How do we save lawbreakers and cliffy B, Sup Forums ?
How do we save lawbreakers and cliffy B, Sup Forums ?
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>lol you guys have no gf
half of that post is goalposting
after this i don't care if the game flops
Ad hominem
Both correct.
Hey gay faggot OP, you want to give context?
Why would I want to help Cliffy B. in the first place?
Jesus Christ. That's really fucking ugly.
>save cliffy b.
Nah, we sit back and watch that cuck implode. He was a cringey fag back in his days of wearing zoot suits to e3 back when he was a massive wigger, then he turned into some dudebro fag who made a cover based shooter about huge muscular men, now he's turned into some Randy Pitchford-tier cuck.
>thread making fun of lawbreakers
>someone sends a twitter to cliffy with the link
>cliffy comes heres
>get's massive butthurt with everyone
>How do we save Cliffy B
By forcing him to Remake Tyrian.
how did he went from GoW to full cuck tho?
Games actually pretty fun though.
damn that nigga mad
hmm I don't know
Holy shit. How does he lack this much self awareness?
Lol he tries so hard to pretend he's so pro consumer and shit but I never bought it for a second If his butthurt over GoW 3's Metacritic score taught us anything it's that mentally he's still a bitter and insecure teenager
He's always been into huge muscular ugly as fuck men though. Unreal Tournament had some of the worst of all time.
Clifford didn't "turn into" anything, really. He just got a platform to be louder. He never hid his fetish for burly bear cock.
He spent all of his capital on Gears of War and early Unreal franchise.
It is time for him to go onto greener fields.
Was it actually confirmed to be Cliffy showing up and throwing a temper tantrum?
If i had a gf I would not care about lawbreaker at all
Have you seriously never heard of Unreal Tournament?
If that's actually him, that's incredibly embarrassing desu
Wait is that literally and unironically cliffy or just a shitposter? He actually posts here?
Played a few games of lawbreakers tonight. Got MVP in two of them. It feels super good to play, just moving around is joy - but trying to make any headway towards the game objective in a pub queue is impossible. Arena shooters don't really lend themselves to team objectives
Next time make a game that doesn't have a bug as glaring as the entire match freezing whenever someone switches to a different class and maybe I'll give it a chance.
"What if we based our female characters off Brianna Wu and those hideous monsters from Mas Effect Andromeda"
In case no one here is old enough to know about it, Cliff Bleszinski used to be Cliffy B., and before that, he was Young Cliffy.
The guy unironically was LARPing as Bud Bundy's wigger phase when he first got into the industry. Years ago when GiantBomb started as The Arrow Pointing Down podcast, Geff even joked once about how then modern Bleszinski HATED being reminded about his cringe start in the industry and he would become hostile towards anyone joking and reminding people about it.
He got linked here. Either someone pretended to be him and he said nothing, or he posted and threw a shit fit.
It's dropping faster than Battleborn, but it will probably maintain a playerbase of atleast few hundred.
I remember some site used to call him Dude Huge.
>showed up to E3 2011 in his Lamborghini next to Ice-T's Rolls Royce to show off how much of a baller he is
>is now a groveling cuck bending the knee at the feet of the sjw audience.
Absolutely pathetic.
fucking kek was that him?
>lol get a gf
>ur fat
nice arguments cliffy
too bad your game is still shit
>Implying both genders would be willing to share the same public bathrooms from the problems that arise from it
It doesn't fucking work even with trans people. Most of them would rather just use the bathroom they think they're supposed to use instead of being outed as being trans for being the only few going in the neutral bathroom.
Carmack had his moments of pomp where he'd show off his luxury supercar, but he was always pretty cool and pretty down to earth, Cliff has always been a massive faggot though.
is it a bad game?
Is he implying that Deus Ex is bad?
Holy shit I always wondered who he looked like back then but yeah its Bud Bundy.
>couldn't even beat Battleborn's all-time peak
That's gotta hurt.
Cliffy is the Sup Forums version of The Rock
The game is really pretty great. Not flawless, the maps are kinda too small to show off the speeds you can reach and the gamemodes are a little wonky, but mechanically it plays amazingly well.
Just a pile of terrible decisions when it comes to building an audience.
That wasn't CLiffy you dipshit. You just want to wish it was so you can say you "EPIC TROLLED" him.
The Rock is actually entertaining though
how are you so sure?
He was definitely active on twitter at the time (and he responds to everyone on twitter), and that post turned up like 5 minutes after I tweeted the link to him
Obviously there's no hard evidence either way
got damn that nigga cliffy mad
The best part is that these numbers include open beta.
if they ever revert the female model change i'll buy it
>desexed bathrooms being a big deal
Not sure why people care. My university's dorms had shared bathrooms, 0 fucks given.
What does that even mean? Rock gets cringey as fuck on twitter when he feels insecure, like when people were shitting on baywatch.
haha at you faggots. just wait until the PS4 NPD numbers.
I'm also getting MAD requests from the xbox fanboys for a version for them.
Because he knows how to smash the patriarchy.
I wasn't trying to EPIC TROLL anyone, for that matter. I'd just feel pretty vindicated if I could get him to understand that the overlap between "people who like fast arena shooters" and "people who like rap aesthetics and forced hashtags and e-celeb endorsements" is freakin' tiny.
someone send cliffy this thread
The Rock is genuinely a cool dude though I might dislike the new Jumanji but I'd never throw shade at Dwayne.
I dunno why you think it's a SJW game whatsoever. The characters have no identity, they're just there to fill the box. As he says, there's no reason to make them all white men, they're bland enough as is.
That said, would waifu the female medic
Fun fact: Cliffy B.'s brother Tyler is the founder of Polygon.
Let that sink in for a second.
>Actually think Lawbreakers is a cool game
>Bad marketing and some bad visual design decisions will make it fade into obscurity
Damn the gameplay was actually fun too
Add cute girls and it would be popular
There's nothing wrong with shitting on whiny SJWs who can't handle a nice fun little raunchy comedy for adults.
I'd rather waifu you.
I'd rather Cliff stay the machismo personality instead of this groveling progressive. But regardless, it's a sign he has no identity of his own and is just pandering to whatever he thinks needs to be pandering to. Yes Cliff, keep pandering to SJW's they buy tons of video games.
>that pic
>you should not criticize people
>i'm not only going to criticize you, but insult you with shit i just made up.
The powerful insecurity.
Whoever wrote this is stupid in his own right but I kinda agree with him
i'll save your time and say Yes, it is a very bad game.
gameplay was too floaty and slow as shit
I enjoy Cliffy for the many same reasons I enjoy Randy, they both make produce content, not from their video games of course - they're dogshit.
>filling the game with brown filth makes brown filth want to buy it
These people have no connection with reality at all.
Those both like shit, one less than the other obviously, but still shit.
I don't care if he wants to give people jive - he built his career on it. It's that he loses all his panache and comes off like a mewling pussy when he's in that mode.
It'd literally be better to just meme "it doesn't matter what you think!" instead of the wincing shit he posts when his butt feels stung.
You fucking kidding me? Did stillborn's numbers include beta as well?
Remove SJW shit.
Work as a Nexon Shill.
Add anime reskin, change sjw shit for weeb shit, will sell millions.
cliffy needs to save himself by making a good game.
you're a genius
If I remember correctly Blunderborn's peak players are actually from launch day.
my problem with this is honestly the fact that he did it retardedly, if it's in the future and this is commonplace why have a gender based icon at all? there's no way that would be the icon used, it'd be something more basic like a toilet shape
it's clearly done that way just to stick out, people wouldn't have given a single fuck if it just said "restroom" and he didn't point it out basically begging for people to thank him
I could see CliffyB writing this.
It's his fault for making a "me too!" game in a saturated market of "hero"-based multiplayer team shooters.
I-is that actually him?
I'm still waiting for a good one.
I've worked in the game industry and I post on Sup Forums
Does my opinion matter now?
Not unless you're still working there.
>eww testosterone
Keep sucking on those sweet drinks you flabby fucks
I mean the first part was right. But then it got real normalfaggy.
You can stop trying now, cliffy. The dream is dead.
The sentence about waifus and memes is the only correct thing he wrote.
He forgot one key thing about this place. This place has an unhealthy obsession with wanting games to fail. I don't know if it's because you fucks are psychopaths or because you're unfulfilled in life and want to project your perceived failures unto the one thing you'd hope would distract you from it.
You're projecting with that post. Starting a thread with X game is a blunder is the easiest way to start a discussion or just make people really mad.
He blocked me on twitter when I told him I too was sick of the comparisons to overwatch. Because its more like battleborn dead on arrival
I still haven't looked at this game since way back when it was announced. CliffyB totally trashed PC and ran when UT3 was ass (and he blamed piracy for it failing!!! an online game!!!)
You cant save Cliffy B, the man has the Randy curse, it will not be lifted for at least 5 years until another vidya developer commits enough crimes against fun to grant the transfer
No no. Outside of general shitposting this place has an odd obsession with games failing. Or anything in general.
A lot of it stems from idiots wanting to relive TORtanic. The rest are bandwagoning newfags trying too hard to fit in.
What's funny is that TOR's death only made it stronger. It rakes in cash annually
Ddn't he work on Jill of the Jungle wayyy back? Think it was on shareware disc my rich buddy had. Was weird playing platformer on a pc. Wasnt terrible or anything, just odd. Think I was 5 or something.
Pc's a land of gaming I've only ever visited from time to time.
Appreciate the things you got anons. People work hard, very hard. Marriges, divorces and babies happen during the building of these things we love. These aren't just OUR memories, y'know. Or livelyhoods for that matter. Damn.
>pic for creators.
>both genders
Sorry, was the only context related pic I had.
Yeah. What SHE said, unclefuckahs.