Literally, whats stopping you?

literally, whats stopping you?


The price, the short battery life, the lack of proper controller out of the box, the price of extra controllers and the lack of significantly different games I couldn't just play on Wii U

There aren't that many games.

I say this as someone who pre-ordered one and enjoyed the hell out of BotW in March,

I hope Persona 5 comes out for the Switch eventually, it might soothe my buyer's remorse.

there's only 2 games for it i'd actually play

I emulated the only game on it worth a fuck.

Waiting on animal crossing

It's not hacked yet and we have nothing on Prime 4 other than "it's coming guise."

The only game I want on it is also on N3DS. Where it will run significantly worse, but also be $380 cheaper.

This 100%.

That I already have one

No games.
It's like the ps4 all over again

Price and small library of games worth playing

Why are Nintendo fans always the biggest shitposters?

Literally, only two games.

>literally, whats stopping you?
I like video games.


Looks fun, but I try to live by minimalist principles.

Buying a single purpose gaming device seems like a waste, when there are still dozens of games in my steam backlog. Pic unrelated

i don't give a fuck until they release a new revision

no games I want, I can get zelda on the wiiu

I'm not buying a console for 3 party multiplayer games and I already pirated the only game worth its price.
The wi-fi reach is still abysmal.

I don't do Nintendo. I have my 3DS for Project Mirai and nothing else.

Mine came a few days ago and already three games I wanted on it.
Four if I can get a refund from steam for sonic mania.

>overpriced handheld
>underpowered console
>gimmick-ridden default controller
>pro controller sold separately
>32GB internal storage
>not enough games for a two-in-one system
>paid online
>voice chat via smartphone app
>these threads

The fact that Nintendo is a horrible company and I will never give them my money.

Sony and Microsoft are jews, but at least they don't actively go out of their own way to treat their customers like total garbage.

>tch, /I/ don't do nintendo
>but I like hatsunay meekoo


Waiting for the redesign. I got a GBA months before the SP, never again. Waited for DS Lite, and then waited for 3DS XL. And hell, those weren't even the final redesigns of those systems.

>no games
>greedy ports from a recent system
>fisher price toy

Yeah botw was their big switch exclusive moneymaker and then they went and put in on the fucking wii u

Not all of us love getting fucked in the ass as much as you do.

IIRC the next Zelda title was confirmed for WiiU before the Switch was announced so they were forced to put it on the WiiU or face a PR backlash. And by backlash I mean their fans slurping their balls as usual while the rest of us pointed and laughed.

already owning it?

why would i need two?

you got mario odyssey?

>why would i need two?
You evidently enjoy wasting money already so why not?

You guys understand this thing was a fucking experimental cash grab by the Japs to see if they could save videogames in the Island because Japanese people no longer own televisions. So they made a shitty handheld thing to get the people buying shitty games again. Then they marketed as a tv console as well go shitty port abilities and you gotta pay an extra $70 for an actual controller :) pay up white man

I would've become a full time Sonybro if they cancelled BotW on the Wii U


no, i got my FREE GAMESTOP CASH last month, made $2000 in store credit and bought it for free.

so no, i wasted nothing =)

Care to give some actual examples?

I don't want one


Same, if they cancelled BOTW on Wii U they would've lost me as a customer for life.

Why would i need a paperweight?

literally was just playing mine on the toilet I play it more than my PS4, but PC is still main

Its hardware is weak enough that you have to play it in the lower resolution Portable Mode to get more stable games
The battery is weak enough that you can only play it for a few hours without its umbilical cord
I can't just boot it up and play Mario Kart 8 online because Nintendo expects me to pay for the privileged to beat a bunch of kids
If I want a controller that I can just sit back and properly relax with, it's $70 and barely works with PC
Splatoon 2 ended up being more or less the same with all of the cool new features being locked to SP and the MP is, again, locked behind a subscription fee
I can expect to beat Breath of the Wild on PC before the Switch gets restocked again
Puyo Puyo Tetris apparently isn't an exclusive

I want its games that's for sure but I'm not sticking a $300 candy colored dildo up my ass just for the handful that look neat

Do people honestly think this is a negative point for the switch?
Nobody owns a fucking wiiu, that's why all the good shit from it is being put on the switch in the first place.
The switch sales of the game are outselling the wiiu sales 3-to-1, and many people still can't even get a switch.

like sony doesnt do the same shit
remember the last guardian?


Already have the one with the grey controllers.

Could really use Smash Bros tho

It's a negative point for me because I fucking bought and played those games already on the Wii U. I'm not buying a Switch to play the same shit I already got bored of a year ago.

>I can expect to beat Breath of the Wild on PC before the Switch gets restocked again
If you're not aware CEMU 1.9.0c is free now and works fine, I get performance better than the Switch or WiiU.

Yeah and they did the same thing with the PS4 and PS3 games, but everyone cries "PORTSTATION" over that.

Guess it really is okay when Nintendo does it...

Waiting for Christmas discounts. Also Xenoblade 2.

No interest due to no games and incredible resentment over the WiiU not getting any games

If I were to get a Switch, it would be way down the line when they're selling a "Switch Mini" with vast improvements to design and bringing down the costs super low and after it has some fucking games I want to play.

>very few new IPs
>barely any 3rd party support
>selling games that already came out 6 years ago as "new"
>where the fuck are the rpgs?
whats NOT stopping you other than the brand name?

I'm poor paying for school supplies and classes instead

Nobody owns a vita either. Doesn't stop Sup Forums from crying about "no games" when Vita games get ported to PS4
Its only okay when Nintendo does it

I don't want to spend several hundred dollars to play the only good game it has

>good shit
where? there isnt a single system seller on the switch yet other than Zelda. Splatoon 2 and ARMs are really mediocre and lack content

and yet somehow, i had more games to play on my vita than my wiiU and switch combined....weird

>liking musuos

It's out of stock during the times I get the urge to take the plunge on one.

>not liking a wide variety of games and genres

I'm not paying $300+ for a device that does this.


Waiting for it to get cracked so I can pirate games on it
also waiting for the NEW nintendo switch model
also waiting for more anime games

I only buy nintendo systems for mainline Pokemon until it gets released so reason for me to buy it

Prepare for a game gimped by also needing to run on the New 3DS.

Doubt that happens. They didn't even 3 geneartions on ds which sold way more than 3ds

Same. But after how underwhelming the 3DS games were and Masuda straight up saying not to have high expectations for the Switch game, I don't even give a fuck anymore. I'll just replay the DS games forever.

>waiting for the XL version
>waiting for more games to come out
>waiting for the inevitable christmas campaign edition with green and red joycons for both mari&luigi and christmas.
>Bc i have other games on my backlog that'll take time to finish, and i don' ned another console to add to that right now

Yeah that's good but I skipped sun and moon so I don't wanna skip another. Always wanted to play HD Pokemon

I'm looking forward to it

>wanting an XL version of a console too weak to render above 720p undocked

It really bothers me that there is barely any information available about USUM and they are already talking about the next Pokemon games AFTER those.

Cash. Can't just drop $500+ on a console + games

Tommorow is Pokemon world championships. They always give new infomation for game at opening ceremony

Also ohmori or masuda not directing so game should be good

Because I fell for the Wii U meme and most of the games on it right now are Wii U ports

They only announced the Switch game this early as damage control after all the Switch children started chimping out at USUM being 3DS only.

im sure it would get a spec bumb too

a new model with an actual decent screen

The only game I wanted to play is 90% playable in Cemu and at 4k Ultrawide resolution

It's a fucking garbage console. I'm gonna play the few AAA nintendo games and then I'm never gonna touch it again.

Shit gimmicks, shit controller, and no third parties will give a single fuck about this thing a year from now. The only reason you see third party games on it right now is because they're trying to cash in on this shit device since it's "in" right now.

I only enjoy about 30% of the 1st party titles released for a Nintendo console.

The Switch reminds me of a more successful Wii U and that's not saying a lot.

Portability is not that much of a selling point to me, the most I would do with it is to take it to me to the shitters when I expect to take a long dump.

I already hacked my Wii U and beat BoTW.

The UPS truck.
Get here faster dammit

i imagine it'll bump it up a bit, but also bc its small.

my friend got it and i tried it out. if those joycons were a bit bigger, it'd be nice. if the screen was >6.2in across, say 7.5 or 8, I'd prefer that too.

>whenever out shopping stop by Targets, Walmarts, Best Buys
>never see any in stock
>except for Walmarts, they always have one
>it's always a display box
This has happened at Walmart like 3 fucking times.

I wish Nintendo would stop this forced popularity meme by underproducing just so they can say "they're sold out" for a couple years until they can make a new lite version of the same system to do the same shit.

I only play JRPGs, waiting on Xenoblade and SMTV before buyong.

bought a 3ds at launch. Never again will i buy nintendo console on purchase

Literally not enough games.

If and when at least the entire wii U library gets ported to it and it gets VC with wii AND Gamecube only then I'll maybe consider it.

Right not it just doesn't have a single game on it that's worth buying it for.

>I only play JRPGs
I think you should speak to somebody about this, you shouldn't punish yourself like that.

Because I am scared of the inevitable nintendo re release next year

Waiting for the inevitable 2.0, or at the very least a good bundle.

the lack of save transfers

that's really the only thing, but i'm a stickler to it. I want the ability to back up and transfer my game saves if necessary.

Just buy it online you collosal fuckwit. I'm not even in the US but even I know there's stock online at all times from various retails. I don't understand people like you who complain about the switch stock. I don't own or even want to own one either. What's wrong with you?

probably better to just get a version 1, that way you can skip version 2 and trade in your version 1 towards a version 3 when it comes out.
wish i hadn't bother with the version 2 3ds.

The fact that gaming is pretty much dead.

Not wanting to buy another failed Nintendo console

>I'm not even in the US
You realize that there is less people buying in the EU compared to the US? You can't find them ANYWHERE. You can't buy them anywhere in-store or online (aside from scalpers). I could buy a Switch from Craigslist for $50-100 more but I'd rather wait and buy it from a retailer over a scalper/shady figure on Craigslist. No you can't buy them online from an actual retailer for MSRP by the way.

Waiting to see if they will have more 3rd party releases as the only first party nintendo games I'm interested in are F-ZERO, Kid Icarus and Custom Robo

Give up now, it doesn't have the juice to run multiplats so you'll get the token "testing the waters" releases over the next year and then nothing else. It happened with the WiiU and will happen here too.