What are some games set in modern day asia?
What are some games set in modern day asia?
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Yakuza series. Persona series.
Man if only sleeping dogs was a good game.
Absolutely horrible opinions my man
Unironic contrarian. It was garbage
How to make this game harder?
Rainy Japanese levels are always the best
What didn't you like about it? It had a great setting, good combat, interesting characters, excellent soundtrack and story. The only thing lacking was the driving
So sad that united front split killing any chance of a sleeping dogs 2
I'm guessing Square will make a new game if the movie does well but I'm worried since it'll be a new dev
I forgot that was a thing.
The movie is going to suck and it won't do well.
Movies don't have to be good to make money
guys when is Sleeping Dogs' sequel coming out?
It still won't make enough money or get popularity for the series so that Square decides to make a sequel
I loved it. Felt like a martial arts movie. Would pick sleeping dogs over GTA saints row anyday
Combat was fun but got old fast, not enough complexities, or environmental kills. Guns were atrocious, driving wasn't great but bearable.
It gets a 9/10 in atmosphere and the city is nice but ultimately its story and the game itself become a drag.
I never once thought the combat got boring? I constantly replayed played the game just to fight people
Sleeping Dogs was great, reinstalling now.
Did something happen to the devs?
Combat was pretty fun, I've replayed the game a couple of times. It gets deeper as you progress, you unlock new moves and new types of enemies show up, but even the basic stuff is tons of fun.
Replaying this game I never noticed how good the voice acting is. It's seriously better than GTA V
They shut down in October since SE held the Sleeping Dogs IP hostage.
Great voice acting and memorable characters makes a game go a long way. SD was also super well optimized.
Speaking as someone from HK, they got that background chatter nailed the fuck down.
Isn't the new volition game set in South Korea?
It looks very okay but the lack of online and what I can only assume, large amounts of dlc put me off. Also I know how their missions are and they are super boring and basic
Best song in Sleeping Dogs, prove me wrong
Sleeping Dogs is full of great songs, and I wouldn't even put that one in the top 50.