Are they the Platinum Games of fightan?

Are they the Platinum Games of fightan?
>Worshipped by contrarian weebs online, irrelevant to the masses
>All their original IPs play the same
>Uses cash grab licenses to hide their lack of originality
>Generic buttrock soundtracks
>Le curayzee xD

Seriously, first Sup Forums wanted every weebshit IP to get a character action game from Platinum, now they want every weebshit IP to get a fighting game from Arc Sys.

Other urls found in this thread:

>irrelevant to the masses
Fuck the masses, if anything that's a positive, look what embracing the 'masses' did to capcom

Get real, if Arc Sys could capture the masses the way Capcom, Namco and Netherrealm do, you know they'd kill for it. Money first.

>generic soundtrack

Capcom already had the masses back in the 90s, when they were making all the games people now claim are masterpieces.

Small miracle then, because that would be awful.

>le bait post

>So cinematic and epic orchestra xD
>Operatic vocals
>Not generic
Try again nigger

Don't worry, Arc will be bankrupt along with SNK and Iron Galaxy because they chose their "core fans" over a mainstream audience. Maybe if they didn't feel the need to pander to pedos they would sell a fraction of what Injustice and Tekken did.

>generic buttrock
>implying Ishiwatari isn't God

What the fuck is buttrock


You got lazy

Buttrock is any generic radio friendly rock music composed to appeal to dudebros and edgy teenagers.

>Don't worry, Arc will be bankrupt along with SNK and Iron Galaxy because they chose their "core fans" over a mainstream audienc
ArcSys has been going strong for awhile with BB and GG with Under-Night In-Birth under their ring AND a hyped DBZ fighter, they're tending to their hardcore audience quite well. The miracles of not letting your budget get overinflated.

>Pirate lolis and underage monster girls
>Not pedo pandering

I want fighting games from Examu

Goobers are a joke they get bodied in any game that actually require an IQ above 40

As opposed to Capcom's Japanese schoolgirls?

>Under-Night In-Birth
Pretty sure they're just the publishers

>The Evo champion of Irrelevator got destroyed by Chris Tatarian's Ken
How embarrassing.
Street Fighter V has one (1) schoolgirl on the roster. Arc's weebshit trash have at least 10 lolis each.

This single track has more personality than anything in street fighter v

Hence 'under their wing'
they're apparently on good enough terms to outright assist UNIB's devs out with the series and see them good enough to join a crossover game with their own inhouse IPs.

I'm just agitated at ArcSys fans because it almost feels like a cycle with them.
>P4A comes out
>buy cause Purse Owner fan
>love the gameplay very much
>love the sequel too
>excited to play with everyone
>nobody wants to play with me cause Xrd just came out
>don't like any of the character designs on GG or the gameplay
>people still egg me on to buy it when Revelator drops
>Central Fiction drops
>everyone stops playing GG
>now everyone wants me to buy BB
>only like one character when trying out BB and she's DLC
>but it's fun
>finally work up the cash to afford the game + DLC while it's on sale past living expenses
>get ready to play with everyone
>everyone dropped BB cause Rev 2 just came out
>everyone wants me to buy Rev 2 now
Fuck off, when I say I don't like Guilty Gear, I don't like it. How about we play something that can last a goddamn year of company & playerbase support next time?


What's buttrock?

There is no shame in losing to the one player sponsored by god himself.

>Decent God-fearing American white boy bodying degenerate otaku with a blonde family man from the USA
Is Chris T /ourguy/?

>How about we play something that can last a goddamn year of company & playerbase support next time?
So... Guilty Gear? Anyways if you wanna play Blazblue, you better brush up on your Japanese.

acquire taste and an argument and maybe i'll reply again

Why does every song in GG sound like background music for a Bowflex infomercial? Are goobers too mentally underdeveloped to understand complex music genres?

>complex music genres
I come from a musical family, do explain "complex genres"

>I come from a musical family
Lmaoooo inheriting your dad's shitty acoustic guitar and playing Stairway to Heaven at family gatherings doesn't mean you know music theory. Try listening to a genre that isn't rock for once.

You didn't answer his question. What is "complex genres", you spurging faggot?

snk should hire examu to make the next SamSho and outsource the models

I'd love to see it happen. I doubt it will but it'd be cool to see Examu back on SamSho.

Look at the SFV OST, there are songs for every genre you can think of.

Compare that to the OSTs in Arc Sys games, which are nothing but the same unmelodic guitar riffs and fake drums with no variety whatsoever.

Also, learn to spell "sperging" next time, please. Then again, I suppose I should expect goobers to be illiterate.

I'm just wondering what does SFV have to do with any of this

SFV's OST isn't bad, I'll download that later.
However you still haven't defined "complex genres".

Goobers are incapable of talking about their game without comparing it to SFV. They have a serious inferiority complex.
>Someone shit talks GG

Just because there's different genres doesn't automatically make it good, I believe there are things about music, especially rock, that you don't seem to understand.

>Arc's weebshit trash have at least 10 lolis each
Let's see
>Pretty much just Jam, all the other women are either adults, artificial humans made to either grow fast or look like that out of the oven
>BB which is more weeb
>Just two lolis, the rest being also either adults or artificial humans
>UNIB, which isn't even their game
>Two lolis, the rest are actual adults, straight up
At least I think the ones with the power fists is a loli, I hadn't really looked her up much.

Me either but I do agree with the notion that Daisuke Ishiwatari is a mediocre composer, and that the music in Xrd (most of which isn't by himi anyway) is similarly underwhelming.

You mean May.

Nigga what

>BB which is more weeb
Stop right there. They're the same exact shit to everyone except the most autistic of Arc Sys fans. Guilty Gear and Blazblue are completely interchangable, there are no significant differences.

I've never believed in shill threads until now. So many fucking positive SFV and Infinite threads out of fucking nowhere the past couple months while simultaneously there are threads bashing every otherfighting game, or falseflagging as one non-capcom fighting game fanbase picking a fight with another non-capcom fighting game fanbase. It's so obvious.


But no "goober" compared the 2 it was a SFV person that did

Ok now I know you're just shitposting about games you never played or researched before. i'm going to bed.

the character themes in SFV are largely forgettable and trash though.SFV's standout soundtracks are the stage themes.

>Dragon Ball has one setup so the line is bigger
>Marvel has at least ten so the lines are smaller

The fuck, how did I confuse Jam with May?


>Literally the first response is a B-BUT CAPCOM

Stop thinking about them legs, man, and focus on what you're typing.


While you could probably put some characters from one series in the other, the two's aesthestic is still pretty different. They are anime from two different eras

>people are still biting Frank's bait

You faggots never learn.

>Goobers turning the thread into /e/
Is this why they always resort to bitching about Chun Li and Ibuki's faces? Because their only critera for a good fighting game is if they can fap to the characters? Must be why their games are easy enough to play with one hand.



>Face and body of a child but with huge tits and animal parts
Is this what goobers think is attractive?

Ah, I see you are gay. Here is some Venom for you then.

Fucking hell I love Maniacpaint

Jack-O / I-No

In that order

>White haired sissy faggot with an outfit made of belts
>This is what goobers consider good character design

>angry duckbutt missed his train

I see Venom was too intimidating for you. Not to worry, I think this next character should tickle your fancy.

>outfit made of belts
It's not anime without surplus belts

I wish Nightmare Fiction moved to Ragna vs Terumi or the two of them got their own theme.

It's been like that since they did the FOTNS game twelve fucking years ago you slow-ass tard.

Even then May isn't really a loli anymore, she's like in her 20's. But similar to Sakura they have to keep her the same as to not freak out the fans regardless of her age.

I think the best thing about this is how little detail her face has compared to everything else.

>draw a girl and call it a boy
>literal fedora fag

>Astro Boy in a suit

>Weebs are intimidated by men that look like men

Eh, I like French Bread more

How can you like fucking Persona characters and their no-stands, yet complain about disliking GG or BB deaigns?

Post something that comes fucking CLOSE from steet fighter.

They are. DFZ is coming out and they have BlazBlue Cross Tag Team battle shit.
Arc has worked hard for years and they are about to blow up and get the recognition they have had in the FGC for years upon years in the casual community

You're actually praising inconsistency in the aesthetic?

>Capturing the masses and casuals

That's called variety, not inconsistency. But I guess you wouldn't know that, after all your game's top 8s are just the same three characters and players every time.

They need to make a Jojo game

Pottery. How do you know I'm a Capcom fan? What if I told you I was a Tekkenfag?

Persona, RWBY, and to the casuals generic anime will capture as much casuals as possible. Game will sell 200k first 6 weeks and probably break 500k lifetime if they can market it to the anime crowd like theybe been doing

>Being this fucking DELUSIONAL
HahahahaHAHAHAHAHA holy SHIT user. At least if you just said DBZ I would have agreed with you.

They're about to when Dragon Ball Fighter Z absolutely blows MVC out of the water.

This year GG's top 16 ar evo were all different characters. Let that sink in, don't worry I'll wait, I know SF players take time to react.

You faggots are hilarious. I JUST told you I was a Tekkenfag, but your inferiority complex towards Capcom flares up again.

>Hating on arcsys while calling ANYONE contrarian
Are you salty about being bad at fighting games or are you just a really bitter sad person?

ignore him hes one of those vidya OST ONLY kids

To op, anything he doesn't like. He got called out before for calling everything he doesn't like a meme and is moving on to a different buzzword he doesn't understand.

Tekken takes 10 times as much skill as any Arcshitstain Works masher fag.

No one brought up tekken. What are you talking about?

You underestimate the power of crossover
BlazBlue fags will hop on to the core making up maybe 50k lifetime. MAYBE.
UNIEL are adding like 5k at absolute most
Persona fags are easy 50k+
RWBY/RT dweebs will push sales into 200k.
Rest of lifetime goes off of when it becomes $25 in 6 months and people like me who will just buy it and play it. They really need to hardcore market it and if RT actually does that on their site, they can make those numbers jump drastically. They have an extremely loyal fanbase who buys all their shit
DFZ will sell 800k within first 12 months easy.
MvC fans are jumping on it and Dragonball fags. Then theres people like me who dont give a shit about DB but will buy it again to support arc and play a game for fun for a month or two then keep it around for friends

Hapkido is WAY harder to perform than playing tekken, nerd, so eat shit.

Dude, what is Tekken?



What's that, another Judo flavor?

if there's only one thing SF got right, it's the music.

get out of here with your literal shit tastes.