Lets have a Guild Wars 1 thread. Post underrated elite skill and why you use them.
Lets have a Guild Wars 1 thread. Post underrated elite skill and why you use them
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Flesh Golem.
Spiteful Spirit is OP.
here to save your thread
It was fun as fuck in AB just running non-stop.
I remember running an Amity/Pacifism build on my monk when Factions was still new for random arenas. It was hilarious to shut down the mobs of new Assassins when you had a team that would listen to you and focus on any non-sin then take down the others one at a time.
God all those Naruto names were cringey as hell.
>Get guild wars for christmas
>Snowy outside, upstate NY
>Friend down the road gets it too
>Spend every night playing GW. Even on school nights with snowstorms. Just banking on snowdays.
Nothing better. Fuck what a great game.
Faction launch was hilarious. I never seen so many sin with naruto names in my life and being equally useless. To think I was afraid that the sin would take the warrior's spot during that beta.
It was equally fun to run a pure Ranger trap team and trap the ever living shit out of the cap points and get kills 40 seconds later while setting up traps at the next point.
Another fun build we ran was an Ele EARTH WIND WATER! group that focused on using the original version of Iron Mist to fuck with Assassins and warriors and using the air magic to keep Rangers blinded. While keeping everyone else snared with the water magic. We also combined Chilling winds with Mind Freeze for more fuckery.
Me and my friend had a fun as fuck team with E/A and a N/mo, Point blank aoe fire spells like Double dragon and shit after fire haste, then I had death pulse and whatnot on me so it would be like 800 damage +fire, disease and poison, then he would vengeance me and I would do it again. We could clear entire zergs, die in the process, but it was almost always worth it.
AB was definitely the high point of PVP for me in GW. I only did HA once early on and never went back.
Of course when I did it, it was full of Ranger spirit barracades soured me a great deal.
I remember using R/A with this elite for the pure purpose of using shadow step up to the ledge and use trap on the players that were trying to kill the turtle. I would then just trap the teleporting spawn and they can't do anything about it.
I couldn't even get into HA because of the retarded /rank requirement. This kind of shit alone made that pvp mode so cancerous, and I GvG for fun.
Absolutely savage.
One elite skill that never made sense to me, even if I can understand it, was when they made Double Strike an elite just because of it's synergy with Illusionary Weapon. It sucked as a regular skill and was beyond useless as an elite. It took them way too long to add any other functionality to it to make it relevant.
Yea the /rank penis wanking was stupid as hell, even worse were people trying to use the same crap for FoW groups.
Unfortunately I never was in any active or large enough Guilds to GvG.
It's a dead game and we all should move on.
Did you ever glitch the gates? I hate to say that I was that faggot that did so.
>ywn hang out in the Warrior's Isle castle guild hall with your buds just shooting the shit ever again
it hurts so much
Thread theme youtube.com
Also was there ever a more effective skill?
Naw. I was a toucher ranger before I became a uninterruptible trapper.
>touch ranger
Ah fuck was there ever a more meme build? You did no damage, and you just were kinda annoying. Truly never contributing to the team, but they were just hard as fuck to kill. Like a mosquito, just slowly draining hp, but could never do any real harm.
I remember the first time I saw a trapper team in HA. Shit was neat, shame we were running Golem Factory at the time.
You can solo cap and if you piss enough people, you could outlast and distract a whole team of them while your other team cap and score the point. I did this plenty of times, and got lots of angry whispers from it too.
>see R/N on team
>name is ALWAS Michaael Jackson or, Michael Jackkson, Catholic Priest, etc
PSHHHHH Nuthin' Personnel prot monk.
any of you fags still playing?
whatchu working towards if anything?
currently trying to get Legendary Defender, because I've always wanted to do it, but could never be bothered. hit 10 yesterday and 11 today. it's easier than I thought it would be, but I guess it's because I'm more okay with grinding now than I used to be. we'll see how I go closer to 20
Remember when pre-made build was a thing?
Nothing. I'm 50/50 hom + GWAMM.
I remember when it was impossible to fucking capture an elite stance. Also there was this sweet as fuck statue in pre during one of the alphas.
I remember when Firestorm doesn't scatter and you couldn't rebuild your character. What points you choose is what you get. Do people even use Firestorm post EotN?
Yeah, there was even an arena battle with someone that used Hamstorm.
Warriors endurance because I used it to make a sick W/Mo healing build for alliance battles
>buy GW1 to get the HOM stuff for GW2
>end up enjoying GW1 more in the end
I went with necro/rit most of the time because I love summoning shit, I can't even remember my builds at this point but I was a big fan of that one skill that made enemies hurt themselves every time they used a skill.
I never touched PvP though, I just couldn't wrap my head around it.
the only fun pvp was the casual shit like fort aspenwood and random arenas
the tryhard shit like hall of heroes was unwinnable tier
GvG and RA were my go-to game modes. I enjoyed FA and JQ as well, but nothing was more satisfying than going 25 wins in RA, or doing awesome in a gvg fight
Same. I ended up earning 50/50 and GWAMM in about 300 hours /played because I used the cookie cutter spiritway to bulldoze thru everything and I scammed people out of millions so I could buy all those pets, candy corn etc for the consumable titles.
Didn't enjoy the game as much as I should of since I viewed it as one long slog. Then GW2 comes out and it's hot fucking garbage
Offering of Spirit
The battery that is always there for me
What happened after 25 wins in RA? I know after 10 or 15 it put you into Team Arenas
>be a touch ranger
>join alliance battles
>He didn't win HoH
It was the greatest fucking feeling.
Playing a prot monk, staring at the enemy r-spike team, see them all look at the ele on our team and slap this one them, negating all their shit.
Truly, the greatest rush.
Halls of Heroes/HA is always cancers, but that is due to the /rank cancer culture surrounding it. You could GvG with randoms and its fun. TA, Codex, and Random are just random fun. AB and FA are great time wasters. HA? God forbid you came in late or youre kick. And they mock you with /rank emote.
I hope every HA fucks I met burn in hell
yeah, they reworked it since TA was removed. but you ended up with a ton of gladiator points
my fiancee was my prot monk for HoH and gvg
I loved cheap shit like 5x star burst ele/assassins in HA. I wasn't proud of myself but it was loads of fun.
Neat, me and my fiance mostly just play ffxiv now, the pvp there is starting to feel like guild wars, I am remaining hopeful. The raids are at least fun tho.
Blinding Surge was my shit
>go to AB
>be an ele
>dick ass sin comes and tries to solo me because he thinks I'm a poor defenseless soft target
>hit blinding surge
>spam the rest of my skills
>get his hp down half way
>he finally realizes he's not going to kill me
>he starts trying to run away
>use Gale
>finish him off
I ruptured the anuses of so many hurr durr 1 on 1 me faget types of people with that build.
I already posted Spirit Bond, or I would do it again. Have some SHAME instead.
noice, she plays gw2 now, i recently quit again because it's so tedious. if she didn't have one MMO in her life i'd suggest us getting ffxiv as well
>literally no other game that plays like ritualist/necromancer
I used a fun build like that with earth ele, Earthquake, ashblast, ebon hawk, stoning etc. Shit was fun.
>mfw wild blow into knockdowns on stance spammers
>win HoH for the first time a few months ago
>12 consecutive wins
>about 70% of it was bots
feels... great man?
I played gw2 at start and gave it another chance like every 6 months til I just finally gave up on it, there is just nothing for me there.
>braaps your path
>be touch ranger
>notice that I have an N in it
>went to see what other option exist
>this skill
I am a bane of every minion master in AB I met. I love how they run away when I use this power.
whoops I meant A M I T Y
Not that I know of. It was a simple, but an effective command I must say. The same goes with the mini map and when you ping the fuck out of it just to get the said target. I don't think there any other game that let you draw dicks in the map like that.
*Doubles your meteor*
>not triple
This. also Monk best skill and class
Yo man, that's like, too much exhaustion for me. I'd rather run signet of energy.
More like doubles your Spite.
Aura of Displacement was fun as fuck for AB, especially when your team sucked ass you could be very effective even solo.
>Spike damage
>tele out or keep on going if your combos have quick cooldown
>if you start to get too much pressure deactivate AoD (instant)
>Dash off like the goddam road runner
I also used the fuck out of seeping wound or w/e that sin elite skill was called that got nerfed to fuck, before anyone fucking used it, it was goddam amazing.
best skill incoming
I remember the good times when HA was crowded and the fights intense as fuck. Took me several years to get my r12
>tfw winning HoH with your name.
>Scrub detected
For the longest time that was the only Monk elite I considered worth using most of the time.
More like required boring meta skill til factions came out and then it returned after they removed the no self cast requirement.
SB and pic related.
There is no better feel than being a prot monk in HA and catching a spike.
I prefer shadow walk for maximum shadow step fuckery, especially when combined with mark of the assassin and/or dash. Spamming shadow walk and occasionally cancelling with dash had me popping around the map like a goddamn wack-a-mole.
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong skill the no self-cast club is 2 blocks down.
I played with a prot monk who would spam the shit out of that skill, yell at me for using guardian, and then bitch that she was out of energy the whole time. Honestly, RoF isn't really worth it. Guardian prevents more damage overall
Was there an elite skills that makes you question WHY it was an elite skill?
>not being able to cast on self
Is this 2005 again?
Like, against physical targets sure. But, RoF worked wonders when you saw a fucking lightning hammer coming for someone.
similar concept but shadow walk had that unfortunate 30 second limit, and you couldn't use a stance without getting popped back. Still a good skill, but I prefer the trade off for using the elite slot.
I had a full build for that skill that just stacked on damage bonuses from ranger spirits and ritualist weapon spells that gave you stupidly high standard attack damage.
they were pretty bad about balancing skills in general.
It was either
>buff till something is godly, then immediately nerf it into worthless
>don't touch certain shitty skills at all
Yeah, but in pvp a single stray lightning hammer isn't anything to worry about.
>nutted but the bitch still suckin
I like how this is one of the few skills that never got a buff or a nerf, but it was perfect since launch. /ss/ is truly the most reliable Necromancer elite.
Can I add the worst skill in the game?
>150 damage is nothing to worry about
god, you're telling me. When i first heard about it from a friend who got the game before me, i spent every day leveling and getting to that spot just for that elite. I was not disappointed. Curses best attribute
It's not anything to worry about when a patient spirit fixes it right up.
pic related
There were some oddball retarded builds that actually used locust's, like what other user mentioned.
I had one build I dicked around with that used locust's + live vicariously (self cast) and vigorous spirit. It didn't do much at all, really, just kept itself alive pretty well.
>relying on patient spirit
Yo dawg, drain enchant tho.
Basic Elite skill but it was so good.
>Curses best attribute
That's not how you spell domination
It had like a 6 second cooldown if I remember.
i wish hero battles was still a thing it was fun to make weird team builds there, i liked the concept of codex arena but boy it felt dead on arrival
>update AI so it runs away from AoE
>murders like half the skills in the game
>they circumvent it by making a bunch "instant AoE" skills
why the fuck did they do this? at least they didnt return this in 2.
Well then. I'm kind of use to sin using either a chain attack, tanking, or crit builds with other weapons
>tfw you see Smiter's Boon (PvP)
The farming was awesome before they updated the AI.
AoE skills were still amazing in pvp.
God they totally just gave up on balancing Smiter's Boon in pvp.
I bet you guys never use the sword elite, Quivering Blade.
>>update AI so it runs away from AoE
make it more interesting, make the AI more life-like since an actual player wouldn't likely stand in double-cast firestorm.
>update loot system to give out amount of loot proportional to number of players in party
>solo farming basically worthless
>running with full heroes still counts as solo
>only get enough gold/drops to cover yourself, have to find other means to cover heroes
One of the few choices ANet made with GW1 that disappointed me
I did in AB, it was fun to make touchers bleed.
I've tried to make use of just about every elite skill. Quivering blade didn't particularly dazzle me. Mesmers in general were much better at fucking with Monks healing than any warrior build except for dev hammer.
>mastering the >1/4 quarter lock