What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Nothing, the fact that it continues to make Nintendo fans on Sup Forums so absolutely assblasted means its a success.
I'm convinced that Sony is incapable of making an aesthetically pleasing console any more, remember how cool the psx looked
No games for the first few years
Terrible online service
Terrible paid online service
PS+ price increase for no particular reason
No backwards compatibility
Unable to change your PSN
No good first party multiplayer games, doesn't have its own Halo or Gears of War like Microsoft does
Sounds like a vacuum when it has to use the shitty disc drive because it was a last minute addition
Absolutely cancerous fanbase filled with diehard loyalists that shit on anyone, see: this faggot
this i wish the xbone was actually trying because it's got good fucking features and services, but shitty ass to absolutely no games
>Absolutely cancerous fanbase
But its okay when Nintendo fans act cancerous and shitpost, right?
Go fuck yourself.
Dont own a ps4, does that mean that your psn is locked onto a console? What happens if you buy a used ps4?
That model? Too loud.
>b-but nintendo...
Can't change your PSN as in your PSN username. Microsoft lets you change your gamertag for a fee for example.
Nintendo games appeal to a much wider audience.
OP is obviously a Nintendo drone
How does that relate at all to the discussion? We're talking about cancerous fanbases.
>But Nintendo does it too argument
Sonynegros are like 5 year olds
How does you screaming Nintendo drone relate to the argument? You sound pretty assblasted.
Too many games to play, how am I supposed to play all these games?
This year they got 3 good games and they act like they won.
Have to love how when Nintendo is on full focus mode Sony wakes up.
The cancerous part of the fanbase is insignificant when compared to the entire audience, whereas with sony, the cancerous fanbase is pretty much the whole thing.
Because this user is trying to say Sony fans are the most cancerous and he doesn't even realize the irony of saying this in a thread where Nintendo drones are shitposting about Sony.
This looks cooler than the ps4
>highest selling console launch of all time only rivaled by the dreamcast and ps2
uh nothing
Poorest build quality of a Sony system ever with the worst fanbase shitty online and the psn store is a nuisance to navigate sometimes other than that it's all gravy.
>The cancerous part of the fanbase is insignificant
Go ahead and provide some evidence to back up your claim. I mean surely you wouldn't make such a claim without evidence right? You're not just some assmad shitposter right user?
You forgot all the HD games from the PS2 and PS3.
There was literally no mention of Nintendo until, who I'm assuming is you, posted
You getting THIS triggered over nothing really isn't helping your case in saying that Sony fans aren't cancerous when they're the ones that start the shitposting.
>when they're the ones that start the shitposting.
OP is the one who started the shitposting. This is a shitpost thread.
>user immediately mentions Nintendo for absolutely no reason
>"I'm not the shitposter, YOU'RE the shitposter!" logic
>OP started a thread with a common shitpost phrase, because he wanted others to shit on PS4
it's fuckin controller holy shit it sucks
>Being this positively anally devastated over absolutely nothing and immediately pulling the victim card that is so common among Sony fanboys
The only one who's assblasted is you.
pay online
These are the responses you get when you start a thread shitting on a Nintendo system. People call it shitposting, rightfully so.
But crying about PS4 and calling it trash isn't shitposting because...?
They were the only option for a next gen console and immediately used that to fuck over the audience.
The best part? The audience let them.
Why is this fanbase so obnoxious and insecure? They also get assblasted over every little thing. Are they the most cancerous fans around?
At least that game came with additional content.
fuck off
>PS4 and Switch tagteaming the Xbone
>Xgroid faggots like and crying into their Phil Spencer body pillows
Literally nothing went wrong
Sony won the 8 gen by doing nothing
>Nintendo Fucked Up with the wii u
>Microsoft Fucked Up with the Xbox One at the start
>Virtualy no competition
you don't know what that word means.
>Sonyfans proving in yet another thread just how insufferable they are
And thus the universe remains in balance
Why don't you call OP insufferable? I mean he's the one who started the shitposting here.
Its because he agrees with your opinion right?
I'm not the one who chimped out, that would be this user
But OP is the one who started a shitposting thread in the first place. Why don't you get mad at him for that?
Don't bother answering, I know your answer is going to be "its okay to shitpost when you're shitposting about Sony" or some variation on that
It's like you've never even used a PS4. But surely that isn't the case. Surely an upstanding Sup Forumsirgin would be balanced and fair in their judgements and not be raving, upset nintenbros.
Yeah fuck those people for flaming in a flamewar thread.
>sony has a big library pandering to normie gamers, sports gamers, cowadoody kids AND niche shit like indieshit for hipsters and weebshit for me
they have all the bases covered and the head start they got thanks to microsoft and nintendo means they ran away with it
Nothing. I mean, there was virtually nothing for it for a year and a half, but it's picked up sense.
>OP shitposts about Sony for some reason
>Sony fans lash out right back
Outside of remasters there was only a slow trickle of decent games.
the games are shit. worst console ive ever owned
>being this assblated
Not an argument :^)
i think the first time you change your name its free
>mobile poster
Fuck off, cancer.
Serious question, if this thread was about Switch, 3DS or Wii U it would be called shitposting, why isn't it considered shitposting when people make threads like this about PS4?
i said xbone has shitty games or cancelled games, you fucking insecure sonygro
Controllers suck after a year and a half. Can anything else be used on it or do I have to go third party?
>OP shitposts about Sony for some reason
>Sony fans immediately chimp the fuck out and scream Nintendo as the culprits
>Acting like none of the things that user listed exist because you're such a diehard fanboy
>>Sony fans immediately chimp the fuck out and scream Nintendo as the culprits
Nintendo fans do the same thing when someone starts a Nintendo shitposting thread.
The ps4 slim is great.
Naughty Dog is making a new IP, it's a third person sci-fi noir action adventure with inspiration from Cowboy Bebop with heavy emphasis on space combat and land vehicles called Savage Starlight
read the replies and then get back to me
>being this delusional
From a financial standpoint nothing went wrong, it won this generation by a landslide in sales
>he thinks it isn't true
Nintendo drones are still assmad about the PS4 bending over the Wii U and anally raping it.
Pretending that a sleek box with minimized buttons and relatively small form factor isn't aesthetically pleasing sitting shoved away in an media center.
>Buy it a year or so after once the game arrive, ezpz
>No issues with online service at all in the past 3 years I've owned it
>Get "free games" every month, legitimately complaint since what they offer has been horrendous compared to the PS3 days
>PS+ price increase was again without any reason or relevant value to me, really shitty overall
>Despite what many people will claim, I prefer the HD upgrades to backwards compatibility. I still have my PS3 for the old games, and the HD upgrades have been for the most part great additions. (I'm not too poor to drop $20 - 30 on a game with substantial visual upgrades)
>I don't care to change my PSN username, I feel it's arbitrary and should be changeable, but I simply don't give a shit. That's not an issue with me.
>Tons of fucking first party games, multiplayer or otherwise, you're simply being contrarian by claiming the recent Halo or Gears of war are console sellers. There's literally nothing exclusive to the Xbox platform that has made anyone even slightly envious or willing to drop a few hundred to experience.
console war threads are fucking cancer
Not much, considering it's winning this gen by a huuuuuuuugge margin.
That isn't debatable, btw