>enemy attacks twice on the same turn
Enemy attacks twice on the same turn
git gud
fuck you FFIII DS was great
>enemy confuses you which makes it so that you're controls are reversed
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with Stephen Colbert?
up your speed stat noob
>Your special ability bar becomes full
>Enemy can attack twice on its turn
>It can use an ability in lieu of its second attack that speeds up its allies, allow them to attack twice
>You can fight multiple of these enemies in one encounter and they will abuse these haste spells happily
Fucking apemon
I actually chuckled OP, and I never found the 2 scoops meme funny.
>enemy gets to attack after every action you take
goddammit xcom2
>enemy revives himself
Repeat after me.
Two scoops
Two Genders
Two sides.
>Enemy gets both a feed and seed
The better question is why is Stephen Colbert so obsessed with Donald Trump?
They're fanny flustered because he makes fun of their dear leader.
Because he self-promotes like fucking crazy?
Sorry wrong shitpost
>enemy revives himself
Because it's currently making him tons of money and has propelled his show to be the #1 late night show in America?
because he doesn't like donny and that upsets them
how can people watch this same garbage day in and out? leftists are truly autistic.
He has the audacity to insult Sup Forums's god emperor mememan
>OP spams memes 741 times on the same board