What games shows the slow decay of the villain?

What games shows the slow decay of the villain?

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stubbs the zombie

Final Fantasy 7

my peanus weenus of course :)


it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)

my answer, of course, my peanus weenus :D


can someone link that video


when will barb die already

You think he was in the Charlottesville riot?

You mean bioware's decay right?


>And I just won!...

>implying he's the villain

>Implying Chris wasn't once the hero that became the villain

He is a villian, but not a particularly evil or clever one.

>"Hear Hear! While I do not like him, I will tolerate Trump for at least making a statement in response; good words. Let's reform Trump like Fluttershy reforming Discord. A malignant narcissist, but perhaps we in the Brony Community can help him better himself. I realize I have spoken worse against him before for his bad choices in the first months as POTUS; not a thing to be proud of, but I also can see in if Melana married him, she must have seen something good in his heart at least once, "Filthy Rich" aside. This is a good comparison: Trump and Melana vs Discord and Fluttershy. With open hearts, MLP, and sociology, we can overcome such hatred with our combination of Love, Compassion and Support, for and with each other. "

>"@realDonaldTrump I was reluctant to respond to you on Twitter, but I am inspired to do so now. You are like Discord; look him up, "God of Chaos" in Equestria; you'll like his brand of discord. We, the people, have allowed you, more or less, to have room to be yourself, but as POTUS, some bad choices were made; a Lot. We can voice disagreement, or keep it whispered. Point Being, we all wanted to let you be our friend, and we in return. You could practice more sincere kindness and compassion. But we can only tolerate the chaos for only so long until we feel we each have to assert ourselves and be Not Your Friend. The answer for this quiz question for you, sir, is the realization of us, your ex friends, are what you need in your life to feel happier; not money. Take a page from Discord in the episode, "Keep Calm and Flutter On" for yourself. You will thank yourself. Thank you for reading and listening. Open Hearts, and Caring People, Make a Difference. "

What did he mean by this?

what games show the instantaneous moment your mind fucking shatters into a million pieces after smoking a fucking bush

is that the fallout 4 theme?

How did things come to this, lads?


It's "Time" from Inception.

You mean Crisis Core?

There was no hope for him ever. I think the only way he would've had a hope in hell is if he was born in the 50's before the internet. Instead of existing as a spectacle of madness for millions to see and him to gleefully broadcast he'd just be some local weirdo locked away by his parents in his Virginia home.



Are you talking about weed or some other crazy ass shit?

Doopie did nothing wrong.


I think Chris might be an alpha stuck in an autist's body.

Wait i unironically believe in mind powers (siddhis - google it)

Can't believe he's actually expressing them

Truly the strength of autism has no bounds

What Im wondering is who the hell drew his twitter icon for him? He doesn't seem to have any friends left.

Doopie drew it.

Chris paid her to draw him, and since the money was good she accepted. Poor Doopie didn't realize that being a girl and paying even a modicum of attention to Chris means you're his new heartsweet.

LSD: dream emulator

Oh my friend, you are in for a brand new saga. Long story short, some psycho tranny named Doopie, quite the character, Chris donated to him, got a commission done, and since Chris thinks it's a girl he went 100% Chris and has gone to harassing him on twitter over direct messages claim to be best friends, you know the usual Chris psychopathic tendencies.

She is the hero we need.

Doopie's not a tranny, that's just something trolls say.

That said, she's not a boyfriend-free girl. Chris blocked her boyfriend on Twitter while hitting on her.


>not posting the link


I know his an asshole and he deserves everything he got, but this video, makes me feel.

Is this Doopie person mentally ill as well? Why would he keep responding to Chris? He's only making it worse.

Doopie seems sane compared to Christ, at least. I still feel bad for Doopie simply because being stalked and harassed by Chris is something no one deserves.

>I believe in the alternate dimensions where each set of our animated characters reside and live their lives
I love how he drops this like its the most normal thing in the world.

Oh that

Girls on the internet dont know how to deal with trolls or autists like chris

When will we get a CWC game? There was that Earthbound styled one that got abandoned but nothing else. I want an action game that goes off of Chris's version of the events in his life. MGR style bossfights against Mary Lee Walsh, Snyder, and the trolls.

Wait, isn't doopie a trap?

wtf I love trump now?!

It's a man, m8. encyclopediadramatica.rs/Doopie_DoOver

What's going to happen to Christine when Barb kicks the bucket? Will she be homeless?

What's MGR?

>I know his an asshole and he deserves everything he got

Considering he was basically damned from birth, not really. Chris couldn't help having autism, nor could he help having shitty parents, and those are the factors that led to his downward spiral.

In its own perverse way, it's actually kind of inspiring how Chris managed to turn himself into a sort of celebrity. Sure, it's still a miserable existence, but at least people will notice when he dies. There are a million other autistic manchildren me included who can't say the same.


>the factors that led to his downward spiral
Pretty sure it was the trolling on Sup Forums that first made it really bad for him. In a sense, we're the villains of the story, we're responsible for what he's become.

Metal Gear Rising

I've heard this before but never seen any proof or allegations outside of ED which also has no sources.

He will be a burden of the state after that.

Oh god...
She will probably be assigned a state care taker to check on her.

He was already far gone by then. That's why anyone even cared in the first place.

When the Internet discovered Chris he was carrying around the Attraction Sign, getting in trouble with Jerkops, ranting about Mary Lee Walsh, drawing Sonichu, and stalking Megan.

The trolls certainly didn't do Chris' mental health any favors, but he was already a wreck when they found him.

CWC will kick the bucket first, Barb will keep CWC's death a secret, and keep releasing videos that CWC prerecorded and post on his FB to make it seem he's still alive so she can get CWC's monthly 6k tugboat.

I felt the same until I read about Doopie. Usual tranny drama omg I have ten bajillion mental disorders gib moni. Pretty fucked up individual, but not heinous enough to deserve the wrath of Chris. Only Wu and Sharkesian deserve that.


You know, if Chris stopped eating like shit, exercised a little, actually took showers, stopped dressing like a clown, and got a part time job, he could probably find a real desperate girl and have a happy ending. But those simple things are too hard for him.

I think the reason we see Chris Chan as so tragic is because, in a way, he represents everything wrong with modern society today.

His entire situation is a result of the fact that he is able to stay within his own bubble, never having to change or learn to tolerate people who don't agree with him. His parents further encourage this behavior by giving him everything he could ever want, and this only makes him believe that he is correct in demanding things from people. I know a lot of people like to blame his autism for the way he is, but autism alone is not the reason why he's like this. There are plenty of autistic people who go on to live fulfilling lives, while the opposite is true as well, and we end up getting people like Chris.

This type of behavior is eerily similar to how so many people today act.They choose to stay indoors and get everything they need from the internet, so that they never actually have to put up with other people ever again. This type of lifestyle is damaging to the human psyche in the long term, and is the reason why we have people like SJWs who will literally throw tantrums if they don't get their way. it's a result of being coddled your whole life and never actually having to learn how to deal with accepting that people will have different views from your own; Whereas back in the day, everyone had to learn how to get along and were essentially forced to deal with tough situations as they appeared, as opposed to today where you can just go onto social media, blame others for your shortcomings, and get showered in people reaffirming this belief.

Chris is a perfect example of what is wrong with society today: Why bother admitting that you're wrong and trying to better yourself, when you can just blame everyone else and stay in your own echo chamber for the rest of your life? He's a warning to the rest of us: not of what may, but what WILL happen as technology progresses to the point where we can just have machines do everything for us.

>Chris is 35 years old
>Sonichu was created 17 years ago
>Chris started being trolled 10 years ago
>Bob died 6 years ago
>we're all watching the years go by and decaying right along with him


Will we ever be able to get Chris the credit he deserves for making the first Let's Play?

The biggest factor was that his parents were shitty and absolutely refused to get him any help when he was young. If he saw a psychiatrist, went to a special school, got regular he'd definitely be in a better place at the least. They created this monster, the internet and his narcissism just fuels him.

>Chris did a Let's Play of Animal Crossing before Let's Plays were even a thing and got featured in MOTHERFUCKING NINTENDO POWER for it

And I've just won!

No, PewDiePie took CWC's spotlight and basked it all of its glory, imagine if CWC became PDP famous.

If he wasn't such an autist, I think he'd be some who would browse /r9k/ unironically.

And it wasn't even the last time Nintendo Power featured him.

tearing up guys
life isn't fair


For someone who's supposed to be a complete loser, Chris sure does have a lot cool things that have happened for him.

How the fuck is he so documented?
His life is a series of coincidences that just always put him in the limelight somehow.

After presidents, CWC is the most documented man in the internet.

Check her voice on her videos. It varies video per video. I am not agreeing with ED. All I can say it's questionable.

And ED was always correct for me for the e-celeb/shitheads I know so I don't really doubt some of the basic info but everything else is exaggerated.

Holy fucking shit, there's going to museums dedicated to him once he dies.

this is really depressing

Don't forget about the

>Homos and Niggers

Would he have been fine without all the bullying?

He constantly expressed his need to breed and keep his genes alive, the purpouse of every living being, but completely lacked the social tools to make something decent out of all that energy and frustration.
Knowing something's wrong with you, while feeling bad and unfullfilled, while a bunch of people accomplishing everything you want to do mock you internationally... I know Chris is both autistic and an idiot, but even he must have realized at some point and ended up burying it.

How did people discover this? Did he mention it, or was it independently discovered? Imagine the feeling of knowing about Chris and finding him in the magazine without knowing he'd been featured in it.

I don't watch or like PDP but I assume he has some sort of charm or charisma. Chris never would of made it because he's awkward, cringey, and makes people uncomfortable but not in a fun way.



what if cwc was Truman?

He likes to brag about the good things in his life.

Wanna know my favorite weird Chris coincidence?

There's this genealogy website with NO AFFILIATION TO TROLLS AT ALL dedicated to documenting all the direct descendants of a 19th-century Virginian named William Wynn.

As luck would have it, Chris is William Wynn's great-great-great-grandson, and so someone who has no idea of Chris' infamy independently compiled Chris' entire maternal family history.


Speaking of Chris' family, Cole is going to be a villain in the new Sonichu issue. I hope we see his MONEY TO PISS AND BURN bin again.

It's not hard for someone lookin at NP for nostalgia that knows about him to stumble across it.

When he dies, do you think there'll be a huge spike in interest among the general public? I could see a biopic being made one day. Who would play Chris though?

That bald guy from the office

That's the Mass Effect series as a whole. Saren's decline and regret was just foreshadowing.


CWC is like a dark version of the Truman show.
An absolute trainwreck of an existence.

Okay it's been bothering me for days now, is Doopie a real chick or a trap?

God the fact that he went transgender after spending so long proclaiming his straightness and having such trouble with women is so cliche, but it actually happened.

I think it's almost become that, but put together by a dedicated community as opposed to a corporate production.

>this man's descendant is Chris

Jesus he's probably ready to die all over again.

>is Doopie a real chick or a trap?


>he doesn't know why he did this
user, he's a "lesbian transgender".
Him turning tranny was/is literally just another ploy to get laid.

Is death the only way out for chris?

He is not suffering, he is too stupid to suffer, but in the eyes of everyone he is living hell.

I mean, try to describe his life in less than 2000 letters and post it, people will then comment the things you forgot to add, adding them to the text would just make his life sound more horrible, he is too stupid to care his life will go on and it will only get worse, he doesnt acknowledge his errors, he wont notice he cut his dick or that he burned his house.

I dont even want to go on with this