New trailer just released today.
EOV is coming out in 2 months. Let's have a thread to discuss the series.
>favorite game
>favorite class
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth
Other urls found in this thread:
shame there are no more human lolis..
was gonna make a party with this guy plus 4 lolis.
When will they tell you exactly how much a skill gives you? Having to look up guides to know not to level a skill up because of shitty diminishing returns is stupid.
Gonna be my GOTY for sure, hopefully they'll release the FM soundtrack DLC at launch.
What if it sucks?
How's the reception been in Japan? Better than IV?
Sold less than 4 did.
>Take this~
Thank god for that no voice option.
Does it come with Japanese voices?
Yeah Atlus USA priorities are fucked up
>7th Dragon 3 last year was JP voice only
>localize a bunch of shitty non-Atlus games before EO5
>a year a 2 months later, with English dub only
I'm glad I did the right thing and imported the Japanese collectors edition, it is really fucking nice. Enjoy those shitty "bonuses" you.
>those stupid fucking voices
Yeah the lack of loli is pretty noticable. You can blame the new races for that; there's so few human options. I don't really think it was worth it, especially considering having set base stats means they're only viable as a few of the classes too.
>Enjoy those shitty "bonuses" you.
>save code
i can choose my own color palette with this?
thanks mang
>English dub only
Day 1 pirate,hopefully sooner if it leaks early like the JP version
what's even the point of voice acting in eo
>voice acting
>dub only
>hardly any lolis
Wtf, this guy was a male all along?
Lolis? What lolis? Himukai is a breast man.
Panic voices in eou2 were great
>I'm scared
>ha ha ha ha ha
I want to fuck a potato
Arianna had the best one
>Off with their head!
The general rule in case you can't figure out a certain gender for the portraits is that there will always be 2 guys and 2 girls.
Finally made it to the 6th dungeon in IV, literally no fun allowed: The Map
also, cant beat the boss, send help
It looks really good. The art on the back of the box is incredible. Pretty pricey now, but I kinda want it for the box and art book alone.
Just grind and learn the colors.
>Binding Cestus tree
>Skill names are not wrasslin moves
Who's gonna do an Isekai protagonist?
>using boys
They're aren't enough useless classes or I'd do a konosuba team.
>not using a balanced party where you ship half the cast
Waste of a portrait. Could've brought back another legacy portrait.
>maxed out healer
>maxed out tank
>maxed out [insert strongest spell and strongest spell only] magician
>low level linksword
>Using exclusively girls
I always have 3 guys and 2 girls in one party.
>4 down, 4 over
>bottom row, 2nd over
It's so hot when a girl folds her arms and pushes out her boobs.
>not using seasoned veteran looking old men
you can still ship the cast with an all girls party
so with the way class specialization works does that mean if I want a gun dragoon I'll need another tank?
Yuri is exactly what I want in my video games.
Gun Dragoons have access to bunkers. Not sure how effective they are against aoes, but you don't need another tank if you're hiding behind a wall.
Japan said it's much better than IV. But EO sales in Japan haven't been great lately.
There's literally no reason to use a dragoon sprite that isn't hers.
so I can use gun focus dragoon with fencer, masurao, warlock, and one of the midget classes and still be safe enough?
Yes, especially since you'll be using either a Shaman or Herbalist, both of which help with mitigation. One of them, bunkers, and maybe some magic defense from the warlock, and you got your defensive bases covered.
What happened, anyway? Why did V sell so much less?
Untold 1 and 2 having sharp drops in sales I can understand, i fucking despise those, but V got great reviews in Japan and their EO fans all say it's the best since EO3.
>Why did V sell so much less?
It sold a little bit less than 3k less, calm down
>Be Isekai protagonist
>Lost in some magic world
>Run into a deer
>Fucking die
>tfw I got into this series because my little sister decided to ask for EO1U because it had a cute blonde anime girl on the front
>we both played them all now
Can't fucking wait, even with that "meh" dub.
>so much less
It only sold a little less and IIRC 5 followed u2 which was one of the worst received games over there due to all the dlc. 5 specifically toned back dlc to mostly cosmetic and sf music shit to avoid a similar issue.
>i fucking despise those
Why? For being outright improvements over their originals? Does story mode trigger you so much?
>Best music in the series and one of the most accomplished JRPG soundtracks of all time
>Return to classic dungeon crawling without unwanted padding
>lolis mostly replaced with actual character designs
It's perfect, I can't wait
Do you recommend getting into this series? If so, where should I start?
I may as well ask here. Does anyone know how to get pirated dlc working with untold 2?
Don't say just buy it, I can't in europoor land
>For being outright improvements over their originals?
>U1 made several classes unfun to use
>U2 had retarded HP bloat
And honestly, maybe if the story mode wasn't so fucking terrible, I'd care less about it, but it's offensively bad, especially U1. Hell, the only character I like from both games is Bertrand.
>Do you recommend EO
>In an EO thread
Yes. Start with III, IV, or Untold I. Highly recommend IV if you want to start with the easiest entry.
>Do you recommend getting into this series?
If you like old-school dungeon crawlers where narrative takes a back seat to resource management and character building, yes. It's not a series for everyone, though.
>If so, where should I start?
EOIV is probably the best place to start, it's a lot more lenient towards newcomers and literally any party composition is viable.
Try the demo for EOU or EO4 on the 3ds. I recommend starting with EOU on Classic mode, Expert difficulty for the most authentic EO experience.
Monk had three males in 3 though
Come on now.
red monk is a girl, user
Just because you can turn into a chick doesn't mean you actually are one, Ranma
The DLC negativity thing was really exaggerated. It came out the week Pokemon and Smash came out in Japan, what did you think would hppen to sales?
Will it have dual audio?
No, it was known from the second that it was announced that it's Eng dub only
Are there any other dungeon crawlers coming out soon that I should be paying attention to?
I want to play them all.
One step forward and one step back with Altus, eh?
Well as long as the number of voice options are the same an undub .cia should be easy to make
>Played every EO so far
>Only one I've finished is PQ
The best part is that Atlus USA announced the SJ remake for localization before it even released in Japan AND it's JP voices only. I'm surprised they still even gave a shit to localize this
>Only one month until remake
Fuck I'm hyped for the amount of new content.
it's an atlus game, why would it?
I second this opinion.
the Bushi in IV were cooler
but where's mystery dungeon 2
>If so, where should I start?
You should try out the game that EO is based off of, because it's much shorter, so you'll be able to quickly tell if you like it or not without having to invest in a lot of time and skill. Look up a game called Wizardry 4 and try that out.
So you started with Millennom girl?
Yeah, it was pretty much on a whim.
Who fucking cares, the first game was complete ass.
At the end of this month. Got that 10th anniversary box preordered already, a shame they had to bundle it with a shitty spin off
Just unlocked Imperial in IV. Got a Fortress/Dancer, Landsknecht/Bushi Night Seeker unsubbed, Runemaster unsubbed, and Arcanist/Medic , should I swap NS for the new one? What subclasses should I pick for them? I'm new and having a hard time deciding.
How's this game compared to 2? I'm playing 2 untold and so far it has the most fun dungeons and challenging encounters by far. And I just love that there are so many classes you can play, each with two different styles, because in 4 I felt so suffocated by how little variety there was.
I'm very surprised that Moero turned out to be so much better than Demon Gaze. Only thing is that the encounter rate is a little crazy.
Go arcanist for your nighseeker and that delicious aliment boost/tp recovery, literally free throws.
Runemaster/imperial has an neat tp absorb/element boost.
>because in 4 I felt so suffocated by how little variety there was.
It was so fucking bad in that regard, I REALLY dislike repeating classes/subclasses in my main party. but it basically forced you to.
Not to mention locking classes until late 40s/early 50s.
>the complete lack of lolis
You have potato healers I can't tell the difference of.
>not using a party of exclusively traps
Then the first one you get is arcanist and it really outclasses the basic healer, archery binds, and dark hunter ailments all at once.
And bushi is a better landsketch.
And imperial is a better landsketch and runemaster.
best boy
That's not the Outland Count.
>12 classes in 2 and 3
>4 and 5 only has 10 classes
Why are there fewer classes since the series went to the 3DS?
Quality > quantity
Got stuck against the 6th boss, i think my party comp is a fucking mess, thoughts?
>And imperial is a better landsketch and runemaster.
I don't know about that, personally because I never used imperials (only as a subclass), but my lightning runemaster+elec-link landsnack wrecked everyone's fucking anus.
I heard they were disgustingly OP with the right combos though.