I thought Nintendo was a family company

I thought Nintendo was a family company.
Why did they turn Samus into such a sexy looking slut?

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>he doesn't have a sexy looking slut in his family

Sexy looking sluts make big families.

The word slut is just so misused these days that if I see someone use it I just think there some kind of Indian porn addict

yea, just like how fag is misused too...
stop being a pedantic faggot

Yeah but it's so unsexy

>he thinks slut is unsexy
go to bed grandpa

Samus is supposed to be genetically perfect, if she doesn't look the part then how can she be genetically perfect?

>he thinks slut is sexy
Go back to askreddit

I want her to be my mommy

If your mom wasn't a sexy-looking slut, you wouldn't be here.

I dunno there are some desperate men out there

She was always sexy

When was being attractive considered inappropriate for families?

When prudes took over mainstream media.

It's not, but the skin tight suit and high heels are inappropriate.

What is mainstream media?

hmm, I don't know
gonna need some more pictures to analyze this, user

>family company
>allow creation of games like Bayonetta, Devil's Third and Fatal Frame 5 to be placed on their platform

They're an entertainment company who the MSM has perceived as the "safe choice" to buy entertainment from their kids.

You mean she WAS always sexy but now is a fucking wetsuit.

we're talking about first/second party games user

Shit like CNN or BBC who tell normies the human body is something to be ashamed of.


Well, yours is

What about FOX and MSNBC?

I don't mind Samus being sexy, but the hooker hi-heels are woefully retarded and just ruin the whole thing. Right looks way better.

At this point, Bayonetta 2 may as well be "first party".

Also,what is:

Fire Emblem (a series in which many games the familial ties are incestuous)

Advance Wars Days of Ruin (rag tag soldiers trying to survive in a post apocalypse)

Xenoblade (a story that ends with the MC and his crew killing their monotheistic creator)

Probably for the same reason developers made 2B like a sexy looking slut. It makes the game sell more.

better answer m8

Don't worry tumblrina about feeling ugly everyone is!

that looks unimaginably hot and uncomfortable

Holy shit, my dick

Because she's a slut. After every mission she peels off her suit, puts on something cute and heads to the local port to hook up with a random guy, race doesn't matter as long as he has a big cock that can satisfy her, and then she vanishes the next morning to kill a bunch more aliens.

> race doesn't matter as long as he has a big cock that can satisfy her
good lad

Metroid was always Nintendo's most adult franchise, starting out based on a horror movie and having a grim atmosphere and soundtrack, and adult hard sci-fi storyline.

Of course it's flailing by being in Nintendo, It would've flourished if it belonged to a more mature company like Sega or Sony, given that Nintendo is mostly for emotionally immature people that dont like or understand that sort of stuff.

>have ten inch meat hammer
>can't last more than five minutes

>Samus is supposed to be genetically perfect
Explain the mole then.

she draws it on with a sharpie

No it wouldn't those two would have ruined it and even their idiot fans would be able to point that out.

>family company
and it's fine. children don't understand sexuality because they haven't entered puberty, so they bypass it completely and see nothing wrong with it. pubescent teens on the other hand actually perceive and actively seek out sexuality, so they're interested in it and enjoy those character and character design traits

The Master Chief has freckles and he's genetically perfect, just one small imperfection doesn't make the whole imperfect.

>chief has freckles

343 has a unique talent at doing that

>triggered incel calls any attractive woman a slut
kek, kill yourself

Somebody didn't read the Fall of Reach.

Samus is military. Military women are super sluts.

>when you post in /r9k/ and Sup Forums for so long that slut no longer has any sexual connotations to you and it just reminds you of cuckoldry
you need to stop browsing those boards


Wearing a standard issue "super hero" suit that covers most of her body makes her a slut?
Are you a fucking muslim or something OP because that statement of yours was retarded.

What the fuck? I thought Metroids were about the size of a human head.
It's the last time I trust fanart.

Depends on how much energy they've consumed. They grown in size. This is observable in most games.

Oh. Well it's my first Metroid no bully pls

it's a beauty mark and is my fetish

>just one small imperfection doesn't make the whole imperfect
Nigga do you even read what you type?

That's okay. You've got good times ahead of you if that's the only metroid you've played. You've got the whole series to play!

She's not genetically perfect, she was infused with Chozo DNA so that she could live with the chozo planet conditions

Her face, body, and hair are perfect so having one small beauty mark isn't going to change that.

Look at that body man, that's genetic perfection.

Wasn't zero mission released like a decade ago?

That body can be torn by weapons. It can decay. It can be frozen. It has to be protected by a suit. It's not perfect.

I blame Metroid Fusion, that's when they started making her flabby.

So does Master Chief, your point?

I wouldn't mind the completely fan fiction moveset if she was using like, the boots from her suit or something instead of random rocket heels.

My point is, if she was genetically perfect, she wouldn't need technology to survive. Her skillful use of technology allows her to defeat organisms that are genetically superior to her.

But Master Chief is genetically perfect yet needs all of that.

reminder that D.VA is a samus ripoff

>Shit flying everywhere
>Can't destroy anything
>Wasted my super missiles multiple times
Fuck. I hate having to turn on my brain.

>CRT filter on a fucking GBA

what is wrong with you

Playing on my TV and I don't have a legit CRT to play old games on, this is as far as I'm getting with that.
Also GBA is just a portable SNES, I don't see the problem.


Report and hide waifu threads. Fucks sake aren't you dipshits tired of the same insipid, meaningless garbage every day? Multiple times a day? It's literally the same threads, same replies, same awful fanart on repeat.

Chozo didn't give enough of a shit to overwrite that one.

Fuck off, Snake. Can't talk shit when you have a waifu yourself.

Because they knew they could never make a proper metroid game ever again so they gradually replaced Samus' image as a badass space bounty hunter with a generic blonde bimbo.

>that cold bitch face

Literally the point of being perfect is that you don't have any imperfections

I want Samus and Master Chief to fuck even though chances are they can't have children.


Same for the word pedo


God the mole is so ugly.

fuck off faggot



>Her face, body, and hair are perfect so having one small beauty mark isn't going to change that
user, you keep using that word, "perfect", but I don't think you know what it means. Something perfect is completely free from defects or errors. A mole is an error. Get it together, Nintenfag.

I fixer her up for ya.

Not him, this image is better.

She's perfect to me and that's all that matters.

>image with the imperfection is better

Nigga that is some incredibly shit taste you have there. Why want the inferior product? You're not very smart.

In your fan art, she looks better with the mole, next time try drawing her face better without the mole like Nintendo does,

The mole is shit no matter who paints it on her face. Any piece featuring her is significantly reduced in quality when the mole is present. You'd know this if you weren't a retard, but unfortunately it looks like this objective truth is beyond your grasp. How sad.

You don't like the mole because it came from a shit game, I can care less about that shit game because Samus design was the only good thing that came from it. Makes me wonder if you're a certain someone who got his brain mentally fucked up by that piece of shit released in 2010.

can you sound anymore like an autistic virgin?

slut is a woman with more than 1 partner on her vagina's history

>legitimately thinking Samus had a decent design in Other M of all fucking things

The art direction in that game was shit on all fronts, and the worst casualty of it was Samus herself. Generall this is agreed on but some people just have naturally bad taste I guess.

You're posting in a Samus waifu thread, do you seriously think that is some sort of insult?

Good bait, user

the entire point of chief isn't that he's the best, it's that he's the luckiest of all the spartans
source:read halo books

But Bungie and 343 stated he is a hyper-lethal vector, so luck isn't also a factor. I follow what the games say over the books especially in the Fall of Reach's case since that's a Bungie era book and with Bungie era books it's Games > Books.

You're the only one with shit taste, man.

I want old /fit/ Samus back goddammit. Not this latex twig shit.