantly calls him old, titslady says he reminds her of her dad, etc.
Been thinking about playing this game. I'm I ok emulating it on my phone or will I ruin the experience? I have a ds, I just rather play it on my phone since I'm traveling.
Still better than the revealing of who Zero was in ZTD
> Zero was with them all along
> Nobody acknowledged him though because they thought he was just some old blind and deaf guy in a wheel chair
> Gets mentioned once in passing as far as I can remember
> nobody questions why he isn't on the fucking board
> nobody questions why there's a tenth person in the nonary game
> Doesn't appear in any cutscenes
> Nobody fucking bothers to wheel him onto the elevator when they escape
> mind hacking
Its fine as long as you play the version with 2 screens and not the port with only one. For VLR it doesnt matter.
But then we would not have seen Carlos.
Carlos 2 good.
Thats legit one of the lamest twists I have ever seen. Uchi probably thought he was being smart by playing with the concept of "camera view" in games, and I guess the idea is clever, but in the end it just feels like a gigantic asspull, especially coming from the other 2 games in which the masterminds had participated actively.
Multiverses can fix that - just assume Sigma realizes he's an old man in many other timelines, and VLR takes place in one where he never does
>>nobody questions why there's a tenth person in the nonary game
Because it's not the Nonary Game. It's the Decision Game.
>the version with 2 screens
So the ds one? Or is there something I don't know
Well how you imagine a timeline where I am fucking your mom?
Oh wait it's this one, gee
Yeah it has a PC port were one of the screens is gone and also an iOS port that I dont know much about.
There is the PS4/PC port which kinda ruins the twist and has a terrible last puzzle. Avoid at all cost.
Oh and
> "Yo so I'm going to kill six billion people to kill one person to stop eight billion people from dying"
> "Nah just kidding I'm going to kill six billion people to cause some convoluted time fuckery to make sure I'm born and create an alternative time line where the people I kidnapped and forced to murder each other in a bunch of other time lines learn about the power of love and friendship so they can go out in the world and stop eight billion people from dying so I don't have to kill six billion people"
> Don't question it my motives are complex
I think the iOS port just cuts out the puzzle rooms
The Zero Escape series taught me that sometimes it's best to be happy with what you have. VLR is fun and all but neither VLR or ZTD should exist.
Just pretend that Another Time End didn't actually happen and that the story ended with Sigma and Akane.
But I want to know how Siggy became Venom Snake
At least better off without the one it got.
The iOS version is literally just the cutscenes with the puzzle rooms removed IIRC
I'm at peace with this twist, stupid though it is. You know what still pisses me off?
The fact they were actually in the same "ward" is supposed to be this big shocker, but it changes fuck all, except that it allows for Mira to go all *unsheathes knife* on D Team
>nobody ever happens to make mention of him being a 80 year old acting as if he was 20
But they do multiple times. Maybe you should replay the game.
I can totaly understand the complains about his reflection and him not noticing his bionic eye but his strange behavior for his age gets foreshadowed many times.
Thats not Another Time End. ATE is the special "ending" you get when you beat all the puzzles on the highest difficulty or something, and was retconed in ZTD which is one of the things that pissed people off the most.
Is there a timeline where Junpei doesn't suffer?
That's what masturbation does to you.
>I didn't get the plot: the post
Maybe pay more attention.
He needs to kill the terrorist but he doesn't know how, and releasing the virus is a guaranteed way of getting the terrorist, so he does that.
This has NOTHING to do with the game. No one is even aware of the six billion dead while playing the Decision Game.
The Decision Game is just a way to hone their SHIFTing abilities and make them realize that the threat is real and serious thus giving them motivation. You can say it's stupid but it did work and I don't think that forcing 9 people to kill each other in a few timelines is bad when you realize that the alternative is having six billion people die
>senile old fuck
>you must have done a lot of drugs to look like that
There's a lot of lines mentioning his age.
It comes up in one ending that leads to the events of VLR and that's it. Aside from they it never happened
It was never canon, user
It was just a little feel-good metafiction :)
>No one is even aware of the six billion dead while playing the Decision Game.
Phi and Sigma. I dont remember if Akane knew.
>releasing the virus is a guaranteed way of getting the terrorist
Use quantum computer and select random person. Kill them. Same guarantee, less deaths.
>Phi's "how long have you been working on your degree?" line
>Alice says he reminds her of his dad
>Luna calls him "doctor"
I'm still impressed with how many little clues were strewn throughout VLR, not just for that, but for a lot of its mysteries
what the fuck.
I was excited to see how his mutilation was going handled. Iexpected an horrorific and hard-to-watch torture scene involving him and his team... instead we got AHHHH Q TEAM I'LL SAVE YOU.
You think he didn't try that? Of course he did. Zero says that no timeline where humanity survives exists. He is the one who created the timelines where six billion die and the two other billions live.
And he has hopes that a timeline where no one has to die (except the terrorist maybe) is possible.
>releasing the virus is a guaranteed way of getting the terrorist, so he does that.
Nope. Pay more attention next time.
>The Decision Game is just a way to hone their SHIFTing abilities
guess wht vlr is about
>realize that the threat is real and serious
Because Sigma, Phi, and Akane thought it was all just a prank, right?
Never have I agreed more with another human being. Not even sure that's an exaggeration. You can make the argument of better gmaeplay, but the story was legitimately fanfic tier.
>new edgelord and Mary sue OCS are main characters
>Cast from the old game loves them
>they go to everyplace the old cast goes to but there is super secret areas only they can access
>character inconsistencies fromantic the original cast to move plot/help characterize new OCS
Alice cute tho
Even WORSE:"I can mind hack, I read the minds of SHITters to learn about the terrorist. But man, I just can't find out who he is! I'll just go find my parents instead and trap them + some other people underground, eventually in some timeline they'll stop him."
>save Q-team
>they infect your BFF
fucking ingrates
>Nope. Pay more attention next time.
You seem salty but you also seem wrong.
>guess what vlr is about
It wasn't near good enough. In ZTD they can SHIFT whenever they want and even choose the timeline. In VLR it's more like "I somehow have memories that I shouldn't have".
>Sigma, Phi and Akane knew it was real
You are retarded user
For starters, VLR only happens because of ZTD. Ultimately, Zero is the one responsible for ZTD and indirectly responsible for VLR.
I think it should've ended with DeS, but then we wouldn't have gotten Bloodborne.
I'm not even trying to be a sonyfag, I just think the From/Japan Studio joint projects are way better than any DaS game
>Zero says that no timeline where humanity survives exists.
>And he has hopes that a timeline where no one has to die (except the terrorist maybe) is possible.
Does not compute. So he either knows it's impossible or he does not know and then even nuking a random city would cause less deaths than a super virus. But why even bother when you live in a multiverse where there is a chance (and therefore a timeline) that the terrorist can slip on some snail and break his neck.
> snails
>Ha, ha! Silly Zero, making us do puzzles with these obviously fake body parts. Say, where's Junpei?
That's not how timelines work.
First of all, the fact infinite timelines exist does not mean that all outcomes exist. There are infinite numbers between 1 and 2, but not any single one between them is 3.
Similarly, it seems that no timeline where the terrorist fails is possible. Zero obviously used his computer to find this up to no success.
Assume he nukes a random city and fails. Then everyone dies. What would he win from this?
Think about it from his perspective. He's a guy that can't SHIFT, and he might be the last hope of all timelines. By using the virus, a wide fan of new possible timelines appear. If he nukes a random city and fails it all ends. He can't really coordinate this with Zeros from other timelines. The quantum computer simulated scenarios in a contained space with 10 people, working with the entire world and 8 billions is something else entirely
I liked the design of Zero the Second up until his reveal. It was cool having a Zero who talked more in the game (especially with that creepy voice) and his design was cool too (with the plague doctor-looking mask).
>pic related
>You seem salty but you also seem wrong.
Nope, you are wrong.
>can shift 50 years into the past and keep their memories
>nowhere near good enough
>For starters, VLR only happens because of ZTD. Ultimately, Zero is the one responsible for ZTD and indirectly responsible for VLR.
What does that have to do with anything? Multiverse means he didn't had to recreate shit. The VLR timeline and the timeline in which he was born would exist no matter what he does.
>coin flip is enough to create a timeline
>something full of variables such as the terrorist's childhood isn't able to cause the timeline to split
>Game tries to be funny
>It isn't
ZTD was painfully unfunny with its poor attempts at comedy.
Carlos being able to tell Akane was full of shit was kind of funny.
Look, now you start with "constants and variables" shit.
>First of all, the fact infinite timelines exist does not mean that all outcomes exist. There are infinite numbers between 1 and 2, but not any single one between them is 3.
Yeah and there are an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2 and the chance to hit one specific number is 0. What does this have to do with the multiverse?
Each day there is a chance you might just die, just like there is a chance you might get tails when throwing a coin. You can't say there is a timeline where you get tails, but no timeline where one of the million things that could kill you each second doesn't happen.
>Similarly, it seems that no timeline where the terrorist fails is possible. Zero obviously used his computer to find this up to no success.
But a super virus does work apparently. He seems to know that. Start from there, use your brain to find alternative solution. What else can kill him? He must have contact with other people or lives near one of the anti-matter reactors.
>He can't really coordinate this with Zeros from other timelines.
He chooses RANDOMLY. He doesn't need to coordinate, the universe will do the rest.
stop insulting ztd you faggots you're pushing him to the brink of suicide
haha no
it was fine, you baby.
>> nobody questions why he isn't on the fucking board
>> nobody questions why there's a tenth person in the nonary game
>> Doesn't appear in any cutscenes
these three things prove you are a retard
he is on the board
Whoever designed that puzzle can fuck themselves with a rake.
At least it isn't the dice puzzle.
What did she mean by this?
Why didn't they do anal?
I agree, but only because I fucking hate VLR crashing on me and erasing my fucking save file.
Luna is still superior to Diana.