

Art and Literature are good.
Film needs 2001:ASO and Casablanca.
Videogames needs Journey and MGS2, dump Deus Ex and Minecraft.
Music is entirely wrong.

Boyhood is shit, gone home should be dropped. Maybe replace Infinite with one then we good.

That music chart gave me cancer

diamond dogs was good not THAT good

Which subreddit was this pilfered from? I'll speak to what I know.

In Film: Only 1 Francis Ford Coppola film can stay. The other choices should go to a film made during the Golden Age, a foreign film and something technologically groundbreaking like 2001.

In Video Games: Leave Deus Ex. The rest are great marketing achievements - scrap them. Replace with an arcade game, maybe something from Nintendo, a well liked sandbox title that may begin with the acronym GTA, maybe Half-Life and a game with a better story than Gone fucking Home. Yuck.

agreed Aladdin Sane is a much better album from that period

Videogame and music sections are pure bait

People are going to respond seriously to this when Naruto is on there.

The whole picture is bait

You triggered me and deserve to die because of my hurt feelings.

Final Fantasy VII is legitimally the greatest artistic achievement in video games.

But only because of the reveal in the lifestream, not muh Aeris death.

>Nearly half that video games list
Is that Bioshock Infinite at the bottom? The first was much more artistic than that piece of shit.

Even after all this time Quentin's images still bait a good portion of the board.

>Bioshock Infinite

>Gone Home

Fucking Undertale is a far greater artistic achievement than all of this shit

I;m fine with the other games, but why gone home?
Walking dead, Life is Strange are even better than that.

>how to trigger every board on Sup Forums

is it bad that i can tell quentin made this because of the font and the inclusion of the great gatsby/david bowie?

Please let your balls drop before you post child


holy moly

Should have picked Low or "Heroes" if you wanted a Bowie album.

>But only because of the reveal in the lifestream
How is a B-tier twist the greatest artistic achievement in video games

It should absolutely be Low

>Fedoracore: The Image

man I never got the appeal of Low

side1 is just utter trash, even Sound and Vision. I don't get it.

Anime looks like someone who has literally seen nothing else except pictures of K-On on the internet

Ah that's too bad. Give it another shot when you're in a different place sometime down the line. That's worked for me and a couple albums that never really resonated for me.

>Wish you were here in greatest achievements.

This makes me even more mad than the bait in the vidya category.

Reminder that making deliberately wrong 'top 10' charts is the original clickbait.

>three Pink Floyd albums and still didn't get it right

Gone home?
Fuck that shit. Zeno clash was much better in the art department and was a game.

I was just being honest. Say what you want about Undertale, even if you take it down to something as simple as the OST, it's still more memorable than the vidya I listed above

>hi guys i'm the new arrival from tumblr >.> as you can tell from the reaction image on all of my posts i am fitting in pretty well hehe :D

Quentin, go to bed


4 of those books are from the 20th century, are you kidding me? No Moby Dick, the Divine Comedy or Shakespeare? And the great gatsby? Are you a 16 year old white girl who has never read it?

The music section is too much bait. This is the last time I'm letting reddit trigger me.

>The Walking Dead
>No Cerebus
>No A Contract with God
>No Moebius