One chance at the game of life

>one chance at the game of life
> born with crappy stats

well start grinding then, duh

>tfw born with high insight

>TFW born with the redpilled trait
>TFW to intelligent too respect women and niggers

I hate the Sup Forumstard curse. This is why I always spec my characters with 11 INT minimum. Gets completely rid of any chances of that happening.

>STR: 1

this bluepilled faggot has only an 11 point IQ. Explains a great deal desu.

>Not knowing how stats work
>Says "bluepilled"
Sounds like you specced your character wrong

>tfw to intelligent to properly allocate stat points

I wish there was a way to ruthlessly min/max yourself irl, even if it meant people fucking hated you for it.

like being able to death punch any living being with a ridiculously buffed strength stat

>like being able to death punch any living being with a ridiculously buffed strength stat

Mike Tyson?

>born with average INT
>now a 2nd year medical student

fuck all you lazy geniuses. losers! you don't deserve to procreate.

Any good jew builds? Everyone says its easy mode but I'm not owning a large bank or someshit

probably couldn't death punch a silverback or a whale

I'm talking actually breaking-the-game type shit, to the point where people despise you for being an exploitative dickhead

>tfw born with decent stats but bad stat growth

>he doesn't know games have different stats
>he probably doesnt even play bideo bames
>he's too dumb to know with his 11point IQ
>it's amazing he can take a break from drooling and window licking to even post

o i am laffin

>born with autism debuff
>low stats on everything
>several common moves next to impossible to perform
>people refuse to accept this and call me a lazy idiot
>no upside, not even money

>born with great stats
>don't do anything with them

there is a difference between video games and reality

Stats go from 0 to 20, you retard. And even if we were talking about a 11 IQ, that's still the MINIMUM to not be a Sup Forumstard. Learn your shit, faggot.

>he doesn't grind

heh, maybe for you, kid

>want to grind exp and shit
>no guild recruiters want to hire me

>One chance at the game of life
>Spend most of it keeping to myself and not getting into fights, drugs, etc
>People still taunt and grief me for no real reason even though I just want to be left alone
>Mods will often take their side because they think I'm weird for not being like every other player

>tfw got pretty good stats
>starting area had two AMAZING coaches that taught me how to play the game very well

>whole run ruined because RNGesus gave me the "Depression" negative modifier
>Local potion dealer gave me some good herbs to counter act the stat hit for the negative modifier, so everything was alright for a bit
>Potion dealer failed to mention that the herbs sometimes stop working and you get hit with a new negative modifier called "tardive dysphoria" that's pretty much "Depression 2.0"
>both the negative modifiers stack


>not starting your own guild
it's a true sandbox game bro

take some green kratom yo.
also stop being dumb and gay.
did you know the chances for hemoglobin like protein being created through random chance is 10^-200?
Also, the guess for the number of atoms in the universe is 10^82 and the guess for the number of seconds in the universe is 6.3*10^20.
Really makes you think.

>He didn't spec enough into INT so he could gain the "rationale" passive trait

>he thinks IQ is a relevant metric in 2017
low IQ

tfw too pussy to lead over voice

>born with almost perfect stats
>forced into boss fights when your level was still too low

>I'm talking actually breaking-the-game type shit, to the point where people despise you for being an exploitative dickhead

tfw born in a bugged out server

>one chance at the game of life
>born with black hair

It's not a bug it's a feature

>don't get either race bonus
>get the worst penalties for both

>grinding is too hard
>decide to just sit in one location waiting for an event to come to me

>born with great stats
>hate games that make you grind

>could fix athletics and smarts by exercising and reading a book
>can never fix being a manlet


>born with high luck, decent stats all around, sweet racial bonus to CHA
>squander it
>obtain mulligan due to luck

Something is looking out for me because I really don't deserve this.