What's good vidya where I can go into old Japan times and say YOOOOOOOOO?

what's good vidya where I can go into old Japan times and say YOOOOOOOOO?

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Dynasty Warriors




Way of the Samurai 4 fits this description.

>Dynasty Warriors

you meant Samurai Warriors, right


Total War Shogun

Way of the samurai

Don't you mean NiYOOO?

PC port when?

Shadow Tactics


I'm serious fucking scum. I hope for an early 2018 release

mystical ninja, snes

Total War: Shogun 2

Blood Will Tell.

nope, blame DoA5 modders for ruining everything



>That image
That's lovely. Do you have any more?

Not any more regarding Total War after this

What kind of silly argument is that? This game will be ported on PC, there's no exclusive deal with Pony and KT will gain a shitload of money putting the game on Steam.

its team ninja's call

and they hate PC users

So they hate money apparently

they arent jewish

thank god

Yeah the whole ten people who buy it on sale compared to the other people who pirate it

This is the pinnacle of shitposting
