Why was there so much controversy over Hatred letting you kill innocent people...

Why was there so much controversy over Hatred letting you kill innocent people, yet you can do the exact same thing in Grand Theft Auto and there was never any controversy over those games?

>there was never any controversy over those games


because, muh feminism!

>and there was never any controversy over those games

How young are you?

Literally one google search proves you entirely wrong



Context. GTA has other objectives and is about being a crimelord overall. Hatred is literally just about being a mass shooter killing innocents.

What was his name again?

It's okay when a game came up in controversies enough that no one even react anymore and other games need to start taking the blame.

Noah Tim Portant

Mediocre top down shooter. No real point just like an actual mass shooter. Play Hotline Miami.

the game isn't even all that good

Because the American (((media))) claimed the Hatred devs were white supremicsts because they don't understand eastern European culture and therefore the game should have been banned for wrongthink. Meanwhile these same faggots in the (((media))) cheered when they thought Far Cry 5 was going to be all about murdering white Christians.

Postal did it first and still didn't get the kind of hysterical coverage that Hatred did.

It's okay when niggers and poor people do it. Not so much when it's done by a metalhead Sup Forumsack.

Because GTA "parodies" (read: mocks) Americans, so anything they do in GTA games is acceptable.

The mowing down civilians was optional in GTA.

In Hatred it necessary.

It wouldn't be hard to find a mission in GTA that involves killing a minimum amount of civilians in a certain period of time.

Like an actual story mission, not just the rampage mini-games.

is BLM the new KKK?

That picture justifies my racism.

>they thought Far Cry 5 was going to be all about murdering white Christians.

It's not?

Yes it would. Because there are absolutely 0.

Ubisoft made a point of showing off a demo that had a bunch of different races being shot at E3.

All that controversy and yet it was complete garbage as a game.
