Which one, Sup Forums?

Which one, Sup Forums?

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Both but attacking gives more.

Both combined.

2nd is for casuals

What about this?

SF4 has both


None of these because fightan games suck

reduced damage, reduced stamina would mean less attacks to break combo

guardbreaks are more fun

Both for all of them, as long as "Stamina" is actually just a guard gauge, and you don't get that much meter for getting hit and you only get meter for instant blocking.

The defender should be rewarded for guarding mix-ups. Instant or not. Otherwise, zoning characters would get free meter with absolutely no risk.

That only depends on whether zoning itself is risky or not though, so it depends on the character. If throwing out a fire ball can be punished then it's definitely not risky. Usually zoners are pretty bad though so it'd probably be fine. You also have older fighters like 3rd strike where anyone can gain meter by just using normals even if they don't hit anyone, so if that were the case then getting meter for throwing out a fire ball would be perfectly fine.

>then it's definitely not risky
I meant "Definitely not risk free"

Throwing out fireballs in 3S is giving your opponent free meter since they can easily parry it. I like that about 3S.
I don't like whiffing attacks to build meter though. It really adds nothing to the game but extra time.

>I don't like whiffing attacks to build meter though. It really adds nothing to the game but extra time.
I agree.

Parrying projectiles in 3rd strike is too strong though. It'd be fine in an anime fighter maybe but in Street Fighter it's too strong. Instant blocking projectiles for meter is kinda similar though isn't it?


I appreciate the effort, user.

ok, and finally the most important question.

ooh boi

>It'd be fine in an anime fighter maybe but in Street Fighter it's too strong. Instant blocking projectiles for meter is kinda similar though isn't it?
It's much easier to deal with projectiles in anime fighters due to air dash and you can still instant block those projectiles while jumping in and receive meter for it.
I'm not an expert by any means, but aren't projectiles in 3S more of a way to approach rather than to zone? If you stand far away and throw out safe projectiles, your opponent will parry them. But, say you throw a projectile and go in at the same time?

>It's much easier to deal with projectiles in anime fighters due to air dash and you can still instant block those projectiles while jumping in and receive meter for it.
Well the thing is that in anime fighters they always compensate for improved movement by having projectiles be significantly stronger. Screen filling/multi projectile attacks are very common, and projectiles usually come from many different angles. Since the projectiles are usually multihit, faster and come from different angles, parrying them would be a lot more difficult.

>I'm not an expert by any means, but aren't projectiles in 3S more of a way to approach rather than to zone?
Kind of, or they can be kinda used as a footsies tool depending on the character, but that's entirely because the parry system makes zoning basically impossible against players who have got their parries down, which is sorta why parries against projectiles is considered too strong in 3rd strike. It's why Remy, who would probably have a strong neutral game in other Street Fighter games is pretty low tier, although mind you he's still not bottom of the barrel. Akuma's jumping projectiles are still plenty helpful though since they can be used more aggressively.

Yeah, I can see what you mean. I mostly play Hakumen in BlazBlue and learning to deal with ยต's projectile spam coming from every conceivable angle is a pain in the ass, even if I should be able to perfect block them in theory.
As for Remy's projectiles. Isn't the idea to use his high/low projectiles as a mix-up and cover the opponent's defensive options with them?

Remy's projectiles are used more like a footsies tool than anything. I'm no pro Remy player mind you but from what I've seen the idea is to try and use them at a range where you might catch a stray attack/approach attempt, but if your opponent parries it you can dash up and then mixup with another attack or a throw. Throwing them from more than that is just free meter for a good opponent, although EX projectiles can sometimes be fast enough to catch someone off guard. Basically even though they designed him to play like Guile you actually have to play him fairly aggressively, since your projectiles aren't to keep people away but give you chances to get in if they connect or they get parried.