Why do we hate mike exactly?

Why do we hate mike exactly?

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hes a nerd but in all the most unlikeable ways

I don't hate him at all. I will always consider James more /ourguy/ than Mike though.


How so?


I don't hate him I just think it's funny how embarrassed he gets over brown bricks

Hate is a strong word, but he is incredibly unfunny to me. Do I hate him for it? No, he just isn't funny.

He's racist.

this. He is low-key cancer.
At least we know right away about Ryan.

>reviewer/LPer/eceleb with "wacky" cartoon sidekick
the fuck isn't there to hate


no way he drew this

>not knowing about the Loco Bandito saga

We live in the age of the SJW and Mike STILL gets out of that completely unscathed.

Fuck man, the ONE TIME they would have been useful for an e-celeb lynching and they just ignore it. No justice on this gay, gay Earth.



this shit is so unfunny. Not in a "oooh racism is bad" way, but an actual "this isn't funny" way.

Met him in person at Too Many Games in Philly 2 months ago.
He was so fucking nice.
Like holy shit, he was nice and cool.


I'm glad they didn't go after him. He's James' best friend. They would have gone after James for being Mike's friend. They'd have tried to take him down again after he didn't see Ghostbusters.

>not appreciating Mike's humorous punchlines

He's unfunny, dumb, has been ruining cinemassacre for years, treats people like shit if they are a threat to his massive but fragile ego, he's pretty bad everything that's not some shitty arcade retro game with 2 buttons and is generally a terrible human being. But I don't really hate him.

Cause he's a self aware douchebag tryhard who ruins every video he's in.

You have to be on 2-3 planes of irony to understand it

shitty artist desu fampai
It's honestly crazy how James got shit on by a ton of people for not going to see Ghostbusters 2016, but Mike got away from this scot-free.

It makes me wish Bootsy was still around so there would at least be something on the channel worth watching.

I feel like whenever he and James have a discussion he talks over James and sort of forces his ideas out there like they are undeniably true. No matter how ill formed his ideas are. He has a lot of weird tastes and always seems to think the average person would be into the same shit he's into.

these are fucking great i wonder why he stopped doing them doe.

Bootsy is also racist.

He couldn't get them published.

I'm on 6. Still not feeling it

but loco Bandito was also a non-racist video that was made

not funny, can't make quirky comments, obnoxious voice

I assume this was made during that whole encyclopedia dramatic "it's funny because offensive" phase.

It's not about that Kung Fu video. Mike's Loco Bandito website had a section with a bunch of animated videos. They're lost now, but I assume it was the same kind of """""humor""""".

That phase never ended. South Park is still airing.

Why in the fuck can't shadman draw? He's been doing his bullshit for like a decade now.

... wait he was expecting MONEY for these?

I still can't believe he attached his real name on them. What, were they meant for the stormfront mailbox fliers?

I don't understand any of this. What does it mean?

I like when he and james play some old game. Feels comfy man.

He actually wrote in a blog post that he tried to have them published but, "No one had the guts".

they must be archived

What's truly offensive is how terribly unfunny it is.
Go to bed Mike, everyone knows the truth, you're a huge asshole.

the weird little rat got vietnam flashbacks

Seems unlikely. Most of the comics are missing from the archived site. The ones here are the only ones that have been found. There are a ton that are lost to history.

Yes this. He's an attention whore.

That's textbook autism.

holy fucking shit
I wonder if james secretly has this sort of hurmor as well

and the actual things he says about the film is not that that interesting, cutting off James who might actually know more shit

james is a family man now though, you change when you become a family man

One thing he does is when James or whoever he's with gives some kind of observation or insight, a lot of the times he will parrot that and slightly change it around like it was his own original thought immediately afterwards. Also constantly telling obviously exaggerated/embellished stories.

He reminds me of a retarded 11 year old in so many ways. It's like he never grew out of that phase.

you overshot it

>HIV positive lube

he can though.... its just a shitty meme that you guys over use, because you guys think its funny or w.e.

South Park is like Shakespeare compared to ED humour 10 years ago.

This twink is the butt of every internet joke. Heard he sucked a fan's dick while drunk n high at magfest in '12. That was the rumor goin around that weekend. Didn't believe it then, but definitely believe it now

Hi Shad
Bye Shad

It's funny because he was literally just ripping off Johnny Ryan who has done far worse shit and still got published.

>"Indian shit is yellow cuz all the fucking maize they eat" -ed

It's like Mike could only see the offensive humor in this and wasn't smart enough to understand satire. Like kids who watch South Park and laugh at the racial slurs without understanding the subtext. Mike's a fuckin idiot. So is James, but at least he's a good guy. Mike's a bitch


>haha nigger retard vagina epic ween
Schizophrenic word salad is funnier than ED

I believe that people are capable of doing racist things or racist art without necessarily being a racist person with racist beliefs.

not anymore apparently

Is Mike gay?


It's like words and images made for entertainment are inert objects and have no damaging power behind them without corresponding real world actions

He's gay for brown dicks.

Am I the only one laughing because of how ridiculous it is?

No but the rest of them can't post here because this is an 18+ board

Its hilarous because of the fact that Mike didn't want these comics to surface.

Who's "we"?

he ruined how i can hear the words brown and brick for the rest of my life

>that time when he posted his penis and caused a shitstorm by deleting it.

>this is the best that western comic "artists" are able to produce

meanwhile Japan has given us sword art online, berserk, one piece, attack on titan..... what went wrong?

Every time I see Inspector Gadget now, I will instantly think of BROWN BRICKS.
Every time the subject of Minecraft is brought up, this video is the first fucking thing that comes to my mind.

I can't believe he did this. Is he autistic or something?

I keked
the sleep deprivation mustve kicked in

Shittier western artists outnumbered actual good ones.



literally who

No. Of course not. Words are literally the exact same thing as getting up and killing someone. That's why hearing them means you have a DUTY to punch people for saying the wrong ones. DUH.

Get back to me when SOA is brave enough to tackle themes like racism with the subtlety and wit of Michael Matei

It's not fair to compare this this crappy 1 man webcomic to major productions like those. This is the equivalent of Popteamepic or Riyo's FGO comics except those are funny.

I know this is bait. But... This is just too obvious. Maybe if you didn't say SAO it would be decent.

>mfw discovering words are violence
Does cyberbullying someone make me a technomancer

I thought you had better taste.

I wouldn't call Ryan's work satire, he pretty much does just amount to offensive/gross-out humour. The problem with Loco Bandito is what an unabashed knock-off it is. There's no originality there, it's just a bootleg copy of a very particular and niche cartoonist.

I saw James, but didn't see Mike. Huh.

It makes you LITERALLY a nazi!

He's kinda boring and if it weren't for James i don't think he'd ever gotten anywhere with his gameplays. I don't dislike him, i'm rather apathetic to his existence.

Then again IRRC James said that most of the script of AVGN was made by him so i guess he has some skills in comedy (however juvenile it may sound to some).

That suddenly makes all AVGN episodes shit.


>more than one hundred thousand followers

Didn't know so many people liked the heavily tattooed dickgirls thing Shadman keeps doing


>people are taking this bait seriously

This might be the most obvious bait i have ever seen in this site.


I don't get it. What's the joke?